diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index ae92756..908031b 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -6,7 +6,8 @@
- [ ] fix php7.3+ and php8.0
- [ ] fix PSR(1)2 coding style
- [ ] fix translation
-- [ ] update license
+- [x] add dcstore (pre release)
+- [x] update license
- [x] update readme
0.7.3 - 2018.03.12 - Pierre Van Glabeke
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 9fcb53c..0e88440 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ Once it's done you can manage your reports from menu
* Source & contribution : [GitHub Page](https://github.com/JcDenis/dcAdvancedCleaner)
* Packages & details: [Dotaddict Page](https://plugins.dotaddict.org/dc2/details/dcAdvancedCleaner)
* Discuss and help : [Dotclear Forum](https://forum.dotclear.org/viewtopic.php?id=40381)
* Jean-Christian Denis
diff --git a/_admin.php b/_admin.php
index 126ada5..9eb19ba 100644
--- a/_admin.php
+++ b/_admin.php
@@ -1,34 +1,35 @@
- __('Advanced cleaner'),
- 'plugin.php?p=dcAdvancedCleaner',
- 'index.php?pf=dcAdvancedCleaner/icon.png',
- preg_match('/plugin.php\?p=dcAdvancedCleaner(&.*)?$/',$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']),
- $core->auth->isSuperAdmin()
+ __('Advanced cleaner'),
+ 'plugin.php?p=dcAdvancedCleaner',
+ 'index.php?pf=dcAdvancedCleaner/icon.png',
+ preg_match('/plugin.php\?p=dcAdvancedCleaner(&.*)?$/',$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']),
+ $core->auth->isSuperAdmin()
function dcAdvancedCleanerDashboardFavorites($core,$favs)
- $favs->register('dcAdvancedCleaner', array(
- 'title' => __('Advanced cleaner'),
- 'url' => 'plugin.php?p=dcAdvancedCleaner',
- 'small-icon' => 'index.php?pf=dcAdvancedCleaner/icon.png',
- 'large-icon' => 'index.php?pf=dcAdvancedCleaner/icon-big.png',
- 'permissions' => 'usage,contentadmin'
- ));
+ $favs->register('dcAdvancedCleaner', array(
+ 'title' => __('Advanced cleaner'),
+ 'url' => 'plugin.php?p=dcAdvancedCleaner',
+ 'small-icon' => 'index.php?pf=dcAdvancedCleaner/icon.png',
+ 'large-icon' => 'index.php?pf=dcAdvancedCleaner/icon-big.png',
+ 'permissions' => 'usage,contentadmin'
+ ));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/_define.php b/_define.php
index b2dd373..af04bd3 100644
--- a/_define.php
+++ b/_define.php
@@ -1,29 +1,31 @@
- /* Name */ "Advanced cleaner",
- /* Description*/ "Make a huge cleaning of dotclear",
- /* Author */ "JC Denis",
- /* Version */ '0.7.3',
- /* Properties */
- array(
- 'permissions' => null,
- 'type' => 'plugin',
- 'dc_min' => '2.9',
- 'support' => 'https://forum.dotclear.org/viewtopic.php?id=40381',
- 'details' => 'http://plugins.dotaddict.org/dc2/details/dcAdvancedCleaner'
- )
- /* date */ #20180213
\ No newline at end of file
+ 'Advanced cleaner',
+ 'Make a huge cleaning of dotclear',
+ 'Jean-Christian Denis and Contributors',
+ '',
+ [
+ 'requires' => [['core', '2.19']],
+ 'permissions' => null,
+ 'type' => 'plugin',
+ 'support' => 'https://github.com/JcDenis/dcAdvancedCleaner',
+ 'details' => 'https://plugins.dotaddict.org/dc2/details/dcAdvancedCleaner',
+ 'repository' => 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JcDenis/dcAdvancedCleaner/master/dcstore.xml'
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/_install.php b/_install.php
index 4d6dccb..799b9c1 100644
--- a/_install.php
+++ b/_install.php
@@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
=')) {return;}
# Install or update
- # Check DC version
- if (version_compare(str_replace("-r","-p",DC_VERSION),'2.2-alpha','<'))
- {
- throw new Exception('dcAdvancedCleaner requires Dotclear 2.2');
- }
- # Settings
- $core->blog->settings->addNamespace('dcAdvancedCleaner');
- $core->blog->settings->dcAdvancedCleaner->put('dcAdvancedCleaner_behavior_active',true,'boolean','',false,true);
- $core->blog->settings->dcAdvancedCleaner->put('dcAdvancedCleaner_dcproperty_hide',true,'boolean','',false,true);
- # Version
- $core->setVersion('dcAdvancedCleaner',$new_version);
- return true;
+ # Check DC version
+ if (version_compare(str_replace("-r","-p",DC_VERSION),'2.2-alpha','<'))
+ {
+ throw new Exception('dcAdvancedCleaner requires Dotclear 2.2');
+ }
+ # Settings
+ $core->blog->settings->addNamespace('dcAdvancedCleaner');
+ $core->blog->settings->dcAdvancedCleaner->put('dcAdvancedCleaner_behavior_active',true,'boolean','',false,true);
+ $core->blog->settings->dcAdvancedCleaner->put('dcAdvancedCleaner_dcproperty_hide',true,'boolean','',false,true);
+ # Version
+ $core->setVersion('dcAdvancedCleaner',$new_version);
+ return true;
catch (Exception $e)
- $core->error->add($e->getMessage());
- return false;
+ $core->error->add($e->getMessage());
+ return false;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/_prepend.php b/_prepend.php
index 91d7d4e..cda1549 100644
--- a/_prepend.php
+++ b/_prepend.php
@@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
# Main class
$__autoload['dcAdvancedCleaner'] =
- dirname(__FILE__).'/inc/class.dc.advanced.cleaner.php';
+ dirname(__FILE__).'/inc/class.dc.advanced.cleaner.php';
# Behaviors class
$__autoload['behaviorsDcAdvancedCleaner'] =
- dirname(__FILE__).'/inc/lib.dc.advanced.cleaner.behaviors.php';
+ dirname(__FILE__).'/inc/lib.dc.advanced.cleaner.behaviors.php';
# Unsintaller class
$__autoload['dcUninstaller'] =
- dirname(__FILE__).'/inc/class.dc.uninstaller.php';
+ dirname(__FILE__).'/inc/class.dc.uninstaller.php';
# Add tab on plugin admin page
- array('behaviorsDcAdvancedCleaner','pluginsToolsTabs'));
+ array('behaviorsDcAdvancedCleaner','pluginsToolsTabs'));
# Action on plugin deletion
- array('behaviorsDcAdvancedCleaner','pluginsBeforeDelete'));
+ array('behaviorsDcAdvancedCleaner','pluginsBeforeDelete'));
# Action on theme deletion
- array('behaviorsDcAdvancedCleaner','themeBeforeDelete'));
+ array('behaviorsDcAdvancedCleaner','themeBeforeDelete'));
# Tabs of dcAvdancedCleaner admin page
- array('behaviorsDcAdvancedCleaner','dcAdvancedCleanerAdminTabs'));
+ array('behaviorsDcAdvancedCleaner','dcAdvancedCleanerAdminTabs'));
# Add dcac events on plugin activityReport
if (defined('ACTIVITY_REPORT'))
- require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/inc/lib.dc.advanced.cleaner.activityreport.php';
+ require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/inc/lib.dc.advanced.cleaner.activityreport.php';
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/dcstore.xml b/dcstore.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..312901d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dcstore.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Nettoyeur avancé
+Jean-Christian Denis and Contributors
+Make a huge cleaning of dotclear
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/inc/class.dc.advanced.cleaner.php b/inc/class.dc.advanced.cleaner.php
index 49abb21..44660cd 100644
--- a/inc/class.dc.advanced.cleaner.php
+++ b/inc/class.dc.advanced.cleaner.php
@@ -1,395 +1,396 @@
- 'delete_global' => 'Failed to delete global settings',
- 'delete_local' => 'Failed to delete local settings',
- 'delete_all' => 'Failed to delete all settings'
- ),
- 'tables' => array(
- 'empty' => 'Failed to empty table',
- 'delete' => 'Failed to delete table'
- ),
- 'plugins' => array(
- 'empty' => 'Failed to empty plugin folder',
- 'delete' => 'Failed to delete plugin folder'
- ),
- 'themes' => array(
- 'empty' => 'Failed to empty themes folder',
- 'delete' => 'Failed to delete themes folder'
- ),
- 'caches' => array(
- 'empty' => 'Failed to empty cache folder',
- 'delete' => 'Failed to delete cache folder'
- ),
- 'versions' => array(
- 'delete' => 'Failed to delete version'
- )
- );
+ protected static $errors = array(
+ 'settings' => array(
+ 'delete_global' => 'Failed to delete global settings',
+ 'delete_local' => 'Failed to delete local settings',
+ 'delete_all' => 'Failed to delete all settings'
+ ),
+ 'tables' => array(
+ 'empty' => 'Failed to empty table',
+ 'delete' => 'Failed to delete table'
+ ),
+ 'plugins' => array(
+ 'empty' => 'Failed to empty plugin folder',
+ 'delete' => 'Failed to delete plugin folder'
+ ),
+ 'themes' => array(
+ 'empty' => 'Failed to empty themes folder',
+ 'delete' => 'Failed to delete themes folder'
+ ),
+ 'caches' => array(
+ 'empty' => 'Failed to empty cache folder',
+ 'delete' => 'Failed to delete cache folder'
+ ),
+ 'versions' => array(
+ 'delete' => 'Failed to delete version'
+ )
+ );
- public static $dotclear = array(
- 'settings' => array(
- 'akismet','antispam','breadcrumb','dcckeditor','dclegacyeditor','maintenance',
+ public static $dotclear = array(
+ 'settings' => array(
+ 'akismet','antispam','breadcrumb','dcckeditor','dclegacyeditor','maintenance',
- ),
- 'tables' => array(
- 'blog','category','comment','link','log','media',
- 'meta','permissions','ping','post','post_media','pref','session',
- 'setting','spamrule','user','version'
- ),
- 'plugins' => array(
- 'aboutConfig','akismet','antispam','attachments','blogroll','blowupConfig',
- 'breadcrumb','dcCKEditor','dclegacy','dcLegacyEditor','fairTrackbacks','importExport','maintenance',
- 'pages','pings','simpleMenu','tags','themeEditor','userPref','widgets'
- ),
- 'themes' => array(
- 'default','customCSS','blueSilence','berlin','ductile'
- ),
- 'caches' => array(
- 'cbfeed','dcrepo','versions'
- ),
- 'versions' => array(
- 'antispam','blogroll','blowupConfig','core','dcCKEditor','dcLegacyEditor','pages','pings','simpleMenu','tags','widgets'
- )
- );
+ ),
+ 'tables' => array(
+ 'blog','category','comment','link','log','media',
+ 'meta','permissions','ping','post','post_media','pref','session',
+ 'setting','spamrule','user','version'
+ ),
+ 'plugins' => array(
+ 'aboutConfig','akismet','antispam','attachments','blogroll','blowupConfig',
+ 'breadcrumb','dcCKEditor','dclegacy','dcLegacyEditor','fairTrackbacks','importExport','maintenance',
+ 'pages','pings','simpleMenu','tags','themeEditor','userPref','widgets'
+ ),
+ 'themes' => array(
+ 'default','customCSS','blueSilence','berlin','ductile'
+ ),
+ 'caches' => array(
+ 'cbfeed','dcrepo','versions'
+ ),
+ 'versions' => array(
+ 'antispam','blogroll','blowupConfig','core','dcCKEditor','dcLegacyEditor','pages','pings','simpleMenu','tags','widgets'
+ )
+ );
- public static $exclude = array(
- '.','..','__MACOSX','.svn','CVS','.DS_Store','Thumbs.db'
- );
+ public static $exclude = array(
+ '.','..','__MACOSX','.svn','CVS','.DS_Store','Thumbs.db'
+ );
- public static function getSettings($core)
- {
- $res = $core->con->select(
- 'SELECT setting_ns '.
- 'FROM '.$core->prefix.'setting '.
- 'WHERE blog_id IS NULL '.
- "OR blog_id IS NOT NULL ".
- 'GROUP BY setting_ns');
+ public static function getSettings($core)
+ {
+ $res = $core->con->select(
+ 'SELECT setting_ns '.
+ 'FROM '.$core->prefix.'setting '.
+ 'WHERE blog_id IS NULL '.
+ "OR blog_id IS NOT NULL ".
+ 'GROUP BY setting_ns');
- $rs = array();
- $i = 0;
- while($res->fetch()) {
+ $rs = array();
+ $i = 0;
+ while($res->fetch()) {
- $rs[$i]['key'] = $res->setting_ns;
- $rs[$i]['value'] = $core->con->select(
- 'SELECT count(*) FROM '.$core->prefix.'setting '.
- "WHERE setting_ns = '".$res->setting_ns."' ".
- "AND (blog_id IS NULL OR blog_id IS NOT NULL) ".
- "GROUP BY setting_ns ")->f(0);
- $i++;
- }
- return $rs;
- }
+ $rs[$i]['key'] = $res->setting_ns;
+ $rs[$i]['value'] = $core->con->select(
+ 'SELECT count(*) FROM '.$core->prefix.'setting '.
+ "WHERE setting_ns = '".$res->setting_ns."' ".
+ "AND (blog_id IS NULL OR blog_id IS NOT NULL) ".
+ "GROUP BY setting_ns ")->f(0);
+ $i++;
+ }
+ return $rs;
+ }
- protected static function deleteGlobalSettings($core,$entry)
- {
- $core->con->execute(
- 'DELETE FROM '.$core->prefix.'setting '.
- 'WHERE blog_id IS NULL '.
- "AND setting_ns = '".$core->con->escape($entry)."' "
- );
- }
+ protected static function deleteGlobalSettings($core,$entry)
+ {
+ $core->con->execute(
+ 'DELETE FROM '.$core->prefix.'setting '.
+ 'WHERE blog_id IS NULL '.
+ "AND setting_ns = '".$core->con->escape($entry)."' "
+ );
+ }
- protected static function deleteLocalSettings($core,$entry)
- {
- $core->con->execute(
- 'DELETE FROM '.$core->prefix.'setting '.
- "WHERE blog_id = '".$core->con->escape($core->blog->id)."' ".
- "AND setting_ns = '".$core->con->escape($entry)."' "
- );
- }
+ protected static function deleteLocalSettings($core,$entry)
+ {
+ $core->con->execute(
+ 'DELETE FROM '.$core->prefix.'setting '.
+ "WHERE blog_id = '".$core->con->escape($core->blog->id)."' ".
+ "AND setting_ns = '".$core->con->escape($entry)."' "
+ );
+ }
- protected static function deleteAllSettings($core,$entry)
- {
- $core->con->execute(
- 'DELETE FROM '.$core->prefix.'setting '.
- "WHERE setting_ns = '".$core->con->escape($entry)."' ".
- "AND (blog_id IS NULL OR blog_id != '') "
- );
- }
+ protected static function deleteAllSettings($core,$entry)
+ {
+ $core->con->execute(
+ 'DELETE FROM '.$core->prefix.'setting '.
+ "WHERE setting_ns = '".$core->con->escape($entry)."' ".
+ "AND (blog_id IS NULL OR blog_id != '') "
+ );
+ }
- public static function getTables($core)
- {
- $object = dbSchema::init($core->con);
- $res = $object->getTables();
+ public static function getTables($core)
+ {
+ $object = dbSchema::init($core->con);
+ $res = $object->getTables();
- $rs = array();
- $i = 0;
- foreach($res as $k => $v)
- {
- if ('' != $core->prefix)
- {
- if (!preg_match('/^'.preg_quote($core->prefix).'(.*?)$/',$v,$m)) continue;
- $v = $m[1];
- }
- $rs[$i]['key'] = $v;
- $rs[$i]['value'] = $core->con->select('SELECT count(*) FROM '.$res[$k])->f(0);
- $i++;
- }
- return $rs;
- }
+ $rs = array();
+ $i = 0;
+ foreach($res as $k => $v)
+ {
+ if ('' != $core->prefix)
+ {
+ if (!preg_match('/^'.preg_quote($core->prefix).'(.*?)$/',$v,$m)) continue;
+ $v = $m[1];
+ }
+ $rs[$i]['key'] = $v;
+ $rs[$i]['value'] = $core->con->select('SELECT count(*) FROM '.$res[$k])->f(0);
+ $i++;
+ }
+ return $rs;
+ }
- protected static function emptyTable($core,$entry)
- {
- $core->con->execute(
- 'DELETE FROM '.$core->con->escapeSystem($core->prefix.$entry)
- );
- }
+ protected static function emptyTable($core,$entry)
+ {
+ $core->con->execute(
+ 'DELETE FROM '.$core->con->escapeSystem($core->prefix.$entry)
+ );
+ }
- protected static function deleteTable($core,$entry)
- {
- self::emptyTable($core,$entry);
+ protected static function deleteTable($core,$entry)
+ {
+ self::emptyTable($core,$entry);
- $core->con->execute(
- 'DROP TABLE '.$core->con->escapeSystem($core->prefix.$entry)
- );
- }
+ $core->con->execute(
+ 'DROP TABLE '.$core->con->escapeSystem($core->prefix.$entry)
+ );
+ }
- public static function getVersions($core)
- {
- $res = $core->con->select('SELECT * FROM '.$core->prefix.'version');
+ public static function getVersions($core)
+ {
+ $res = $core->con->select('SELECT * FROM '.$core->prefix.'version');
- $rs = array();
- $i = 0;
- while ($res->fetch()) {
+ $rs = array();
+ $i = 0;
+ while ($res->fetch()) {
- $rs[$i]['key'] = $res->module;
- $rs[$i]['value'] = $res->version;
- $i++;
- }
- return $rs;
- }
+ $rs[$i]['key'] = $res->module;
+ $rs[$i]['value'] = $res->version;
+ $i++;
+ }
+ return $rs;
+ }
- protected static function deleteVersion($core,$entry)
- {
- $core->con->execute(
- 'DELETE FROM '.$core->prefix.'version '.
- "WHERE module = '".$core->con->escape($entry)."' "
- );
- }
+ protected static function deleteVersion($core,$entry)
+ {
+ $core->con->execute(
+ 'DELETE FROM '.$core->prefix.'version '.
+ "WHERE module = '".$core->con->escape($entry)."' "
+ );
+ }
- public static function getPlugins($core)
- {
- return self::getDirs($res);
- }
+ public static function getPlugins($core)
+ {
+ return self::getDirs($res);
+ }
- protected static function emptyPlugin($core,$entry)
- {
- self::delDir($res,$entry,false);
- }
+ protected static function emptyPlugin($core,$entry)
+ {
+ self::delDir($res,$entry,false);
+ }
- protected static function deletePlugin($core,$entry)
- {
- self::delDir($res,$entry,true);
- }
+ protected static function deletePlugin($core,$entry)
+ {
+ self::delDir($res,$entry,true);
+ }
- public static function getThemes($core)
- {
- return self::getDirs($core->blog->themes_path);
- }
+ public static function getThemes($core)
+ {
+ return self::getDirs($core->blog->themes_path);
+ }
- protected static function emptyTheme($core,$entry)
- {
- self::delDir($core->blog->themes_path,$entry,false);
- }
+ protected static function emptyTheme($core,$entry)
+ {
+ self::delDir($core->blog->themes_path,$entry,false);
+ }
- protected static function deleteTheme($core,$entry)
- {
- self::delDir($core->blog->themes_path,$entry,true);
- }
+ protected static function deleteTheme($core,$entry)
+ {
+ self::delDir($core->blog->themes_path,$entry,true);
+ }
- public static function getCaches($core)
- {
- return self::getDirs(DC_TPL_CACHE);
- }
+ public static function getCaches($core)
+ {
+ return self::getDirs(DC_TPL_CACHE);
+ }
- protected static function emptyCache($core,$entry)
- {
- self::delDir(DC_TPL_CACHE,$entry,false);
- }
+ protected static function emptyCache($core,$entry)
+ {
+ self::delDir(DC_TPL_CACHE,$entry,false);
+ }
- protected static function deleteCache($core,$entry)
- {
- self::delDir(DC_TPL_CACHE,$entry,true);
- }
+ protected static function deleteCache($core,$entry)
+ {
+ self::delDir(DC_TPL_CACHE,$entry,true);
+ }
- public static function execute($core,$type,$action,$ns)
- {
- if (strtolower($ns) == 'dcadvancedcleaner')
- throw new exception("dcAdvancedCleaner can't remove itself");
+ public static function execute($core,$type,$action,$ns)
+ {
+ if (strtolower($ns) == 'dcadvancedcleaner')
+ throw new exception("dcAdvancedCleaner can't remove itself");
- # BEHAVIOR dcAdvancedCleanerBeforeAction
- $core->callBehavior('dcAdvancedCleanerBeforeAction',$type,$action,$ns);
+ # BEHAVIOR dcAdvancedCleanerBeforeAction
+ $core->callBehavior('dcAdvancedCleanerBeforeAction',$type,$action,$ns);
- try {
- # Delete global settings
- if ($type == 'settings' && $action == 'delete_global')
- self::deleteGlobalSettings($core,$ns);
+ try {
+ # Delete global settings
+ if ($type == 'settings' && $action == 'delete_global')
+ self::deleteGlobalSettings($core,$ns);
- # Delete local settings
- if ($type == 'settings' && $action == 'delete_local')
- self::deleteLocalSettings($core,$ns);
+ # Delete local settings
+ if ($type == 'settings' && $action == 'delete_local')
+ self::deleteLocalSettings($core,$ns);
- # Delete all settings
- if ($type == 'settings' && $action == 'delete_all')
- self::deleteAllSettings($core,$ns);
+ # Delete all settings
+ if ($type == 'settings' && $action == 'delete_all')
+ self::deleteAllSettings($core,$ns);
- # Empty tables
- if ($type == 'tables' && $action == 'empty')
- self::emptyTable($core,$ns);
+ # Empty tables
+ if ($type == 'tables' && $action == 'empty')
+ self::emptyTable($core,$ns);
- # Delete tables
- if ($type == 'tables' && $action == 'delete')
- self::deleteTable($core,$ns);
+ # Delete tables
+ if ($type == 'tables' && $action == 'delete')
+ self::deleteTable($core,$ns);
- # Delete versions
- if ($type == 'versions' && $action == 'delete')
- self::deleteVersion($core,$ns);
+ # Delete versions
+ if ($type == 'versions' && $action == 'delete')
+ self::deleteVersion($core,$ns);
- # Empty plugins
- if ($type == 'plugins' && $action == 'empty')
- self::emptyPlugin($core,$ns);
+ # Empty plugins
+ if ($type == 'plugins' && $action == 'empty')
+ self::emptyPlugin($core,$ns);
- # Delete plugins
- if ($type == 'plugins' && $action == 'delete')
- self::deletePlugin($core,$ns);
+ # Delete plugins
+ if ($type == 'plugins' && $action == 'delete')
+ self::deletePlugin($core,$ns);
- # Empty themes
- if ($type == 'themes' && $action == 'empty')
- self::emptyTheme($core,$ns);
+ # Empty themes
+ if ($type == 'themes' && $action == 'empty')
+ self::emptyTheme($core,$ns);
- # Delete themes
- if ($type == 'themes' && $action == 'delete')
- self::deleteTheme($core,$ns);
+ # Delete themes
+ if ($type == 'themes' && $action == 'delete')
+ self::deleteTheme($core,$ns);
- # Empty caches
- if ($type == 'caches' && $action == 'empty')
- self::emptyCache($core,$ns);
+ # Empty caches
+ if ($type == 'caches' && $action == 'empty')
+ self::emptyCache($core,$ns);
- # Delete caches
- if ($type == 'caches' && $action == 'delete')
- self::deleteCache($core,$ns);
+ # Delete caches
+ if ($type == 'caches' && $action == 'delete')
+ self::deleteCache($core,$ns);
- return true;
- }
- catch(Exception $e) {
- $errors = self::$errors;
- if (isset($errors[$type][$action])) {
- throw new Exception(__($errors[$type][$action]));
- }
- else {
- throw new Exception(sprintf(__('Cannot execute "%s" of type "%s"'),$action,$type));
- }
- return false;
- }
- }
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch(Exception $e) {
+ $errors = self::$errors;
+ if (isset($errors[$type][$action])) {
+ throw new Exception(__($errors[$type][$action]));
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new Exception(sprintf(__('Cannot execute "%s" of type "%s"'),$action,$type));
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
- protected static function getDirs($roots)
- {
- if (!is_array($roots))
- $roots = array($roots);
+ protected static function getDirs($roots)
+ {
+ if (!is_array($roots))
+ $roots = array($roots);
- $rs = array();
- $i = 0;
- foreach ($roots as $root) {
+ $rs = array();
+ $i = 0;
+ foreach ($roots as $root) {
- $dirs = files::scanDir($root);
- foreach($dirs as $k) {
+ $dirs = files::scanDir($root);
+ foreach($dirs as $k) {
- if ('.' == $k || '..' == $k || !is_dir($root.'/'.$k)) continue;
+ if ('.' == $k || '..' == $k || !is_dir($root.'/'.$k)) continue;
- $rs[$i]['key'] = $k;
- $rs[$i]['value'] = count(self::scanDir($root.'/'.$k));
- $i++;
- }
- }
- return $rs;
- }
+ $rs[$i]['key'] = $k;
+ $rs[$i]['value'] = count(self::scanDir($root.'/'.$k));
+ $i++;
+ }
+ }
+ return $rs;
+ }
- protected static function delDir($roots,$folder,$delfolder=true)
- {
- if (strpos($folder,'/'))
- return false;
+ protected static function delDir($roots,$folder,$delfolder=true)
+ {
+ if (strpos($folder,'/'))
+ return false;
- if (!is_array($roots))
- $roots = array($roots);
+ if (!is_array($roots))
+ $roots = array($roots);
- foreach ($roots as $root)
- {
- if (file_exists($root.'/'.$folder))
- return self::delTree($root.'/'.$folder,$delfolder);
- }
- return false;
- }
+ foreach ($roots as $root)
+ {
+ if (file_exists($root.'/'.$folder))
+ return self::delTree($root.'/'.$folder,$delfolder);
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
- protected static function scanDir($path,$dir='',$res=array())
- {
- $exclude = self::$exclude;
+ protected static function scanDir($path,$dir='',$res=array())
+ {
+ $exclude = self::$exclude;
- $path = path::real($path);
- if (!is_dir($path) || !is_readable($path)) return array();
+ $path = path::real($path);
+ if (!is_dir($path) || !is_readable($path)) return array();
- $files = files::scandir($path);
+ $files = files::scandir($path);
- foreach($files AS $file) {
- if (in_array($file,$exclude)) continue;
+ foreach($files AS $file) {
+ if (in_array($file,$exclude)) continue;
- if (is_dir($path.'/'.$file)) {
+ if (is_dir($path.'/'.$file)) {
- $res[] = $file;
- $res = self::scanDir($path.'/'.$file,$dir.'/'.$file,$res);
- } else {
+ $res[] = $file;
+ $res = self::scanDir($path.'/'.$file,$dir.'/'.$file,$res);
+ } else {
- $res[] = empty($dir) ? $file : $dir.'/'.$file;
- }
- }
- return $res;
- }
+ $res[] = empty($dir) ? $file : $dir.'/'.$file;
+ }
+ }
+ return $res;
+ }
- protected static function delTree($dir,$delroot=true)
- {
- if (!is_dir($dir) || !is_readable($dir)) return false;
+ protected static function delTree($dir,$delroot=true)
+ {
+ if (!is_dir($dir) || !is_readable($dir)) return false;
- if (substr($dir,-1) != '/') $dir .= '/';
+ if (substr($dir,-1) != '/') $dir .= '/';
- if (($d = @dir($dir)) === false) return false;
+ if (($d = @dir($dir)) === false) return false;
- while (($entryname = $d->read()) !== false)
- {
- if ($entryname != '.' && $entryname != '..')
- {
- if (is_dir($dir.'/'.$entryname))
- {
- if (!self::delTree($dir.'/'.$entryname)) return false;
- }
- else
- {
- if (!@unlink($dir.'/'.$entryname)) return false;
- }
- }
- }
- $d->close();
+ while (($entryname = $d->read()) !== false)
+ {
+ if ($entryname != '.' && $entryname != '..')
+ {
+ if (is_dir($dir.'/'.$entryname))
+ {
+ if (!self::delTree($dir.'/'.$entryname)) return false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!@unlink($dir.'/'.$entryname)) return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $d->close();
- if ($delroot)
- return @rmdir($dir);
- else
- return true;
- }
+ if ($delroot)
+ return @rmdir($dir);
+ else
+ return true;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/inc/class.dc.uninstaller.php b/inc/class.dc.uninstaller.php
index e32cbc8..45c1b40 100644
--- a/inc/class.dc.uninstaller.php
+++ b/inc/class.dc.uninstaller.php
@@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
array Modules informations array
- protected $actions = array('user'=>array(),'callback'=>array());
- protected $callbacks = array('user'=>array(),'callback'=>array());
+ protected $modules = array(); ///< array Modules informations array
+ protected $actions = array('user'=>array(),'callback'=>array());
+ protected $callbacks = array('user'=>array(),'callback'=>array());
- protected $id = null;
- protected $mroot = null;
+ protected $id = null;
+ protected $mroot = null;
- /**
- Array of all allowed properties to uninstall parts of modules.
- 'settings' : settings set on dcSettings,
- 'tables' : if module creates table,
- 'plugins' : if module has files on plugin path,
- 'themes' : if module has files on theme path, (on current blog)
- 'caches' : if module has files on DC caches path,
- 'versions' : if module set a versions on DC table 'version'
- */
- protected static $allowed_properties = array(
- 'versions' => array(
- 'delete' => 'delete version in dc'
- ),
- 'settings' => array(
- 'delete_global' => 'delete global settings',
- 'delete_local' => 'delete local settings',
- 'delete_all' => 'delete all settings'
- ),
- 'tables' => array(
- 'empty' => 'empty table',
- 'delete' => 'delete table'
- ),
- 'plugins' => array(
- 'empty' => 'empty plugin folder',
- 'delete' => 'delete plugin folder'
- ),
- 'themes' => array(
- 'empty' => 'empty theme folder',
- 'delete' => 'delete theme folder'
- ),
- 'caches' => array(
- 'empty' => 'empty cache folder',
- 'delete' => 'delete cache folder'
- )
- );
+ /**
+ Array of all allowed properties to uninstall parts of modules.
+ 'settings' : settings set on dcSettings,
+ 'tables' : if module creates table,
+ 'plugins' : if module has files on plugin path,
+ 'themes' : if module has files on theme path, (on current blog)
+ 'caches' : if module has files on DC caches path,
+ 'versions' : if module set a versions on DC table 'version'
+ */
+ protected static $allowed_properties = array(
+ 'versions' => array(
+ 'delete' => 'delete version in dc'
+ ),
+ 'settings' => array(
+ 'delete_global' => 'delete global settings',
+ 'delete_local' => 'delete local settings',
+ 'delete_all' => 'delete all settings'
+ ),
+ 'tables' => array(
+ 'empty' => 'empty table',
+ 'delete' => 'delete table'
+ ),
+ 'plugins' => array(
+ 'empty' => 'empty plugin folder',
+ 'delete' => 'delete plugin folder'
+ ),
+ 'themes' => array(
+ 'empty' => 'empty theme folder',
+ 'delete' => 'delete theme folder'
+ ),
+ 'caches' => array(
+ 'empty' => 'empty cache folder',
+ 'delete' => 'delete cache folder'
+ )
+ );
- protected static $priority_properties = array(
- 'versions','settings','tables','themes','plugins','caches'
- );
+ protected static $priority_properties = array(
+ 'versions','settings','tables','themes','plugins','caches'
+ );
- public $core; ///< dcCore dcCore instance
- /**
- Object constructor.
- @param core dcCore dcCore instance
- */
- public function __construct($core)
- {
- $this->core =& $core;
- }
+ public $core; ///< dcCore dcCore instance
- public static function getAllowedProperties()
- {
- return self::$allowed_properties;
- }
- /**
- Loads modules.
- Files _defines.php and _uninstall.php must be present on module
- to be recognized.
- (path separator depends on your OS).
- @param path string Separated list of paths
- */
- public function loadModules($path)
- {
- $this->path = explode(PATH_SEPARATOR,$path);
+ /**
+ Object constructor.
- foreach ($this->path as $root)
- {
- if (!is_dir($root) || !is_readable($root)) continue;
+ @param core dcCore dcCore instance
+ */
+ public function __construct($core)
+ {
+ $this->core =& $core;
+ }
- if (substr($root,-1) != '/') $root .= '/';
+ public static function getAllowedProperties()
+ {
+ return self::$allowed_properties;
+ }
- if (($d = @dir($root)) === false) continue;
+ /**
+ Loads modules.
+ Files _defines.php and _uninstall.php must be present on module
+ to be recognized.
+ (path separator depends on your OS).
- while (($entry = $d->read()) !== false)
- {
- $full_entry = $root.'/'.$entry;
+ @param path string Separated list of paths
+ */
+ public function loadModules($path)
+ {
+ $this->path = explode(PATH_SEPARATOR,$path);
- if ($entry != '.' && $entry != '..' && is_dir($full_entry))
- {
- $this->loadModule($full_entry);
- }
- }
- $d->close();
- }
+ foreach ($this->path as $root)
+ {
+ if (!is_dir($root) || !is_readable($root)) continue;
- # Sort modules by name
- uasort($this->modules,array($this,'sortModules'));
- }
- /**
- Load one module.
- Files _defines.php and _uninstall.php must be present on module
- to be recognized.
- @param root string path of module
- */
- public function loadModule($root)
- {
- if (file_exists($root.'/_define.php')
- && file_exists($root.'/_uninstall.php')) {
+ if (substr($root,-1) != '/') $root .= '/';
- $this->id = basename($root);
- $this->mroot = $root;
+ if (($d = @dir($root)) === false) continue;
- require $root.'/_define.php';
- require $root.'/_uninstall.php';
+ while (($entry = $d->read()) !== false)
+ {
+ $full_entry = $root.'/'.$entry;
- $this->id = null;
- $this->mroot = null;
- }
- }
- /**
- This method registers a module in modules list. You should use
- this to register a new module.
- @param name string Module name
- @param desc string Module description
- @param author string Module author name
- @param version string Module version
- */
- public function registerModule($name,$desc,$author,$version)
- {
- if ($this->id) {
- $this->modules[$this->id] = array(
- 'root' => $this->mroot,
- 'name' => $name,
- 'desc' => $desc,
- 'author' => $author,
- 'version' => $version,
- 'root_writable' => is_writable($this->mroot)
- );
- }
- }
- /**
- Returns all modules associative array or only one module if $id
- is present.
- @param id string Optionnal module ID
- @return array
- */
- public function getModules($id=null)
- {
- if ($id && isset($this->modules[$id])) {
- return $this->modules[$id];
- }
- return $this->modules;
- }
- /**
- Returns true if the module with ID $id exists.
- @param id string Module ID
- @return boolean
- */
- public function moduleExists($id)
- {
- return isset($this->modules[$id]);
- }
+ if ($entry != '.' && $entry != '..' && is_dir($full_entry))
+ {
+ $this->loadModule($full_entry);
+ }
+ }
+ $d->close();
+ }
- /**
- Add a predefined action to unsintall features.
- This action is set in _uninstall.php.
- @param type string Type of action (from $allowed_properties)
- @param action string Action (from $allowed_properties)
- @param ns string Name of setting related to module.
- @param desc string Description of action
- */
- protected function addUserAction($type,$action,$ns,$desc='')
- {
- $this->addAction('user',$type,$action,$ns,$desc);
- }
+ # Sort modules by name
+ uasort($this->modules,array($this,'sortModules'));
+ }
- protected function addDirectAction($type,$action,$ns,$desc='')
- {
- $this->addAction('direct',$type,$action,$ns,$desc);
- }
+ /**
+ Load one module.
+ Files _defines.php and _uninstall.php must be present on module
+ to be recognized.
- private function addAction($group,$type,$action,$ns,$desc)
- {
- $group = self::group($group);
+ @param root string path of module
+ */
+ public function loadModule($root)
+ {
+ if (file_exists($root.'/_define.php')
+ && file_exists($root.'/_uninstall.php')) {
- if (null === $this->id) return;
+ $this->id = basename($root);
+ $this->mroot = $root;
- if (empty($type) || empty($ns)) return;
+ require $root.'/_define.php';
+ require $root.'/_uninstall.php';
- if (!isset(self::$allowed_properties[$type][$action])) return;
+ $this->id = null;
+ $this->mroot = null;
+ }
+ }
- if (empty($desc)) $desc = __($action);
+ /**
+ This method registers a module in modules list. You should use
+ this to register a new module.
- $this->actions[$group][$this->id][$type][] = array(
- 'ns' => $ns,
- 'action' => $action,
- 'desc' => $desc
- );
- }
+ @param name string Module name
+ @param desc string Module description
+ @param author string Module author name
+ @param version string Module version
+ */
+ public function registerModule($name,$desc,$author,$version)
+ {
+ if ($this->id) {
+ $this->modules[$this->id] = array(
+ 'root' => $this->mroot,
+ 'name' => $name,
+ 'desc' => $desc,
+ 'author' => $author,
+ 'version' => $version,
+ 'root_writable' => is_writable($this->mroot)
+ );
+ }
+ }
- /**
- Returns modules $id predefined actions associative array
- ordered by priority
- @param id string Optionnal module ID
- @return array
- */
- public function getUserActions($id)
- {
- return $this->getActions('user',$id);
- }
+ /**
+ Returns all modules associative array or only one module if $id
+ is present.
- public function getDirectActions($id)
- {
- return $this->getActions('direct',$id);
- }
+ @param id string Optionnal module ID
+ @return array
+ */
+ public function getModules($id=null)
+ {
+ if ($id && isset($this->modules[$id])) {
+ return $this->modules[$id];
+ }
+ return $this->modules;
+ }
- protected function getActions($group,$id)
- {
- $group = self::group($group);
+ /**
+ Returns true if the module with ID $id exists.
- if (!isset($this->actions[$group][$id])) return array();
+ @param id string Module ID
+ @return boolean
+ */
+ public function moduleExists($id)
+ {
+ return isset($this->modules[$id]);
+ }
- $res = array();
- foreach(self::$priority_properties as $k => $v)
- {
- if (!isset($this->actions[$group][$id][$v])) continue;
- $res[$v] = $this->actions[$group][$id][$v];
- }
+ /**
+ Add a predefined action to unsintall features.
+ This action is set in _uninstall.php.
- return $res;
- }
+ @param type string Type of action (from $allowed_properties)
+ @param action string Action (from $allowed_properties)
+ @param ns string Name of setting related to module.
+ @param desc string Description of action
+ */
+ protected function addUserAction($type,$action,$ns,$desc='')
+ {
+ $this->addAction('user',$type,$action,$ns,$desc);
+ }
- /**
- Add a callable function for unsintall features.
- This action is set in _uninstall.php.
- @param func string Callable function
- @param desc string Description of action
- */
- protected function addUserCallback($func,$desc='')
- {
- $this->addCallback('user',$func,$desc);
- }
+ protected function addDirectAction($type,$action,$ns,$desc='')
+ {
+ $this->addAction('direct',$type,$action,$ns,$desc);
+ }
- protected function addDirectCallback($func,$desc='')
- {
- $this->addCallback('direct',$func,$desc);
- }
+ private function addAction($group,$type,$action,$ns,$desc)
+ {
+ $group = self::group($group);
- private function addCallback($group,$func,$desc)
- {
- $group = self::group($group);
+ if (null === $this->id) return;
- if (null === $this->id) return;
+ if (empty($type) || empty($ns)) return;
- if (empty($desc)) $desc = __('extra action');
+ if (!isset(self::$allowed_properties[$type][$action])) return;
- if (!is_callable($func)) return;
+ if (empty($desc)) $desc = __($action);
- $this->callbacks[$group][$this->id][] = array(
- 'func' => $func,
- 'desc' => $desc
- );
- }
- /**
- Returns modules $id callback actions associative array
- @param id string Optionnal module ID
- @return array
- */
- public function getUserCallbacks($id)
- {
- return $this->getCallbacks('user',$id);
- }
+ $this->actions[$group][$this->id][$type][] = array(
+ 'ns' => $ns,
+ 'action' => $action,
+ 'desc' => $desc
+ );
+ }
- public function getDirectCallbacks($id)
- {
- return $this->getCallbacks('direct',$id);
- }
+ /**
+ Returns modules $id predefined actions associative array
+ ordered by priority
- protected function getCallbacks($group,$id)
- {
- $group = self::group($group);
+ @param id string Optionnal module ID
+ @return array
+ */
+ public function getUserActions($id)
+ {
+ return $this->getActions('user',$id);
+ }
- if (!isset($this->callbacks[$group][$id])) return array();
+ public function getDirectActions($id)
+ {
+ return $this->getActions('direct',$id);
+ }
- return $this->callbacks[$group][$id];
- }
- /**
- Execute a predifined action. This function call dcAdvancedCleaner
- to do actions.
- @param type string Type of action (from $allowed_properties)
- @param action string Action (from $allowed_properties)
- @param ns string Name of setting related to module.
- @return array
- */
- public function execute($type,$action,$ns)
- {
- $prop = $this->getAllowedProperties();
+ protected function getActions($group,$id)
+ {
+ $group = self::group($group);
- if (!isset($prop[$type][$action]) || empty($ns)) return;
+ if (!isset($this->actions[$group][$id])) return array();
- dcAdvancedCleaner::execute($this->core,$type,$action,$ns);
- }
+ $res = array();
+ foreach(self::$priority_properties as $k => $v)
+ {
+ if (!isset($this->actions[$group][$id][$v])) continue;
+ $res[$v] = $this->actions[$group][$id][$v];
+ }
- private function sortModules($a,$b)
- {
- return strcasecmp($a['name'],$b['name']);
- }
+ return $res;
+ }
- private function group($group)
- {
- return in_array($group,array('user','direct')) ? $group : null;
- }
+ /**
+ Add a callable function for unsintall features.
+ This action is set in _uninstall.php.
+ @param func string Callable function
+ @param desc string Description of action
+ */
+ protected function addUserCallback($func,$desc='')
+ {
+ $this->addCallback('user',$func,$desc);
+ }
+ protected function addDirectCallback($func,$desc='')
+ {
+ $this->addCallback('direct',$func,$desc);
+ }
+ private function addCallback($group,$func,$desc)
+ {
+ $group = self::group($group);
+ if (null === $this->id) return;
+ if (empty($desc)) $desc = __('extra action');
+ if (!is_callable($func)) return;
+ $this->callbacks[$group][$this->id][] = array(
+ 'func' => $func,
+ 'desc' => $desc
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ Returns modules $id callback actions associative array
+ @param id string Optionnal module ID
+ @return array
+ */
+ public function getUserCallbacks($id)
+ {
+ return $this->getCallbacks('user',$id);
+ }
+ public function getDirectCallbacks($id)
+ {
+ return $this->getCallbacks('direct',$id);
+ }
+ protected function getCallbacks($group,$id)
+ {
+ $group = self::group($group);
+ if (!isset($this->callbacks[$group][$id])) return array();
+ return $this->callbacks[$group][$id];
+ }
+ /**
+ Execute a predifined action. This function call dcAdvancedCleaner
+ to do actions.
+ @param type string Type of action (from $allowed_properties)
+ @param action string Action (from $allowed_properties)
+ @param ns string Name of setting related to module.
+ @return array
+ */
+ public function execute($type,$action,$ns)
+ {
+ $prop = $this->getAllowedProperties();
+ if (!isset($prop[$type][$action]) || empty($ns)) return;
+ dcAdvancedCleaner::execute($this->core,$type,$action,$ns);
+ }
+ private function sortModules($a,$b)
+ {
+ return strcasecmp($a['name'],$b['name']);
+ }
+ private function group($group)
+ {
+ return in_array($group,array('user','direct')) ? $group : null;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/inc/lib.dc.advanced.cleaner.activityreport.php b/inc/lib.dc.advanced.cleaner.activityreport.php
index 52ffe36..c88fc7d 100644
--- a/inc/lib.dc.advanced.cleaner.activityreport.php
+++ b/inc/lib.dc.advanced.cleaner.activityreport.php
@@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
activityReport->addGroup('dcadvancedcleaner',__('Plugin dcAdvancedCleaner
# from BEHAVIOR dcAdvancedCleanerBeforeAction
# in dcAdvancedCleaner/inc/class.dc.advanced.cleaner.php
- 'dcadvancedcleaner',
- 'maintenance',
- __('Maintenance'),
- __('New action from dcAdvancedCleaner has been made with type="%s", action="%s", ns="%s".'),
- 'dcAdvancedCleanerBeforeAction',
- array('dcAdvancedCleanerActivityReportBehaviors','maintenance')
+ 'dcadvancedcleaner',
+ 'maintenance',
+ __('Maintenance'),
+ __('New action from dcAdvancedCleaner has been made with type="%s", action="%s", ns="%s".'),
+ 'dcAdvancedCleanerBeforeAction',
+ array('dcAdvancedCleanerActivityReportBehaviors','maintenance')
class dcAdvancedCleanerActivityReportBehaviors
- public static function maintenance($type,$action,$ns)
- {
- $logs = array($type,$action,$ns);
+ public static function maintenance($type,$action,$ns)
+ {
+ $logs = array($type,$action,$ns);
- $GLOBALS['core']->activityReport->addLog('dcadvancedcleaner','maintenance',$logs);
- }
+ $GLOBALS['core']->activityReport->addLog('dcadvancedcleaner','maintenance',$logs);
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/inc/lib.dc.advanced.cleaner.behaviors.php b/inc/lib.dc.advanced.cleaner.behaviors.php
index e276ae6..d09baab 100644
--- a/inc/lib.dc.advanced.cleaner.behaviors.php
+++ b/inc/lib.dc.advanced.cleaner.behaviors.php
@@ -1,224 +1,225 @@
blog->settings->dcAdvancedCleaner->dcAdvancedCleaner_behavior_active) return;
+ if (!$core->blog->settings->dcAdvancedCleaner->dcAdvancedCleaner_behavior_active) return;
- $uninstaller = new dcUninstaller($core);
- $uninstaller->loadModule($module['root']);
+ $uninstaller = new dcUninstaller($core);
+ $uninstaller->loadModule($module['root']);
- $m_callbacks = $uninstaller->getDirectCallbacks($module['id']);
- $m_actions = $uninstaller->getDirectActions($module['id']);
+ $m_callbacks = $uninstaller->getDirectCallbacks($module['id']);
+ $m_actions = $uninstaller->getDirectActions($module['id']);
- foreach($m_callbacks as $k => $callback)
- {
- if (!isset($callback['func']) || !is_callable($callback['func'])) continue;
+ foreach($m_callbacks as $k => $callback)
+ {
+ if (!isset($callback['func']) || !is_callable($callback['func'])) continue;
- call_user_func($callback['func'],$module);
- $done = true;
- }
+ call_user_func($callback['func'],$module);
+ $done = true;
+ }
- foreach($m_actions as $type => $actions)
- {
- foreach($actions as $v)
- {
- $uninstaller->execute($type,$v['action'],$v['ns']);
- $done = true;
- }
- }
+ foreach($m_actions as $type => $actions)
+ {
+ foreach($actions as $v)
+ {
+ $uninstaller->execute($type,$v['action'],$v['ns']);
+ $done = true;
+ }
+ }
- if ($done) {
- http::redirect($redir);
- }
- }
+ if ($done) {
+ http::redirect($redir);
+ }
+ }
- public static function dcAdvancedCleanerAdminTabs($core,$p_url)
- {
- self::modulesTabs($core,DC_PLUGINS_ROOT,$p_url.'&tab=uninstaller');
- }
+ public static function dcAdvancedCleanerAdminTabs($core,$p_url)
+ {
+ self::modulesTabs($core,DC_PLUGINS_ROOT,$p_url.'&tab=uninstaller');
+ }
- public static function pluginsToolsTabs($core)
- {
- self::modulesTabs($core,DC_PLUGINS_ROOT,'plugins.php?tab=uninstaller');
- }
+ public static function pluginsToolsTabs($core)
+ {
+ self::modulesTabs($core,DC_PLUGINS_ROOT,'plugins.php?tab=uninstaller');
+ }
- # Generic module tabs
- public static function modulesTabs($core,$path,$redir,$title='')
- {
- if (!$core->blog->settings->dcAdvancedCleaner->dcAdvancedCleaner_behavior_active) return;
+ # Generic module tabs
+ public static function modulesTabs($core,$path,$redir,$title='')
+ {
+ if (!$core->blog->settings->dcAdvancedCleaner->dcAdvancedCleaner_behavior_active) return;
- $err = '';
- $title = empty($title) ? __('Advanced uninstall') : $title;
+ $err = '';
+ $title = empty($title) ? __('Advanced uninstall') : $title;
- $uninstaller = new dcUninstaller($core);
- $uninstaller->loadModules($path);
- $modules = $uninstaller->getModules();
- $props = $uninstaller->getAllowedProperties();
+ $uninstaller = new dcUninstaller($core);
+ $uninstaller->loadModules($path);
+ $modules = $uninstaller->getModules();
+ $props = $uninstaller->getAllowedProperties();
- # Execute
- if (isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] == 'uninstall'
- && (!empty($_POST['extras']) || !empty($_POST['actions']))) {
+ # Execute
+ if (isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] == 'uninstall'
+ && (!empty($_POST['extras']) || !empty($_POST['actions']))) {
- try {
- # Extras
- if (!empty($_POST['extras'])) {
- foreach($_POST['extras'] as $module_id => $extras)
- {
- foreach($extras as $k => $sentence)
- {
- $extra = @unserialize(@base64_decode($sentence));
+ try {
+ # Extras
+ if (!empty($_POST['extras'])) {
+ foreach($_POST['extras'] as $module_id => $extras)
+ {
+ foreach($extras as $k => $sentence)
+ {
+ $extra = @unserialize(@base64_decode($sentence));
- if (!$extra || !is_callable($extra)) continue;
+ if (!$extra || !is_callable($extra)) continue;
- call_user_func($extra,$modul_id);
- }
- }
- }
- # Actions
- if (!empty($_POST['actions'])) {
- foreach($_POST['actions'] as $module_id => $actions)
- {
- foreach($actions as $k => $sentence)
- {
- $action = @unserialize(@base64_decode($sentence));
+ call_user_func($extra,$modul_id);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Actions
+ if (!empty($_POST['actions'])) {
+ foreach($_POST['actions'] as $module_id => $actions)
+ {
+ foreach($actions as $k => $sentence)
+ {
+ $action = @unserialize(@base64_decode($sentence));
- if (!$action
- || !isset($action['type'])
- || !isset($action['action'])
- || !isset($action['ns'])) continue;
+ if (!$action
+ || !isset($action['type'])
+ || !isset($action['action'])
+ || !isset($action['ns'])) continue;
- $uninstaller->execute($action['type'],$action['action'],$action['ns']);
- }
- }
- }
- http::redirect($redir.'&msg=1');
- }
- catch(Exception $e) {
- $err = $e->getMessage();
- }
- }
+ $uninstaller->execute($action['type'],$action['action'],$action['ns']);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ http::redirect($redir.'&msg=1');
+ }
+ catch(Exception $e) {
+ $err = $e->getMessage();
+ }
+ }
- echo
- '
+ echo
+ '
- if($err)
- echo '
+ if($err)
+ echo '
- if(!count($modules)) {
- echo '
'.__('There is no module with uninstall features').'
- return;
- }
+ if(!count($modules)) {
+ echo '
'.__('There is no module with uninstall features').'
+ return;
+ }
- echo
- ''.__('List of modules with advanced uninstall features').'
- ''.
+ '';
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/index.php b/index.php
index c5cd569..c072416 100644
--- a/index.php
+++ b/index.php
@@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
- 'tables' => array('dcAdvancedCleaner','getTables'),
- 'plugins' => array('dcAdvancedCleaner','getPlugins'),
- 'themes' => array('dcAdvancedCleaner','getThemes'),
- 'caches' => array('dcAdvancedCleaner','getCaches'),
- 'versions' => array('dcAdvancedCleaner','getVersions')
- );
- $combo_actions = array(
- 'settings' => array(
- __('delete global settings') => 'delete_global',
- __('delete blog settings') => 'delete_local',
- __('delete all settings') =>'delete_all'
- ),
- 'tables' => array(
- __('delete') => 'delete',
- __('empty') => 'empty'
- ),
- 'plugins' => array(
- __('delete') => 'delete',
- __('empty') => 'empty'
- ),
- 'themes' => array(
- __('delete') => 'delete',
- __('empty') => 'empty'
- ),
- 'caches' => array(
- __('delete') => 'delete',
- __('empty') => 'empty'
- ),
- 'versions' => array(
- __('delete') => 'delete'
- )
- );
- $combo_help = array(
- 'settings' => __('Namespaces registered in dcSettings'),
- 'tables' => __('All database tables of Dotclear'),
- 'plugins' => __('Folders from plugins directories'),
- 'themes' => __('Folders from blog themes directory'),
- 'caches' => __('Folders from cache directory'),
- 'versions' => __('Versions registered in table "version" of Dotclear')
- );
+ $combo_funcs = array(
+ 'settings' => array('dcAdvancedCleaner','getSettings'),
+ 'tables' => array('dcAdvancedCleaner','getTables'),
+ 'plugins' => array('dcAdvancedCleaner','getPlugins'),
+ 'themes' => array('dcAdvancedCleaner','getThemes'),
+ 'caches' => array('dcAdvancedCleaner','getCaches'),
+ 'versions' => array('dcAdvancedCleaner','getVersions')
+ );
+ $combo_actions = array(
+ 'settings' => array(
+ __('delete global settings') => 'delete_global',
+ __('delete blog settings') => 'delete_local',
+ __('delete all settings') =>'delete_all'
+ ),
+ 'tables' => array(
+ __('delete') => 'delete',
+ __('empty') => 'empty'
+ ),
+ 'plugins' => array(
+ __('delete') => 'delete',
+ __('empty') => 'empty'
+ ),
+ 'themes' => array(
+ __('delete') => 'delete',
+ __('empty') => 'empty'
+ ),
+ 'caches' => array(
+ __('delete') => 'delete',
+ __('empty') => 'empty'
+ ),
+ 'versions' => array(
+ __('delete') => 'delete'
+ )
+ );
+ $combo_help = array(
+ 'settings' => __('Namespaces registered in dcSettings'),
+ 'tables' => __('All database tables of Dotclear'),
+ 'plugins' => __('Folders from plugins directories'),
+ 'themes' => __('Folders from blog themes directory'),
+ 'caches' => __('Folders from cache directory'),
+ 'versions' => __('Versions registered in table "version" of Dotclear')
+ );
- if (!isset($combo_funcs[$type])) return '';
+ if (!isset($combo_funcs[$type])) return '';
- $rs = call_user_func($combo_funcs[$type],$core);
+ $rs = call_user_func($combo_funcs[$type],$core);
- echo
- ''.
- '
- if (empty($rs)) {
- echo
- '
'.sprintf(__('There is no %s'),__(substr($type,0,-1))).'
- } else {
+ echo
+ '
+ '
- echo
- '
'.sprintf(__('There are %s %s'),count($rs),__($type)).'
- '
+ }
+ echo
+ '
# Localized l10n
@@ -147,35 +148,35 @@ $s = $core->blog->settings->dcAdvancedCleaner;
# Combos
$combo_title = array(
- 'settings' => __('Settings'),
- 'tables' => __('Tables'),
- 'plugins' => __('Extensions'),
- 'themes' => __('Themes'),
- 'caches' => __('Cache'),
- 'versions' => __('Versions')
+ 'settings' => __('Settings'),
+ 'tables' => __('Tables'),
+ 'plugins' => __('Extensions'),
+ 'themes' => __('Themes'),
+ 'caches' => __('Cache'),
+ 'versions' => __('Versions')
$combo_type = array(
- 'settings' => array('delete_global','delete_local','delete_all'),
- 'tables' => array('empty','delete'),
- 'plugins' => array('empty','delete'),
- 'themes' => array('empty','delete'),
- 'caches' => array('empty','delete'),
- 'versions' => array('delete')
+ 'settings' => array('delete_global','delete_local','delete_all'),
+ 'tables' => array('empty','delete'),
+ 'plugins' => array('empty','delete'),
+ 'themes' => array('empty','delete'),
+ 'caches' => array('empty','delete'),
+ 'versions' => array('delete')
# This plugin settings
if ($tab == 'dcac' && $action == 'dcadvancedcleaner_settings')
- try {
- $s->put('dcAdvancedCleaner_behavior_active',isset($_POST['dcadvancedcleaner_behavior_active']),'boolean');
- $s->put('dcAdvancedCleaner_dcproperty_hide',isset($_POST['dcadvancedcleaner_dcproperty_hide']),'boolean');
+ try {
+ $s->put('dcAdvancedCleaner_behavior_active',isset($_POST['dcadvancedcleaner_behavior_active']),'boolean');
+ $s->put('dcAdvancedCleaner_dcproperty_hide',isset($_POST['dcadvancedcleaner_dcproperty_hide']),'boolean');
- http::redirect($p_url.'&tab=dcac&part=dcac&part=&msg=done');
- }
- catch(Exception $e) {
- $core->error->add($e->getMessage());
- }
+ http::redirect($p_url.'&tab=dcac&part=dcac&part=&msg=done');
+ }
+ catch(Exception $e) {
+ $core->error->add($e->getMessage());
+ }
# Actions
@@ -183,16 +184,16 @@ if ($tab == 'lists' && !empty($entries)
&& isset($combo_type[$type])
&& in_array($action,$combo_type[$type])) {
- try {
- foreach($entries as $v) {
- dcAdvancedCleaner::execute($core,$type,$action,$v);
- }
+ try {
+ foreach($entries as $v) {
+ dcAdvancedCleaner::execute($core,$type,$action,$v);
+ }
- http::redirect($p_url.'&tab=lists&part='.$part.'&msg=done');
- }
- catch(Exception $e) {
- $core->error->add($e->getMessage());
- }
+ http::redirect($p_url.'&tab=lists&part='.$part.'&msg=done');
+ }
+ catch(Exception $e) {
+ $core->error->add($e->getMessage());
+ }
echo '
@@ -208,7 +209,7 @@ $core->callBehavior('dcAdvancedCleanerAdminHeader',$core,$p_url,$tab);
echo '
- dcPage::breadcrumb(
+ dcPage::breadcrumb(
html::escapeHTML($core->blog->name) => '',
'.$page_title.'' => ''
@@ -225,20 +226,20 @@ echo '
foreach($combo_title as $k => $v)
- echo ''.$v.' ';
+ echo ''.$v.' ';
echo '
# Load "part" page
if (isset($combo_title[$part]))
- echo '
+ echo '
if ($s->dcAdvancedCleaner_dcproperty_hide)
- echo '
'.__('Default values of Dotclear are hidden. You can change this in settings tab').'
+ echo '
'.__('Default values of Dotclear are hidden. You can change this in settings tab').'
echo '
@@ -278,5 +279,4 @@ echo '
dcAdvancedCleaner - '.$core->plugins->moduleInfo('dcAdvancedCleaner','version').'