use namespace (WIP)

This commit is contained in:
Jean-Christian Denis 2023-04-09 10:17:36 +02:00
parent 704debb394
commit 3092154cda
Signed by: JcDenis
GPG key ID: 1B5B8C5B90B6C951
24 changed files with 1241 additions and 992 deletions

View file

@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
* @brief enhancePostContent, a plugin for Dotclear 2
* @package Dotclear
* @subpackage Plugin
* @author Jean-Christian Denis and Contributors
* @copyright Jean-Christian Denis
* @copyright GPL-2.0
if (!defined('DC_CONTEXT_ADMIN')) {
return null;
class epcUpgrade
public static function growUp()
$current = dcCore::app()->getVersion(basename(dirname('../' . __DIR__)));
if ($current && version_compare($current, '0.6.6', '<=')) {
if ($current && version_compare($current, '2021.10.06', '<=')) {
if ($current && version_compare($current, '2022.11.20', '<=')) {
* 0.6.6
* - filters move from settings to dedicated table
private static function upTo00060607()
# Move old filters lists from settings to database
$f = dcCore::app()->con->select('SELECT * FROM ' . dcCore::app()->prefix . dcNamespace::NS_TABLE_NAME . " WHERE setting_ns='enhancePostContent' AND blog_id IS NOT NULL ");
while ($f->fetch()) {
if (preg_match('#enhancePostContent_(.*?)List#', $f->setting_id, $m)) {
$curlist = @unserialize($f->setting_value);
if (is_array($curlist)) {
foreach ($curlist as $k => $v) {
$cur = dcCore::app()->con->openCursor(dcCore::app()->prefix . initEnhancePostContent::TABLE_NAME);
dcCore::app()->con->writeLock(dcCore::app()->prefix . initEnhancePostContent::TABLE_NAME);
$cur->epc_id = dcCore::app()->con->select('SELECT MAX(epc_id) FROM ' . dcCore::app()->prefix . initEnhancePostContent::TABLE_NAME . ' ')->f(0) + 1;
$cur->blog_id = $f->blog_id;
$cur->epc_filter = strtolower($m[1]);
$cur->epc_key = $k;
$cur->epc_value = $v;
dcCore::app()->con->execute('DELETE FROM ' . dcCore::app()->prefix . dcNamespace::NS_TABLE_NAME . " WHERE setting_id='" . $f->setting_id . "' AND setting_ns='enhancePostContent' AND blog_id='" . $f->blog_id . "' ");
* 2021.10.06
* - filters change name to id
private static function upTo20211006()
# Move old filter name to filter id
$rs = dcCore::app()->con->select('SELECT epc_id, epc_filter FROM ' . dcCore::app()->prefix . initEnhancePostContent::TABLE_NAME);
while ($rs->fetch()) {
$cur = dcCore::app()->con->openCursor(dcCore::app()->prefix . initEnhancePostContent::TABLE_NAME);
$cur->epc_filter = strtolower($rs->epc_filter);
$cur->update('WHERE epc_id = ' . $rs->epc_id . ' ');
* 2022.11.20
* - setting id changes to shorter one,
* - setting ns changes to abstract one (no real changes),
* - setting value change from serialize to json_encode (if it's array)
private static function upTo20221120()
// list of settings using serialize values to move to json
$ids = [
foreach (enhancePostContent::getFilters() as $id => $f) {
$ids[] = $id;
// get all enhancePostContent settings
$record = dcCore::app()->con->select(
'SELECT * FROM ' . dcCore::app()->prefix . dcNamespace::NS_TABLE_NAME . ' ' .
"WHERE setting_ns = 'enhancePostContent' "
// update settings id, ns, value
while ($record->fetch()) {
if (preg_match('/^enhancePostContent_(.*?)$/', $record->setting_id, $match)) {
$cur = dcCore::app()->con->openCursor(dcCore::app()->prefix . dcNamespace::NS_TABLE_NAME);
$cur->setting_id = $match[1];
$cur->setting_ns = basename(dirname('../' . __DIR__));
if (in_array($match[1], $ids)) {
$cur->setting_value = json_encode(unserialize($record->setting_value));
$cur->update("WHERE setting_id = '" . $record->setting_id . "' and setting_ns = 'enhancePostContent' ");

View file

@ -10,91 +10,121 @@
* @copyright Jean-Christian Denis
* @copyright GPL-2.0
if (!defined('DC_CONTEXT_ADMIN')) {
return null;
namespace Dotclear\Plugin\enhancePostContent;
use ArrayObject;
use dcAdmin;
use dcCore;
use dcPage;
use dcFavorites;
use dcNsProcess;
use dcSettings;
use form;
class Backend extends dcNsProcess
public static function init(): bool
static::$init = defined('DC_CONTEXT_ADMIN')
&& My::phpCompliant()
&& dcCore::app()->auth->check(dcCore::app()->auth->makePermissions([
]), dcCore::app()->blog->id);
return static::$init;
public static function process(): bool
if (!static::$init) {
return false;
# Admin menu
dcCore::app()->adminurl->get('admin.plugin.' . My::id()),
dcPage::getPF(My::id() . '/icon.svg'),
preg_match('/' . preg_quote(dcCore::app()->adminurl->get('admin.plugin.' . My::id())) . '(&.*)?$/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']),
dcCore::app()->auth->check(dcCore::app()->auth->makePermissions([dcCore::app()->auth::PERMISSION_CONTENT_ADMIN]), dcCore::app()->blog->id)
# Dashboard favorites
'adminDashboardFavoritesV2' => function (dcFavorites $favs): void {
$favs->register(My::id(), [
'title' => My::name(),
'url' => dcCore::app()->adminurl->get('admin.plugin.' . My::id()),
'small-icon' => dcPage::getPF(My::id() . '/icon.svg'),
'large-icon' => dcPage::getPF(My::id() . '/icon.svg'),
'permissions' => dcCore::app()->auth->makePermissions([dcCore::app()->auth::PERMISSION_CONTENT_ADMIN]),
# Preference form
'adminBlogPreferencesFormV2' => function (dcSettings $blog_settings):void {
$active = (bool) $blog_settings->get(My::id())->get('active');
$allowedtplvalues = Epc::blogAllowedTplValues();
$allowedpubpages = Epc::blogAllowedPubPages();
'<div class="fieldset"><h4 id="epc_params">' . My::name() . '</h4>' .
'<div class="two-cols">' .
'<div class="col">' .
'<p><label class="classic">' .
form::checkbox('epc_active', '1', $active) .
__('Enable plugin') . '</label></p>' .
'<p class="form-note">' .
__('This enable public widgets and contents filter.') .
'</p>' .
'<p><a href="' . dcCore::app()->adminurl->get('admin.plugin.' . My::id()) . '">' .
__('Set content filters') . '</a></p>' .
'</div>' .
'<div class="col">' .
'<h5>' . __('Extra') . '</h5>' .
'<p>' . __('This is a special feature to edit list of allowed template values and public pages where this plugin works.') . '</p>' .
'<p><label for="epc_allowedtplvalues">' . __('Allowed DC template values:') . '</label>' .
form::field('epc_allowedtplvalues', 100, 0, Epc::implode($allowedtplvalues)) . '</p>' .
'<p class="form-note">' . __('Use "readable_name1:template_value1;readable_name2:template_value2;" like "entry content:EntryContent;entry excerpt:EntryExcerpt;".') . '</p>' .
'<p><label for="epc_allowedpubpages">' . __('Allowed public pages:') . '</label>' .
form::field('epc_allowedpubpages', 100, 0, Epc::implode($allowedpubpages)) . '</p>' .
'<p class="form-note">' . __('Use "readable_name1:template_page1;readable_name2:template_page2;" like "post page:post.html;home page:home.html;".') . '</p>' .
'</div>' .
'</div>' .
'<br class="clear" />' .
# Save preference
'adminBeforeBlogSettingsUpdate' => function (dcSettings $blog_settings): void {
$active = !empty($_POST['epc_active']);
$allowedtplvalues = Epc::explode($_POST['epc_allowedtplvalues']);
$allowedpubpages = Epc::explode($_POST['epc_allowedpubpages']);
$blog_settings->get(My::id())->put('active', $active);
$blog_settings->get(My::id())->put('allowedtplvalues', json_encode($allowedtplvalues));
$blog_settings->get(My::id())->put('allowedpubpages', json_encode($allowedpubpages));
# List filter
'adminFiltersListsV2' => function (ArrayObject $sorts): void {
$sorts['epc'] = [
__('Date') => 'epc_upddt',
__('Key') => 'epc_key',
__('Value') => 'epc_value',
__('ID') => 'epc_id',
[__('records per page'), 20],
# Widgets
'initWidgets' => [Widgets::class, 'initWidgets'],
return true;
require __DIR__ . '/_widgets.php';
# Admin menu
__('Enhance post content'),
dcCore::app()->adminurl->get('admin.plugin.' . basename(__DIR__)),
urldecode(dcPage::getPF(basename(__DIR__) . '/icon.svg')),
preg_match('/' . preg_quote(dcCore::app()->adminurl->get('admin.plugin.' . basename(__DIR__))) . '(&.*)?$/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']),
dcCore::app()->auth->check(dcCore::app()->auth->makePermissions([dcAuth::PERMISSION_CONTENT_ADMIN]), dcCore::app()->blog->id)
# Dashboard favorites
dcCore::app()->addBehavior('adminDashboardFavoritesV2', function (dcFavorites $favs) {
$favs->register(basename(__DIR__), [
'title' => __('Enhance post content'),
'url' => dcCore::app()->adminurl->get('admin.plugin.' . basename(__DIR__)),
'small-icon' => urldecode(dcPage::getPF(basename(__DIR__) . '/icon.svg')),
'large-icon' => urldecode(dcPage::getPF(basename(__DIR__) . '/icon.svg')),
'permissions' => dcCore::app()->auth->makePermissions([dcAuth::PERMISSION_CONTENT_ADMIN]),
# Preference form
dcCore::app()->addBehavior('adminBlogPreferencesFormV2', function (dcSettings $blog_settings) {
$active = (bool) $blog_settings->get(basename(__DIR__))->get('active');
$allowedtplvalues = enhancePostContent::blogAllowedTplValues();
$allowedpubpages = enhancePostContent::blogAllowedPubPages();
'<div class="fieldset"><h4 id="epc_params">' . __('Enhance post content') . '</h4>' .
'<div class="two-cols">' .
'<div class="col">' .
'<p><label class="classic">' .
form::checkbox('epc_active', '1', $active) .
__('Enable plugin') . '</label></p>' .
'<p class="form-note">' .
__('This enable public widgets and contents filter.') .
'</p>' .
'<p><a href="' . dcCore::app()->adminurl->get('admin.plugin.' . basename(__DIR__)) . '">' .
__('Set content filters') . '</a></p>' .
'</div>' .
'<div class="col">' .
'<h5>' . __('Extra') . '</h5>' .
'<p>' . __('This is a special feature to edit list of allowed template values and public pages where this plugin works.') . '</p>' .
'<p><label for="epc_allowedtplvalues">' . __('Allowed DC template values:') . '</label>' .
form::field('epc_allowedtplvalues', 100, 0, enhancePostContent::implode($allowedtplvalues)) . '</p>' .
'<p class="form-note">' . __('Use "readable_name1:template_value1;readable_name2:template_value2;" like "entry content:EntryContent;entry excerpt:EntryExcerpt;".') . '</p>' .
'<p><label for="epc_allowedpubpages">' . __('Allowed public pages:') . '</label>' .
form::field('epc_allowedpubpages', 100, 0, enhancePostContent::implode($allowedpubpages)) . '</p>' .
'<p class="form-note">' . __('Use "readable_name1:template_page1;readable_name2:template_page2;" like "post page:post.html;home page:home.html;".') . '</p>' .
'</div>' .
'</div>' .
'<br class="clear" />' .
# Save preference
dcCore::app()->addBehavior('adminBeforeBlogSettingsUpdate', function (dcSettings $blog_settings) {
$active = !empty($_POST['epc_active']);
$allowedtplvalues = enhancePostContent::explode($_POST['epc_allowedtplvalues']);
$allowedpubpages = enhancePostContent::explode($_POST['epc_allowedpubpages']);
$blog_settings->get(basename(__DIR__))->put('active', $active);
$blog_settings->get(basename(__DIR__))->put('allowedtplvalues', json_encode($allowedtplvalues));
$blog_settings->get(basename(__DIR__))->put('allowedpubpages', json_encode($allowedpubpages));
# List filter
dcCore::app()->addBehavior('adminFiltersListsV2', function (ArrayObject $sorts) {
$sorts['epc'] = [
__('Enhance post content'),
__('Date') => 'epc_upddt',
__('Key') => 'epc_key',
__('Value') => 'epc_value',
__('ID') => 'epc_id',
[__('records per page'), 20],

View file

@ -10,16 +10,24 @@
* @copyright Jean-Christian Denis
* @copyright GPL-2.0
if (!defined('DC_CONTEXT_ADMIN')) {
return null;
namespace Dotclear\Plugin\enhancePostContent;
use adminGenericListV2;
use dcCore;
use dcPager;
use Dotclear\Helper\Html\Form\Checkbox;
use Dotclear\Helper\Html\Html;
use dt;
* @brief Periodical - admin pager methods.
* @since 2.6
class adminEpcList extends adminGenericList
class BackendList extends adminGenericListV2
public function display($filter, $pager_url, $enclose_block = '')
@ -65,12 +73,12 @@ class adminEpcList extends adminGenericList
private function line($checked)
private function line(bool $checked): string
$cols = [
'check' => '<td class="nowrap">' . form::checkbox(['epc_id[]'], $this->rs->epc_id, ['checked' => $checked]) . '</td>',
'key' => '<td class="nowrap">' . html::escapeHTML($this->rs->epc_key) . '</td>',
'value' => '<td class="maximal">' . html::escapeHTML($this->rs->epc_value) . '</td>',
'check' => '<td class="nowrap">' . (new Checkbox(['epc_id[]'], $checked))->value($this->rs->epc_id)->render() . '</td>',
'key' => '<td class="nowrap">' . Html::escapeHTML($this->rs->epc_key) . '</td>',
'value' => '<td class="maximal">' . Html::escapeHTML($this->rs->epc_value) . '</td>',
'date' => '<td class="nowrap count">' . dt::dt2str(__('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'), $this->rs->epc_upddt) . '</td>',

View file

@ -10,6 +10,16 @@
* @copyright Jean-Christian Denis
* @copyright GPL-2.0
namespace Dotclear\Plugin\enhancePostContent;
use ArrayObject;
use dcCore;
use Dotclear\Helper\Html\Html;
use Dotclear\Plugin\widgets\WidgetsElement;
use Exception;
# l10n
__('entry excerpt');
__('entry content');
@ -21,7 +31,7 @@ __('search results page');
__('atom feeds');
__('RSS feeds');
class enhancePostContent
class Epc
protected static $default_filters = null;
public static $epcFilterLimit = [];
@ -30,9 +40,9 @@ class enhancePostContent
# Default definition
public static function defaultAllowedTplValues()
public static function defaultAllowedTplValues(): array
$rs = new arrayObject([
$rs = new ArrayObject([
'entry excerpt' => 'EntryExcerpt',
'entry content' => 'EntryContent',
'comment content' => 'CommentContent',
@ -43,28 +53,27 @@ class enhancePostContent
return iterator_to_array($rs, true);
public static function blogAllowedTplValues()
public static function blogAllowedTplValues(): array
dcCore::app()->blog->settings->addNamespace(basename(dirname('../' . __DIR__)));
$rs = json_decode(dcCore::app()->blog->settings->get(basename(dirname('../' . __DIR__)))->get('allowedtplvalues'));
return is_array($rs) ? $rs : self::defaultAllowedTplValues();
public static function defaultAllowedWidgetValues()
public static function defaultAllowedWidgetValues(): array
$rs = new arrayObject([
$rs = new ArrayObject([
'entry excerpt' => [
'id' => 'entryexcerpt',
'cb' => ['enhancePostContent','widgetContentEntryExcerpt'],
'cb' => [self::class,'widgetContentEntryExcerpt'],
'entry content' => [
'id' => 'entrycontent',
'cb' => ['enhancePostContent','widgetContentEntryContent'],
'cb' => [self::class,'widgetContentEntryContent'],
'comment content' => [
'id' => 'commentcontent',
'cb' => ['enhancePostContent','widgetContentCommentContent'],
'cb' => [self::class,'widgetContentCommentContent'],
@ -73,9 +82,9 @@ class enhancePostContent
return iterator_to_array($rs, true);
public static function defaultAllowedPubPages()
public static function defaultAllowedPubPages(): array
$rs = new arrayObject([
$rs = new ArrayObject([
'home page' => 'home.html',
'post page' => 'post.html',
'category page' => 'category.html',
@ -89,19 +98,18 @@ class enhancePostContent
return iterator_to_array($rs, true);
public static function blogAllowedPubPages()
public static function blogAllowedPubPages(): array
dcCore::app()->blog->settings->addNamespace(basename(dirname('../' . __DIR__)));
$rs = json_decode(dcCore::app()->blog->settings->get(basename(dirname('../' . __DIR__)))->get('allowedpubpages'));
$rs = json_decode(dcCore::app()->blog->settings->get(My::id())->get('allowedpubpages'));
return is_array($rs) ? $rs : self::defaultAllowedPubPages();
public static function getFilters()
public static function getFilters(): ?array
if (self::$default_filters === null) {
$final = $sort = [];
$filters = new arrayObject();
$filters = new ArrayObject();
try {
dcCore::app()->callBehavior('enhancePostContentFilters', $filters);
@ -122,7 +130,7 @@ class enhancePostContent
return self::$default_filters;
public static function testContext($tag, $args, $filter)
public static function testContext(string $tag, array $args, EpcFilter $filter): bool
return is_array($filter->pubPages)
&& in_array(dcCore::app()->ctx->current_tpl, $filter->pubPages)
@ -136,7 +144,7 @@ class enhancePostContent
public static function replaceString($p, $r, $s, $filter, $before = '\b', $after = '\b')
public static function replaceString(string $p, string $r, string $s, EpcFilter $filter, string $before = '\b', string $after = '\b'): string
# Limit
if ($filter->limit > 0) {
@ -164,7 +172,7 @@ class enhancePostContent
$tags = implode('|', $ignore_tags);
if (!empty($tags)) {
$s = preg_replace_callback('#(<(' . $tags . ')[^>]*?>)(.*?)(</\\2>)#s', ['enhancePostContent', 'removeTags'], $s);
$s = preg_replace_callback('#(<(' . $tags . ')[^>]*?>)(.*?)(</\\2>)#s', [self::class, 'removeTags'], $s);
# Remove words inside html tag (class, title, alt, href, ...)
$s = preg_replace('#(ççççç(' . $p . '(s|))ççççç)(?=[^<]+>)#s' . $i, '$2$4', $s);
@ -176,7 +184,7 @@ class enhancePostContent
return $s = preg_replace('#ççççç(.*?)ççççç#s', '$1', $s);
public static function matchString($p, $r, $s, $filter, $before = '\b', $after = '\b')
public static function matchString(string $p, string $r, string $s, EcpFilter $filter, string $before = '\b', string $after = '\b'): array
# Case sensitive
$i = $filter->nocase ? 'i' : '';
@ -202,22 +210,22 @@ class enhancePostContent
return ['total' => $t, 'matches' => $m];
public static function quote($s)
public static function quote(string $s): string
return preg_quote($s, '#');
public static function removeTags($m)
public static function removeTags(array $m): string
return $m[1] . preg_replace('#ççççç(?!ççççç)#s', '$1', $m[3]) . $m[4];
public static function decodeTags($t)
public static function decodeTags(string $t): array
return preg_match_all('#([A-Za-z0-9]+)#', (string) $t, $m) ? $m[1] : [];
public static function implode($a)
public static function implode(array|string $a): string
if (is_string($a)) {
return $a;
@ -234,7 +242,7 @@ class enhancePostContent
return $r;
public static function explode($s)
public static function explode(array|string $s): array
if (is_array($s)) {
return $s;
@ -256,8 +264,8 @@ class enhancePostContent
$key = html::escapeHTML(trim($cur[0]));
$val = html::escapeHTML(trim($cur[1]));
$key = Html::escapeHTML(trim($cur[0]));
$val = Html::escapeHTML(trim($cur[1]));
if (empty($key) || empty($val)) {
@ -273,7 +281,7 @@ class enhancePostContent
# Widgets
public static function widgetContentEntryExcerpt($w)
public static function widgetContentEntryExcerpt(?WidgetsElement $w = null): string
if (!dcCore::app()->ctx->exists('posts')) {
return null;
@ -281,13 +289,13 @@ class enhancePostContent
$res = '';
while (dcCore::app()->ctx->posts->fetch()) {
$res .= dcCore::app()->ctx->posts->post_excerpt;
$res .= dcCore::app()->ctx->posts->f('post_excerpt');
return $res;
public static function widgetContentEntryContent()
public static function widgetContentEntryContent(): string
if (!dcCore::app()->ctx->exists('posts')) {
return null;
@ -295,13 +303,13 @@ class enhancePostContent
$res = '';
while (dcCore::app()->ctx->posts->fetch()) {
$res .= dcCore::app()->ctx->posts->post_content;
$res .= dcCore::app()->ctx->posts->f('post_content');
return $res;
public static function widgetContentCommentContent()
public static function widgetContentCommentContent(): string
if (!dcCore::app()->ctx->exists('posts')) {
return null;
@ -310,7 +318,7 @@ class enhancePostContent
$res = '';
$post_ids = [];
while (dcCore::app()->ctx->posts->fetch()) {
$comments = dcCore::app()->blog->getComments(['post_id' => dcCore::app()->ctx->posts->post_id]);
$comments = dcCore::app()->blog->getComments(['post_id' => dcCore::app()->ctx->posts->f('post_id')]);
while ($comments->fetch()) {
$res .= $comments->getContent();

View file

@ -10,7 +10,16 @@
* @copyright Jean-Christian Denis
* @copyright GPL-2.0
abstract class epcFilter
namespace Dotclear\Plugin\enhancePostContent;
use ArrayObject;
use dcCore;
use dcRecord;
use Dotclear\Plugin\widgets\WidgetsElement;
abstract class EpcFilter
private $id = 'undefined';
private $records = null;
@ -42,7 +51,7 @@ abstract class epcFilter
public static function create(arrayObject $o)
public static function create(ArrayObject $o): void
$c = get_called_class();
$o->append(new $c());
@ -53,7 +62,7 @@ abstract class epcFilter
return $this->id;
final public function __get($k)
final public function __get(string $k): mixed
if (isset($this->properties[$k])) {
return $this->properties[$k];
@ -65,19 +74,19 @@ abstract class epcFilter
return null;
final public function __set($k, $v)
final public function __set(string $k, mixed $v): void
if (isset($this->settings[$k])) {
$this->settings[$k] = $v;
final public function property($k)
final public function property(string $k): mixed
return $this->properties[$k] ?? null;
final protected function setProperties($property, $value = null): bool
final protected function setProperties(array|string $property, mixed $value = null): bool
$properties = is_array($property) ? $property : [$property => $value];
foreach ($properties as $k => $v) {
@ -89,12 +98,12 @@ abstract class epcFilter
return true;
final public function setting($k)
final public function setting(string $k): mixed
return $this->settings[$k] ?? null;
final protected function setSettings($setting, $value = null): bool
final protected function setSettings(array|string $setting, mixed $value = null): bool
$settings = is_array($setting) ? $setting : [$setting => $value];
foreach ($settings as $k => $v) {
@ -106,9 +115,9 @@ abstract class epcFilter
return true;
private function blogSettings()
private function blogSettings(): void
$opt = json_decode((string) dcCore::app()->blog->settings->get(basename(dirname('../' . __DIR__)))->get($this->id));
$opt = json_decode((string) dcCore::app()->blog->settings->get(My::id())->get($this->id));
if (empty($opt)) {
$opt = [];
@ -136,11 +145,10 @@ abstract class epcFilter
final public function records()
final public function records(): ?dcRecord
if ($this->records === null && $this->has_list) {
$records = new epcRecords();
$this->records = $records->getRecords(['epc_filter' => $this->id()]);
$this->records = EpcRecord::getRecords(['epc_filter' => $this->id()]);
return $this->records;
@ -148,13 +156,13 @@ abstract class epcFilter
abstract protected function init(): string;
public function publicContent($tag, $args)
public function publicContent(string $tag, array $args): void
return null;
public function widgetList($content, $w, &$list)
public function widgetList(string $content, WidgetsElement $w, array &$list): void
return null;

View file

@ -10,20 +10,17 @@
* @copyright Jean-Christian Denis
* @copyright GPL-2.0
class epcRecords
namespace Dotclear\Plugin\enhancePostContent;
use cursor;
use dcCore;
use dcRecord;
class EpcRecord
public $con;
public $table;
public $blog;
public function __construct()
$this->con = dcCore::app()->con;
$this->table = dcCore::app()->prefix . initEnhancePostContent::TABLE_NAME;
$this->blog = dcCore::app()->con->escape(dcCore::app()->blog->id);
public function getRecords($params, $count_only = false)
public static function getRecords(array $params, bool $count_only = false): dcRecord
if ($count_only) {
$strReq = 'SELECT count(E.epc_id) ';
@ -37,19 +34,19 @@ class epcRecords
'E.epc_filter, E.epc_key, E.epc_value ';
$strReq .= 'FROM ' . $this->table . ' E ';
$strReq .= 'FROM ' . dcCore::app()->prefix . My::TABLE_NAME . ' E ';
if (!empty($params['from'])) {
$strReq .= $params['from'] . ' ';
$strReq .= "WHERE E.blog_id = '" . $this->blog . "' ";
$strReq .= "WHERE E.blog_id = '" . dcCore::app()->con->escapeStr((string) dcCore::app()->blog->id) . "' ";
if (isset($params['epc_type'])) {
if (is_array($params['epc_type']) && !empty($params['epc_type'])) {
$strReq .= 'AND E.epc_type ' . $this->con->in($params['epc_type']);
$strReq .= 'AND E.epc_type ' . dcCore::app()->con->in($params['epc_type']);
} elseif ($params['epc_type'] != '') {
$strReq .= "AND E.epc_type = '" . $this->con->escape($params['epc_type']) . "' ";
$strReq .= "AND E.epc_type = '" . dcCore::app()->con->escapeStr((string) $params['epc_type']) . "' ";
} else {
$strReq .= "AND E.epc_type = 'epc' ";
@ -57,9 +54,9 @@ class epcRecords
if (isset($params['epc_filter'])) {
if (is_array($params['epc_filter']) && !empty($params['epc_filter'])) {
$strReq .= 'AND E.epc_filter ' . $this->con->in($params['epc_filter']);
$strReq .= 'AND E.epc_filter ' . dcCore::app()->con->in($params['epc_filter']);
} elseif ($params['epc_filter'] != '') {
$strReq .= "AND E.epc_filter = '" . $this->con->escape($params['epc_filter']) . "' ";
$strReq .= "AND E.epc_filter = '" . dcCore::app()->con->escapeStr((string) $params['epc_filter']) . "' ";
@ -69,16 +66,16 @@ class epcRecords
} else {
$params['epc_id'] = [(int) $params['epc_id']];
$strReq .= 'AND E.epc_id ' . $this->con->in($params['epc_id']);
$strReq .= 'AND E.epc_id ' . dcCore::app()->con->in($params['epc_id']);
} elseif (isset($params['not_id']) && is_numeric($params['not_id'])) {
$strReq .= "AND NOT E.epc_id = '" . $params['not_id'] . "' ";
if (isset($params['epc_key'])) {
if (is_array($params['epc_key']) && !empty($params['epc_key'])) {
$strReq .= 'AND E.epc_key ' . $this->con->in($params['epc_key']);
$strReq .= 'AND E.epc_key ' . dcCore::app()->con->in($params['epc_key']);
} elseif ($params['epc_key'] != '') {
$strReq .= "AND E.epc_key = '" . $this->con->escape($params['epc_key']) . "' ";
$strReq .= "AND E.epc_key = '" . dcCore::app()->con->escapeStr((string) $params['epc_key']) . "' ";
@ -88,75 +85,71 @@ class epcRecords
if (!$count_only) {
if (!empty($params['order'])) {
$strReq .= 'ORDER BY ' . $this->con->escape($params['order']) . ' ';
$strReq .= 'ORDER BY ' . dcCore::app()->con->escapeStr((string) $params['order']) . ' ';
} else {
$strReq .= 'ORDER BY E.epc_key ASC ';
if (!$count_only && !empty($params['limit'])) {
$strReq .= $this->con->limit($params['limit']);
$strReq .= dcCore::app()->con->limit($params['limit']);
return $this->con->select($strReq);
return new dcRecord(dcCore::app()->con->select($strReq));
public function addRecord($cur)
public static function addRecord(cursor $cur): int
dcCore::app()->con->writeLock(dcCore::app()->prefix . My::TABLE_NAME);
try {
$cur->epc_id = $this->getNextId();
$cur->blog_id = $this->blog;
$cur->epc_upddt = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$cur->setField('epc_id', self::getNextId());
$cur->setField('blog_id', dcCore::app()->blog->id);
$cur->setField('epc_upddt', date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw $e;
# --BEHAVIOR-- enhancePostContentAfterAddRecord
dcCore::app()->callBehavior('enhancePostContentAfterAddRecord', $cur);
return $cur->epc_id;
return (int) $cur->getField('epc_id');
public function updRecord($id, $cur)
public static function updRecord(int $id, cursor $cur): void
$id = (int) $id;
if (empty($id)) {
throw new Exception(__('No such record ID'));
$cur->epc_upddt = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$cur->setField('epc_upddt', date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
$cur->update('WHERE epc_id = ' . $id . " AND blog_id = '" . $this->blog . "' ");
$cur->update('WHERE epc_id = ' . $id . " AND blog_id = '" . dcCore::app()->con->escapeStr((string) dcCore::app()->blog->id) . "' ");
# --BEHAVIOR-- enhancePostContentAfterUpdRecord
dcCore::app()->callBehavior('enhancePostContentAfterUpdRecord', $cur, $id);
public function isRecord($filter, $key, $not_id = null)
public static function isRecord(string $filter, string $key, int $not_id = null): bool
return 0 < $this->getRecords([
return 0 < self::getRecords([
'epc_filter' => $filter,
'epc_key' => $key,
'not_id' => $not_id,
], true)->f(0);
public function delRecord($id)
public static function delRecord(int $id): void
$id = (int) $id;
if (empty($id)) {
throw new Exception(__('No such record ID'));
@ -164,42 +157,41 @@ class epcRecords
# --BEHAVIOR-- enhancePostContentBeforeDelRecord
dcCore::app()->callBehavior('enhancePostContentbeforeDelRecord', $id);
'DELETE FROM ' . $this->table . ' ' .
'DELETE FROM ' . dcCore::app()->prefix . My::TABLE_NAME . ' ' .
'WHERE epc_id = ' . $id . ' ' .
"AND blog_id = '" . $this->blog . "' "
"AND blog_id = '" . dcCore::app()->con->escapeStr((string) dcCore::app()->blog->id) . "' "
private function getNextId()
private static function getNextId(): int
return $this->con->select(
'SELECT MAX(epc_id) FROM ' . $this->table . ' '
return (int) dcCore::app()->con->select(
'SELECT MAX(epc_id) FROM ' . dcCore::app()->prefix . My::TABLE_NAME . ' '
)->f(0) + 1;
public function openCursor()
public static function openCursor(): cursor
return $this->con->openCursor($this->table);
return dcCore::app()->con->openCursor(dcCore::app()->prefix . My::TABLE_NAME);
private function getCursor($cur, $epc_id = null)
private static function getCursor(cursor $cur): void
if ($cur->epc_key == '') {
if ($cur->getField('epc_key') == '') {
throw new Exception(__('No record key'));
if ($cur->epc_value == '') {
if ($cur->getField('epc_value') == '') {
throw new Exception(__('No record value'));
if ($cur->epc_filter == '') {
if ($cur->getField('epc_filter') == '') {
throw new Exception(__('No record filter'));
$epc_id = is_int($epc_id) ? $epc_id : $cur->epc_id;
private function trigger()
private static function trigger(): void

View file

@ -10,11 +10,15 @@
* @copyright Jean-Christian Denis
* @copyright GPL-2.0
if (!defined('DC_RC_PATH')) {
return null;
class epcFilterAbbreviation extends epcFilter
namespace Dotclear\Plugin\enhancePostContent\Filter;
use Dotclear\Plugin\enhancePostContent\Epc;
use Dotclear\Plugin\enhancePostContent\EpcFilter;
use Dotclear\Plugin\widgets\WidgetsElement;
class EpcFilterAbbreviation extends EpcFilter
protected function init(): string
@ -39,31 +43,27 @@ class epcFilterAbbreviation extends epcFilter
return 'abbreviation';
public function publicContent($tag, $args)
public function publicContent(string $tag, array $args): void
while ($this->records()->fetch()) {
$args[0] = enhancePostContent::replaceString(
$args[0] = Epc::replaceString(
sprintf($this->replace, __($this->records()->epc_value), '\\1'),
return null;
public function widgetList($content, $w, &$list)
public function widgetList(string $content, WidgetsElement $w, array &$list): void
while ($this->records()->fetch()) {
$list[] = enhancePostContent::matchString(
$list[] = Epc::matchString(
sprintf($this->widget, __($this->records()->epc_value), '\\1'),
return null;

View file

@ -10,11 +10,15 @@
* @copyright Jean-Christian Denis
* @copyright GPL-2.0
if (!defined('DC_RC_PATH')) {
return null;
class epcFilterAcronym extends epcFilter
namespace Dotclear\Plugin\enhancePostContent\Filter;
use Dotclear\Plugin\enhancePostContent\Epc;
use Dotclear\Plugin\enhancePostContent\EpcFilter;
use Dotclear\Plugin\widgets\WidgetsElement;
class EpcFilterAcronym extends EpcFilter
protected function init(): string
@ -39,31 +43,27 @@ class epcFilterAcronym extends epcFilter
return 'acronym';
public function publicContent($tag, $args)
public function publicContent(string $tag, array $args): void
while ($this->records()->fetch()) {
$args[0] = enhancePostContent::replaceString(
$args[0] = Epc::replaceString(
sprintf($this->replace, __($this->records()->epc_value), '\\1'),
return null;
public function widgetList($content, $w, &$list)
public function widgetList(string $content, WidgetsElement $w, array &$list): void
while ($this->records()->fetch()) {
$list[] = enhancePostContent::matchString(
$list[] = Epc::matchString(
sprintf($this->widget, __($this->records()->epc_value), '\\1'),
return null;

View file

@ -10,11 +10,15 @@
* @copyright Jean-Christian Denis
* @copyright GPL-2.0
if (!defined('DC_RC_PATH')) {
return null;
class epcFilterCitation extends epcFilter
namespace Dotclear\Plugin\enhancePostContent\Filter;
use Dotclear\Plugin\enhancePostContent\Epc;
use Dotclear\Plugin\enhancePostContent\EpcFilter;
use Dotclear\Plugin\widgets\WidgetsElement;
class EpcFilterCitation extends EpcFilter
protected function init(): string
@ -40,31 +44,27 @@ class epcFilterCitation extends epcFilter
return 'citation';
public function publicContent($tag, $args)
public function publicContent(string $tag, array $args): void
while ($this->records()->fetch()) {
$args[0] = enhancePostContent::replaceString(
$args[0] = Epc::replaceString(
sprintf($this->replace, __($this->records()->epc_value), '\\1'),
return null;
public function widgetList($content, $w, &$list)
public function widgetList(string $content, WidgetsElement $w, array &$list): void
while ($this->records()->fetch()) {
$list[] = enhancePostContent::matchString(
$list[] = Epc::matchString(
sprintf($this->widget, __($this->records()->epc_value), '\\1'),
return null;

View file

@ -10,11 +10,15 @@
* @copyright Jean-Christian Denis
* @copyright GPL-2.0
if (!defined('DC_RC_PATH')) {
return null;
class epcFilterDefinition extends epcFilter
namespace Dotclear\Plugin\enhancePostContent\Filter;
use Dotclear\Plugin\enhancePostContent\Epc;
use Dotclear\Plugin\enhancePostContent\EpcFilter;
use Dotclear\Plugin\widgets\WidgetsElement;
class EpcFilterDefinition extends EpcFilter
protected function init(): string
@ -39,31 +43,27 @@ class epcFilterDefinition extends epcFilter
return 'definition';
public function publicContent($tag, $args)
public function publicContent(string $tag, array $args): void
while ($this->records()->fetch()) {
$args[0] = enhancePostContent::replaceString(
$args[0] = Epc::replaceString(
sprintf($this->replace, __($this->records()->epc_value), '\\1'),
return null;
public function widgetList($content, $w, &$list)
public function widgetList(string $content, WidgetsElement $w, array &$list): void
while ($this->records()->fetch()) {
$list[] = enhancePostContent::matchString(
$list[] = Epc::matchString(
sprintf($this->widget, __($this->records()->epc_value), '\\1'),
return null;

View file

@ -10,11 +10,15 @@
* @copyright Jean-Christian Denis
* @copyright GPL-2.0
if (!defined('DC_RC_PATH')) {
return null;
class epcFilterLink extends epcFilter
namespace Dotclear\Plugin\enhancePostContent\Filter;
use Dotclear\Plugin\enhancePostContent\Epc;
use Dotclear\Plugin\enhancePostContent\EpcFilter;
use Dotclear\Plugin\widgets\WidgetsElement;
class EpcFilterLink extends EpcFilter
protected function init(): string
@ -39,31 +43,27 @@ class epcFilterLink extends epcFilter
return 'link';
public function publicContent($tag, $args)
public function publicContent(string $tag, array $args): void
while ($this->records()->fetch()) {
$args[0] = enhancePostContent::replaceString(
$args[0] = Epc::replaceString(
sprintf($this->replace, '\\1', $this->records()->epc_value, '\\1'),
return null;
public function widgetList($content, $w, &$list)
public function widgetList(string $content, WidgetsElement $w, array &$list): void
while ($this->records()->fetch()) {
$list[] = enhancePostContent::matchString(
$list[] = Epc::matchString(
sprintf($this->widget, $this->records()->epc_value, $this->records()->epc_value, '\\1'),
return null;

View file

@ -10,11 +10,15 @@
* @copyright Jean-Christian Denis
* @copyright GPL-2.0
if (!defined('DC_RC_PATH')) {
return null;
class epcFilterReplace extends epcFilter
namespace Dotclear\Plugin\enhancePostContent\Filter;
use Dotclear\Plugin\enhancePostContent\Epc;
use Dotclear\Plugin\enhancePostContent\EpcFilter;
use Dotclear\Plugin\widgets\WidgetsElement;
class EpcFilterReplace extends EpcFilter
protected function init(): string
@ -40,17 +44,15 @@ class epcFilterReplace extends epcFilter
return 'replace';
public function publicContent($tag, $args)
public function publicContent(string $tag, array $args): void
while ($this->records()->fetch()) {
$args[0] = enhancePostContent::replaceString(
$args[0] = Epc::replaceString(
sprintf($this->replace, $this->records()->epc_value, '\\2'),
return null;

View file

@ -10,11 +10,16 @@
* @copyright Jean-Christian Denis
* @copyright GPL-2.0
if (!defined('DC_RC_PATH')) {
return null;
class epcFilterSearch extends epcFilter
namespace Dotclear\Plugin\enhancePostContent\Filter;
use dcCore;
use Dotclear\Plugin\enhancePostContent\Epc;
use Dotclear\Plugin\enhancePostContent\EpcFilter;
use Dotclear\Plugin\widgets\WidgetsElement;
class EpcFilterSearch extends EpcFilter
protected function init(): string
@ -39,23 +44,21 @@ class epcFilterSearch extends epcFilter
return 'search';
public function publicContent($tag, $args)
public function publicContent(string $tag, array $args): void
if (empty(dcCore::app()->public->search)) {
return null;
$searchs = explode(' ', dcCore::app()->public->search);
foreach ($searchs as $k => $v) {
$args[0] = enhancePostContent::replaceString(
$args[0] = Epc::replaceString(
sprintf($this->replace, '\\1'),
return null;

View file

@ -10,11 +10,16 @@
* @copyright Jean-Christian Denis
* @copyright GPL-2.0
if (!defined('DC_RC_PATH')) {
return null;
class epcFilterTag extends epcFilter
namespace Dotclear\Plugin\enhancePostContent\Filter;
use dcCore;
use Dotclear\Plugin\enhancePostContent\Epc;
use Dotclear\Plugin\enhancePostContent\EpcFilter;
use Dotclear\Plugin\widgets\WidgetsElement;
class EpcFilterTag extends EpcFilter
protected function init(): string
@ -38,43 +43,39 @@ class epcFilterTag extends epcFilter
return 'tag';
public function publicContent($tag, $args)
public function publicContent(string $tag, array $args): void
if (!dcCore::app()->plugins->moduleExists('tags')) {
return null;
$metas = dcCore::app()->meta->getMetadata(['meta_type' => 'tag']);
while ($metas->fetch()) {
$args[0] = enhancePostContent::replaceString(
$args[0] = Epc::replaceString(
sprintf($this->replace, dcCore::app()->blog->url . dcCore::app()->url->getBase('tag') . '/' . $metas->meta_id, '\\1'),
return null;
public function widgetList($content, $w, &$list)
public function widgetList(string $content, WidgetsElement $w, array &$list): void
if (!dcCore::app()->plugins->moduleExists('tags')) {
return null;
$metas = dcCore::app()->meta->getMetadata(['meta_type' => 'tag']);
while ($metas->fetch()) {
$list[] = enhancePostContent::matchString(
$list[] = Epc::matchString(
sprintf($this->widget, dcCore::app()->blog->url . dcCore::app()->url->getBase('tag') . '/' . $metas->meta_id, '\\1'),
return null;

View file

@ -10,11 +10,15 @@
* @copyright Jean-Christian Denis
* @copyright GPL-2.0
if (!defined('DC_RC_PATH')) {
return null;
class epcFilterTwitter extends epcFilter
namespace Dotclear\Plugin\enhancePostContent\Filter;
use Dotclear\Plugin\enhancePostContent\Epc;
use Dotclear\Plugin\enhancePostContent\EpcFilter;
use Dotclear\Plugin\widgets\WidgetsElement;
class EpcFilterTwitter extends EpcFilter
protected function init(): string
@ -37,9 +41,9 @@ class epcFilterTwitter extends epcFilter
return 'twitter';
public function publicContent($tag, $args)
public function publicContent(string $tag, array $args): void
$args[0] = enhancePostContent::replaceString(
$args[0] = Epc::replaceString(
sprintf($this->replace, '\\1', '\\1'),
@ -47,7 +51,5 @@ class epcFilterTwitter extends epcFilter
return null;

View file

@ -10,11 +10,15 @@
* @copyright Jean-Christian Denis
* @copyright GPL-2.0
if (!defined('DC_RC_PATH')) {
return null;
class epcFilterUpdate extends epcFilter
namespace Dotclear\Plugin\enhancePostContent\Filter;
use Dotclear\Plugin\enhancePostContent\Epc;
use Dotclear\Plugin\enhancePostContent\EpcFilter;
use Dotclear\Plugin\widgets\WidgetsElement;
class EpcFilterUpdate extends EpcFilter
protected function init(): string
@ -40,17 +44,15 @@ class epcFilterUpdate extends epcFilter
return 'update';
public function publicContent($tag, $args)
public function publicContent(string $tag, array $args): void
while ($this->records()->fetch()) {
$args[0] = enhancePostContent::replaceString(
$args[0] = Epc::replaceString(
sprintf($this->replace, '\\1', $this->records()->epc_value),
return null;

View file

@ -10,30 +10,53 @@
* @copyright Jean-Christian Denis
* @copyright GPL-2.0
if (!defined('DC_RC_PATH')) {
return null;
require __DIR__ . '/_widgets.php';
namespace Dotclear\Plugin\enhancePostContent;
use dcCore;
use dcNsProcess;
use dcUtils;
if (!dcCore::app()->blog->settings->get(basename(__DIR__))->get('active')) {
return null;
class Frontend extends dcNsProcess
public static function init(): bool
static::$init = My::phpCompliant();
// Add filters CSS to page header
dcCore::app()->addBehavior('publicHeadContent', function () {
echo dcUtils::cssLoad(dcCore::app()->blog->url . dcCore::app()->url->getURLFor('epccss'));
// Filter template blocks content
dcCore::app()->addBehavior('publicBeforeContentFilterV2', function ($tag, $args) {
$filters = enhancePostContent::getFilters();
foreach ($filters as $id => $filter) {
if (!enhancePostContent::testContext($tag, $args, $filter)) {
$filter->publicContent($tag, $args);
return static::$init;
public static function process(): bool
if (!static::$init) {
return false;
if (!dcCore::app()->blog->settings->get(My::id())->get('active')) {
return null;
// add CSS URL to header
'publicHeadContent' => function (): void {
echo dcUtils::cssLoad(dcCore::app()->blog->url . dcCore::app()->url->getURLFor('epccss'));
// Filter template blocks content
'publicBeforeContentFilterV2' => function (string $tag, array $args): void {
$filters = Epc::getFilters();
foreach ($filters as $id => $filter) {
if (!Epc::testContext($tag, $args, $filter)) {
$filter->publicContent($tag, $args);
// Widgets
'initWidgets' => [Widgets::class, 'initWidgets'],
return true;

View file

@ -10,71 +10,200 @@
* @copyright Jean-Christian Denis
* @copyright GPL-2.0
if (!defined('DC_CONTEXT_ADMIN')) {
return null;
try {
// Version
if (!dcCore::app()->newVersion(
dcCore::app()->plugins->moduleInfo(basename(__DIR__), 'version')
)) {
return null;
namespace Dotclear\Plugin\enhancePostContent;
use dbStruct;
use dcCore;
use dcNamespace;
use dcNsProcess;
use Exception;
class Install extends dcNsProcess
public static function init(): bool
static::$init = defined('DC_CONTEXT_ADMIN')
&& My::phpCompliant()
&& dcCore::app()->newVersion(My::id(), dcCore::app()->plugins->moduleInfo(My::id(), 'version'));
return static::$init;
// Database
$s = new dbStruct(dcCore::app()->con, dcCore::app()->prefix);
->epc_id('bigint', 0, false)
->blog_id('varchar', 32, false)
->epc_type('varchar', 32, false, "'epc'")
->epc_filter('varchar', 64, false)
->epc_key('varchar', 255, false)
->epc_value('text', 0, false)
->epc_upddt('timestamp', 0, false, 'now()')
public static function process(): bool
if (!static::$init) {
return false;
->primary('pk_epc', 'epc_id')
->index('idx_epc_blog_id', 'btree', 'blog_id')
->index('idx_epc_type', 'btree', 'epc_type')
->index('idx_epc_filter', 'btree', 'epc_filter')
->index('idx_epc_key', 'btree', 'epc_key');
try {
$si = new dbStruct(dcCore::app()->con, dcCore::app()->prefix);
$changes = $si->synchronize($s);
$s = null;
// Database
$s = new dbStruct(dcCore::app()->con, dcCore::app()->prefix);
->epc_id('bigint', 0, false)
->blog_id('varchar', 32, false)
->epc_type('varchar', 32, false, "'epc'")
->epc_filter('varchar', 64, false)
->epc_key('varchar', 255, false)
->epc_value('text', 0, false)
->epc_upddt('timestamp', 0, false, 'now()')
// Uppgrade
->primary('pk_epc', 'epc_id')
->index('idx_epc_blog_id', 'btree', 'blog_id')
->index('idx_epc_type', 'btree', 'epc_type')
->index('idx_epc_filter', 'btree', 'epc_filter')
->index('idx_epc_key', 'btree', 'epc_key');
// Settings
$s = dcCore::app()->blog->settings->addNamespace(basename(__DIR__));
(new dbStruct(dcCore::app()->con, dcCore::app()->prefix))->synchronize($s);
$s = null;
$s->put('active', false, 'boolean', 'Enable enhancePostContent', false, true);
$s->put('list_sortby', 'epc_key', 'string', 'Admin records list field order', false, true);
$s->put('list_order', 'desc', 'string', 'Admin records list order', false, true);
$s->put('list_nb', 20, 'integer', 'Admin records list nb per page', false, true);
$s->put('allowedtplvalues', json_encode(enhancePostContent::defaultAllowedTplValues()), 'string', 'List of allowed template values', false, true);
$s->put('allowedpubpages', json_encode(enhancePostContent::defaultAllowedPubPages()), 'string', 'List of allowed template pages', false, true);
// Uppgrade
// Filters settings
$filters = enhancePostContent::getFilters();
foreach ($filters as $id => $filter) {
// Only editable options
$opt = [
'nocase' => $filter->nocase,
'plural' => $filter->plural,
'style' => $filter->style,
'notag' => $filter->notag,
'tplValues' => $filter->tplValues,
'pubPages' => $filter->pubPages,
// Settings
$s = dcCore::app()->blog->settings->get(My::id());
$s->put('active', false, 'boolean', 'Enable enhancePostContent', false, true);
$s->put('list_sortby', 'epc_key', 'string', 'Admin records list field order', false, true);
$s->put('list_order', 'desc', 'string', 'Admin records list order', false, true);
$s->put('list_nb', 20, 'integer', 'Admin records list nb per page', false, true);
$s->put('allowedtplvalues', json_encode(Epc::defaultAllowedTplValues()), 'string', 'List of allowed template values', false, true);
$s->put('allowedpubpages', json_encode(Epc::defaultAllowedPubPages()), 'string', 'List of allowed template pages', false, true);
// Filters settings
$filters = Epc::getFilters();
foreach ($filters as $id => $filter) {
// Only editable options
$opt = [
'nocase' => $filter->nocase,
'plural' => $filter->plural,
'style' => $filter->style,
'notag' => $filter->notag,
'tplValues' => $filter->tplValues,
'pubPages' => $filter->pubPages,
$s->put($id, json_encode($opt), 'string', 'Settings for ' . $id, false, true);
return true;
} catch (Exception $e) {
return false;
* Check upgrade to apply
public static function growUp()
$current = dcCore::app()->getVersion(My::id());
if ($current && version_compare($current, '0.6.6', '<=')) {
if ($current && version_compare($current, '2021.10.06', '<=')) {
if ($current && version_compare($current, '2022.11.20', '<=')) {
* 0.6.6
* - filters move from settings to dedicated table
private static function upTo00060607()
# Move old filters lists from settings to database
$record = dcCore::app()->con->select('SELECT * FROM ' . dcCore::app()->prefix . dcNamespace::NS_TABLE_NAME . " WHERE setting_ns='enhancePostContent' AND blog_id IS NOT NULL ");
while ($record->fetch()) {
if (preg_match('#enhancePostContent_(.*?)List#', $record->f('setting_id'), $m)) {
$curlist = @unserialize($record->f('setting_value'));
if (is_array($curlist)) {
foreach ($curlist as $k => $v) {
$cur = dcCore::app()->con->openCursor(dcCore::app()->prefix . My::TABLE_NAME);
dcCore::app()->con->writeLock(dcCore::app()->prefix . My::TABLE_NAME);
$cur->setField('epc_id', (int) dcCore::app()->con->select('SELECT MAX(epc_id) FROM ' . dcCore::app()->prefix . My::TABLE_NAME . ' ')->f(0) + 1);
$cur->setField('blog_id', $record->f('blog_id'));
$cur->setField('epc_filter', strtolower($m[1]));
$cur->setField('epc_key', $k);
$cur->setField('epc_value', $v);
dcCore::app()->con->execute('DELETE FROM ' . dcCore::app()->prefix . dcNamespace::NS_TABLE_NAME . " WHERE setting_id='" . $record->f('setting_id') . "' AND setting_ns='enhancePostContent' AND blog_id='" . $record->f('blog_id') . "' ");
* 2021.10.06
* - filters change name to id
private static function upTo20211006()
# Move old filter name to filter id
$record = dcCore::app()->con->select('SELECT epc_id, epc_filter FROM ' . dcCore::app()->prefix . My::TABLE_NAME);
while ($record->fetch()) {
$cur = dcCore::app()->con->openCursor(dcCore::app()->prefix . My::TABLE_NAME);
$cur->setField('epc_filter', strtolower($record->f('epc_filter')));
$cur->update('WHERE epc_id = ' . $record->f('epc_id') . ' ');
* 2022.11.20
* - setting id changes to shorter one,
* - setting ns changes to abstract one (no real changes),
* - setting value change from serialize to json_encode (if it's array)
private static function upTo20221120()
// list of settings using serialize values to move to json
$ids = [
$s->put($id, json_encode($opt), 'string', 'Settings for ' . $id, false, true);
foreach (Epc::getFilters() as $id => $f) {
$ids[] = $id;
// get all enhancePostContent settings
$record = dcCore::app()->con->select(
'SELECT * FROM ' . dcCore::app()->prefix . dcNamespace::NS_TABLE_NAME . ' ' .
"WHERE setting_ns = 'enhancePostContent' "
// update settings id, ns, value
while ($record->fetch()) {
if (preg_match('/^enhancePostContent_(.*?)$/', $record->f('setting_id'), $match)) {
$cur = dcCore::app()->con->openCursor(dcCore::app()->prefix . dcNamespace::NS_TABLE_NAME);
$cur->setField('setting_id', $match[1]);
$cur->setField('setting_ns', My::id());
if (in_array($match[1], $ids)) {
$cur->setfield('setting_value', json_encode(unserialize($record->f('setting_value'))));
$cur->update("WHERE setting_id = '" . $record->setting_id . "' and setting_ns = 'enhancePostContent' ");
return true;
} catch (Exception $e) {
return false;

View file

@ -10,329 +10,349 @@
* @copyright Jean-Christian Denis
* @copyright GPL-2.0
if (!defined('DC_CONTEXT_ADMIN')) {
return null;
namespace Dotclear\Plugin\enhancePostContent;
# -- Prepare queries and object --
use dcAdminFilters;
use adminGenericFilterV2;
use dcCore;
use dcNsProcess;
use dcPage;
use Dotclear\Helper\Html\Html;
use Dotclear\Helper\Network\Http;
use Exception;
$_filters = enhancePostContent::getFilters();
use form;
$filters_id = $filters_combo = [];
foreach ($_filters as $id => $filter) {
$filters_id[$id] = $filter->name;
$filters_combo[$filter->name] = $id;
class Manage extends dcNsProcess
public static function init(): bool
static::$init = defined('DC_CONTEXT_ADMIN')
&& My::phpCompliant()
&& dcCore::app()->auth->check(dcCore::app()->auth->makePermissions([
]), dcCore::app()->blog->id);
$action = $_POST['action'] ?? '';
$part = $_REQUEST['part'] ?? key($filters_id);
if (!isset($filters_id[$part])) {
return null;
$header = '';
$filter = $_filters[$part];
$records = new epcRecords();
# -- Action --
if (!empty($action)) {
# --BEHAVIOR-- enhancePostContentAdminSave
try {
# Update filter settings
if ($action == 'savefiltersetting') {
# Parse filters options
$f = [
'nocase' => !empty($_POST['filter_nocase']),
'plural' => !empty($_POST['filter_plural']),
'limit' => abs((int) $_POST['filter_limit']),
'style' => (array) $_POST['filter_style'],
'notag' => (string) $_POST['filter_notag'],
'tplValues' => (array) $_POST['filter_tplValues'],
'pubPages' => (array) $_POST['filter_pubPages'],
dcCore::app()->blog->settings->get(basename(__DIR__))->put($filter->id(), json_encode($f));
__('Filter successfully updated.')
'admin.plugin.' . basename(__DIR__),
['part' => $part],
return static::$init;
# Add new filter record
if ($action == 'savenewrecord'
&& !empty($_POST['new_key'])
&& !empty($_POST['new_value'])
) {
$cur = $records->openCursor();
$cur->epc_filter = $filter->id();
$cur->epc_key = html::escapeHTML($_POST['new_key']);
$cur->epc_value = html::escapeHTML($_POST['new_value']);
if ($records->isRecord($cur->epc_filter, $cur->epc_key)) {
dcAdminNotices::addErrorNotice(__('Key already exists for this filter'));
} else {
__('Filter successfully updated.')
'admin.plugin.' . basename(__DIR__),
['part' => $part],
# Update filter records
if ($action == 'deleterecords' && $filter->has_list
&& !empty($_POST['epc_id']) && is_array($_POST['epc_id'])
) {
foreach ($_POST['epc_id'] as $id) {
public static function process(): bool
if (!static::$init) {
return false;
$current = ManageVars::init();
__('Filter successfully updated.')
if (dcCore::app()->error->flag()) {
return true;
if (!empty($current->action)) {
# --BEHAVIOR-- enhancePostContentAdminSave
try {
# Update filter settings
if ($current->action == 'savefiltersetting') {
# Parse filters options
$f = [
'nocase' => !empty($_POST['filter_nocase']),
'plural' => !empty($_POST['filter_plural']),
'limit' => abs((int) $_POST['filter_limit']),
'style' => (array) $_POST['filter_style'],
'notag' => (string) $_POST['filter_notag'],
'tplValues' => (array) $_POST['filter_tplValues'],
'pubPages' => (array) $_POST['filter_pubPages'],
dcCore::app()->blog->settings->get(My::id())->put($current->filter->id(), json_encode($f));
__('Filter successfully updated.')
'admin.plugin.' . My::id(),
['part' => $current->part],
# Add new filter record
if ($current->action == 'savenewrecord'
&& !empty($_POST['new_key'])
&& !empty($_POST['new_value'])
) {
$cur = EpcRecord::openCursor();
$cur->setField('epc_filter', $current->filter->id());
$cur->setField('epc_key', Html::escapeHTML($_POST['new_key']));
$cur->setField('epc_value', Html::escapeHTML($_POST['new_value']));
if (EpcRecord::isRecord($cur->getField('epc_filter'), $cur->getField('epc_key'))) {
dcPage::addErrorNotice(__('Key already exists for this filter'));
} else {
__('Filter successfully updated.')
'admin.plugin.' . My::id(),
['part' => $current->part],
# Update filter records
if ($current->action == 'deleterecords'
&& $current->filter->has_list
&& !empty($_POST['epc_id'])
&& is_array($_POST['epc_id'])
) {
foreach ($_POST['epc_id'] as $id) {
EpcRecord::delRecord((int) $id);
__('Filter successfully updated.')
if (!empty($_REQUEST['redir'])) {
} else {
'admin.plugin.' . My::id(),
['part' => $current->part],
} catch (Exception $e) {
return true;
public static function render(): void
if (!static::$init) {
$current = ManageVars::init();
# -- Prepare page --
$header = '';
if ($current->filter->has_list) {
$sorts = new adminGenericFilterV2('epc');
$sorts->add('part', $current->part);
$params = $sorts->params();
$params['epc_filter'] = $current->filter->id();
try {
$list = EpcRecord::getRecords($params);
$counter = EpcRecord::getRecords($params, true);
$pager = new BackendList($list, (int) $counter->f(0));
} catch (Exception $e) {
$header = $sorts->js(dcCore::app()->adminurl->get('admin.plugin.' . My::id(), ['part' => $current->part], '&') . '#record');
# Page headers
dcPage::jsPageTabs() .
dcPage::jsModuleLoad(My::id() . '/js/backend.js') .
$header .
# --BEHAVIOR-- enhancePostContentAdminHeader
if (!empty($_REQUEST['redir'])) {
} else {
'admin.plugin.' . basename(__DIR__),
['part' => $part],
# Page title
__('Plugins') => '',
My::name() => '',
$current->filter->name => '',
]) .
dcPage::notices() .
# Filters select menu list
'<form method="get" action="' . dcCore::app()->adminurl->get('admin.plugin.' . My::id()) . '" id="filters_menu">' .
'<p class="anchor-nav"><label for="part" class="classic">' . __('Select filter:') . ' </label>' .
form::combo('part', $current->combo, $current->part) . ' ' .
'<input type="submit" value="' . __('Ok') . '" />' .
form::hidden('p', My::id()) . '</p>' .
# Filter title and description
echo '
<h3>' . $current->filter->name . '</h3>
<p>' . $current->filter->help . '</p>';
# Filter settings
echo '
<div class="multi-part" id="setting" title="' . __('Settings') . '">
<form method="post" action="' . dcCore::app()->adminurl->get('admin.plugin.' . My::id()) . '#setting">
<div class="two-boxes odd">
<h4>' . __('Pages to be filtered') . '</h4>';
foreach (Epc::blogAllowedPubPages() as $k => $v) {
echo '
<p><label for="filter_pubPages' . $v . '">' .
['filter_pubPages[]', 'filter_pubPages' . $v],
in_array($v, $current->filter->pubPages)
) .
__($k) . '</label></p>';
} catch (Exception $e) {
# -- Prepare page --
echo '
</div><div class="two-boxes even">
<h4>' . __('Filtering') . '</h4>
if ($filter->has_list) {
$sorts = new adminGenericFilter(dcCore::app(), 'epc');
$sorts->add('part', $part);
<p><label for="filter_nocase">' .
form::checkbox('filter_nocase', '1', $current->filter->nocase) .
__('Case insensitive') . '</label></p>
$params = $sorts->params();
$params['epc_filter'] = $filter->id();
<p><label for="filter_plural">' .
form::checkbox('filter_plural', '1', $current->filter->plural) .
__('Also use the plural') . '</label></p>
try {
$list = $records->getRecords($params);
$counter = $records->getRecords($params, true);
$pager = new adminEpcList(dcCore::app(), $list, $counter->f(0));
} catch (Exception $e) {
<p><label for="filter_limit">' .
__('Limit the number of replacement to:') . '</label>' .
form::number('filter_limit', ['min' => 0, 'max' => 99, 'default' => (int) $current->filter->limit]) . '
<p class="form-note">' . __('Leave it blank or set it to 0 for no limit') . '</p>
$header = $sorts->js(dcCore::app()->adminurl->get('admin.plugin.' . basename(__DIR__), ['part' => $part], '&') . '#record');
</div><div class="two-boxes odd">
<h4>' . __('Contents to be filtered') . '</h4>';
# -- Display page --
foreach (Epc::blogAllowedTplValues() as $k => $v) {
echo '
<p><label for="filter_tplValues' . $v . '">' .
['filter_tplValues[]', 'filter_tplValues' . $v],
in_array($v, $current->filter->tplValues)
) .
__($k) . '</label></p>';
# Page headers
echo '
<html><head><title>' . __('Enhance post content') . '</title>' .
dcPage::jsPageTabs() .
dcPage::jsModuleLoad(basename(__DIR__) . '/js/index.js') .
$header .
echo '
</div><div class="two-boxes even">
<h4>' . __('Style') . '</h4>';
# --BEHAVIOR-- enhancePostContentAdminHeader
dcCore::app()->callBehavior('enhancePostContentAdminHeader') . '
foreach ($current->filter->class as $k => $v) {
echo '
<p><label for="filter_style' . $k . '">' .
sprintf(__('Class "%s":'), $v) . '</label>' .
['filter_style[]', 'filter_style' . $k],
) .
</head><body>' .
echo '
<p class="form-note">' . sprintf(__('The inserted HTML tag looks like: %s'), Html::escapeHTML(str_replace('%s', '...', $current->filter->replace))) . '</p>
# Page title
__('Plugins') => '',
__('Enhance post content') => '',
$filter->name => '',
]) .
dcPage::notices() .
# Filters select menu list
'<form method="get" action="' . dcCore::app()->adminurl->get('admin.plugin.' . basename(__DIR__)) . '" id="filters_menu">' .
'<p class="anchor-nav"><label for="part" class="classic">' . __('Select filter:') . ' </label>' .
form::combo('part', $filters_combo, $part) . ' ' .
'<input type="submit" value="' . __('Ok') . '" />' .
form::hidden('p', basename(__DIR__)) . '</p>' .
# Filter title and description
echo '
<h3>' . $filter->name . '</h3>
<p>' . $filter->help . '</p>';
# Filter settings
echo '
<div class="multi-part" id="setting" title="' . __('Settings') . '">
<form method="post" action="' . dcCore::app()->adminurl->get('admin.plugin.' . basename(__DIR__)) . '#setting">
<div class="two-boxes odd">
<h4>' . __('Pages to be filtered') . '</h4>';
foreach (enhancePostContent::blogAllowedPubPages() as $k => $v) {
echo '
<p><label for="filter_pubPages' . $v . '">' .
['filter_pubPages[]', 'filter_pubPages' . $v],
in_array($v, $filter->pubPages)
) .
__($k) . '</label></p>';
echo '
</div><div class="two-boxes even">
<h4>' . __('Filtering') . '</h4>
<p><label for="filter_nocase">' .
form::checkbox('filter_nocase', '1', $filter->nocase) .
__('Case insensitive') . '</label></p>
<p><label for="filter_plural">' .
form::checkbox('filter_plural', '1', $filter->plural) .
__('Also use the plural') . '</label></p>
<p><label for="filter_limit">' .
__('Limit the number of replacement to:') . '</label>' .
form::number('filter_limit', ['min' => 0, 'max' => 99, 'default' => (int) $filter->limit]) . '
<p class="form-note">' . __('Leave it blank or set it to 0 for no limit') . '</p>
</div><div class="two-boxes odd">
<h4>' . __('Contents to be filtered') . '</h4>';
foreach (enhancePostContent::blogAllowedTplValues() as $k => $v) {
echo '
<p><label for="filter_tplValues' . $v . '">' .
['filter_tplValues[]', 'filter_tplValues' . $v],
in_array($v, $filter->tplValues)
) .
__($k) . '</label></p>';
echo '
</div><div class="two-boxes even">
<h4>' . __('Style') . '</h4>';
foreach ($filter->class as $k => $v) {
echo '
<p><label for="filter_style' . $k . '">' .
sprintf(__('Class "%s":'), $v) . '</label>' .
['filter_style[]', 'filter_style' . $k],
) .
echo '
<p class="form-note">' . sprintf(__('The inserted HTML tag looks like: %s'), html::escapeHTML(str_replace('%s', '...', $filter->replace))) . '</p>
<p><label for="filter_notag">' . __('Ignore HTML tags:') . '</label>' .
form::field('filter_notag', 60, 255, html::escapeHTML($filter->notag)) . '
<p class="form-note">' . __('This is the list of HTML tags where content will be ignored.') . ' ' .
('' != $filter->htmltag ? '' : sprintf(__('Tag "%s" always be ignored.'), $filter->htmltag)) . '</p>
<div class="clear">
<p>' .
dcCore::app()->formNonce() .
form::hidden(['action'], 'savefiltersetting') .
form::hidden(['part'], $part) . '
<input type="submit" name="save" value="' . __('Save') . '" />
# Filter records list
if ($filter->has_list && isset($sorts) && isset($pager)) {
$pager_url = dcCore::app()->adminurl->get('admin.plugin.' . basename(__DIR__), array_diff_key($sorts->values(true), ['page' => ''])) . '&page=%s#record';
echo '
<div class="multi-part" id="record" title="' . __('Records') . '">';
$sorts->display(['admin.plugin.' . basename(__DIR__), '#record'], form::hidden('p', basename(__DIR__)) . form::hidden('part', $part));
'<form action="' . dcCore::app()->adminurl->get('admin.plugin.' . basename(__DIR__)) . '#record" method="post" id="form-records">' .
'%s' .
'<div class="two-cols">' .
'<p class="col checkboxes-helpers"></p>' .
'<p class="col right">' .
form::hidden('action', 'deleterecords') .
'<input id="del-action" type="submit" name="save" value="' . __('Delete selected records') . '" /></p>' .
dcCore::app()->adminurl->getHiddenFormFields('admin.plugin.' . basename(__DIR__), array_merge(['p' => basename(__DIR__)], $sorts->values(true))) .
form::hidden('redir', dcCore::app()->adminurl->get('admin.plugin.' . basename(__DIR__), $sorts->values(true))) .
<p><label for="filter_notag">' . __('Ignore HTML tags:') . '</label>' .
form::field('filter_notag', 60, 255, Html::escapeHTML($current->filter->notag)) . '
<p class="form-note">' . __('This is the list of HTML tags where content will be ignored.') . ' ' .
('' != $current->filter->htmltag ? '' : sprintf(__('Tag "%s" always be ignored.'), $current->filter->htmltag)) . '</p>
<div class="clear">
<p>' .
dcCore::app()->formNonce() .
'</div>' .
form::hidden(['action'], 'savefiltersetting') .
form::hidden(['part'], $current->part) . '
<input type="submit" name="save" value="' . __('Save') . '" />
echo '</div>';
# New record
echo '
<div class="multi-part" id="newrecord" title="' . __('New record') . '">
<form action="' . dcCore::app()->adminurl->get('admin.plugin.' . basename(__DIR__)) . '#record" method="post" id="form-create">' .
# Filter records list
if ($current->filter->has_list && isset($sorts) && isset($pager)) {
$pager_url = dcCore::app()->adminurl->get('admin.plugin.' . My::id(), array_diff_key($sorts->values(true), ['page' => ''])) . '&page=%s#record';
'<p><label for="new_key">' . __('Key:') . '</label>' .
form::field('new_key', 60, 255, ['extra_html' => 'required']) .
'</p>' .
echo '
<div class="multi-part" id="record" title="' . __('Records') . '">';
'<p><label for="new_value">' . __('Value:') . '</label>' .
form::field('new_value', 60, 255, ['extra_html' => 'required']) .
$sorts->display(['admin.plugin.' . My::id(), '#record'], form::hidden('p', My::id()) . form::hidden('part', $current->part));
<p class="clear">' .
form::hidden(['action'], 'savenewrecord') .
form::hidden(['part'], $part) .
dcCore::app()->formNonce() . '
<input id="new-action" type="submit" name="save" value="' . __('Save') . '" />
'<form action="' . dcCore::app()->adminurl->get('admin.plugin.' . My::id()) . '#record" method="post" id="form-records">' .
'%s' .
'<div class="two-cols">' .
'<p class="col checkboxes-helpers"></p>' .
'<p class="col right">' .
form::hidden('action', 'deleterecords') .
'<input id="del-action" type="submit" name="save" value="' . __('Delete selected records') . '" /></p>' .
dcCore::app()->adminurl->getHiddenFormFields('admin.plugin.' . My::id(), array_merge(['p' => My::id()], $sorts->values(true))) .
form::hidden('redir', dcCore::app()->adminurl->get('admin.plugin.' . My::id(), $sorts->values(true))) .
dcCore::app()->formNonce() .
'</div>' .
echo '</div>';
# New record
echo '
<div class="multi-part" id="newrecord" title="' . __('New record') . '">
<form action="' . dcCore::app()->adminurl->get('admin.plugin.' . My::id()) . '#record" method="post" id="form-create">' .
'<p><label for="new_key">' . __('Key:') . '</label>' .
form::field('new_key', 60, 255, ['extra_html' => 'required']) .
'</p>' .
'<p><label for="new_value">' . __('Value:') . '</label>' .
form::field('new_value', 60, 255, ['extra_html' => 'required']) .
<p class="clear">' .
form::hidden(['action'], 'savenewrecord') .
form::hidden(['part'], $current->part) .
dcCore::app()->formNonce() . '
<input id="new-action" type="submit" name="save" value="' . __('Save') . '" />
# --BEHAVIOR-- enhancePostContentAdminPage
# --BEHAVIOR-- enhancePostContentAdminPage
echo '</body></html>';

src/ManageVars.php Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
* @brief enhancePostContent, a plugin for Dotclear 2
* @package Dotclear
* @subpackage Plugin
* @author Jean-Christian Denis and Contributors
* @copyright Jean-Christian Denis
* @copyright GPL-2.0
namespace Dotclear\Plugin\enhancePostContent;
use dcCore;
use Exception;
class ManageVars
* @var ManageVars self instance
private static $container;
public readonly EpcFilter $filter;
public readonly string $action;
public readonly string $part;
public readonly array $combo;
protected function __construct()
$_filters = Epc::getFilters();
$filters_id = $filters_combo = [];
foreach ($_filters as $id => $filter) {
$filters_id[$id] = $filter->name;
$filters_combo[$filter->name] = $id;
$part = $_REQUEST['part'] ?? key($filters_id);
if (!isset($filters_id[$part])) {
throw new Exception(__('no filters'));
$this->action = $_POST['action'] ?? '';
$this->part = $part;
$this->filter = $_filters[$part];
$this->combo = $filters_combo;
public static function init(): ManageVars
if (!(self::$container instanceof self)) {
self::$container = new self();
return self::$container;

src/My.php Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
* @brief enhancePostContent, a plugin for Dotclear 2
* @package Dotclear
* @subpackage Plugin
* @author Jean-Christian Denis and Contributors
* @copyright Jean-Christian Denis
* @copyright GPL-2.0
namespace Dotclear\Plugin\enhancePostContent;
use dcCore;
* Plugin definitions
class My
/** @var string Required php version */
public const PHP_MIN = '8.0';
/** @var string Plugin table name */
public const TABLE_NAME = 'epc';
/** @var array Distributed filters */
public const DEFAULT_FILTERS = [
* This module id
public static function id(): string
return basename(dirname(__DIR__));
* This module name
public static function name(): string
return __((string) dcCore::app()->plugins->moduleInfo(self::id(), 'name'));
* Check php version
public static function phpCompliant(): bool
return version_compare(phpversion(), self::PHP_MIN, '>=');

View file

@ -10,69 +10,73 @@
* @copyright Jean-Christian Denis
* @copyright GPL-2.0
if (!defined('DC_RC_PATH')) {
return null;
$filters = [
namespace Dotclear\Plugin\enhancePostContent;
$d = __DIR__ . '/inc/';
use dcCore;
use dcNsProcess;
use Dotclear\Helper\Html\Html;
'enhancePostContent' => $d . 'class.enhancepostcontent.php',
'epcFilter' => $d . 'class.epcfilter.php',
'epcRecords' => $d . 'class.epcrecords.php',
'epcUpgrade' => $d . 'class.epcupgrade.php',
'adminEpcList' => $d . 'class.adminepclist.php',
class Prepend extends dcNsProcess
public static function init(): bool
static::$init = My::phpCompliant();
foreach ($filters as $f) {
Clearbricks::lib()->autoload(['epcFilter' . $f => $d . 'class.epcfilter' . strtolower($f) . '.php']);
dcCore::app()->addBehavior('enhancePostContentFilters', ['epcFilter' . $f, 'create']);
return static::$init;
function ($args) {
$css = [];
$filters = enhancePostContent::getFilters();
foreach ($filters as $id => $filter) {
if ('' == $filter->class || '' == $filter->style) {
$res = '';
foreach ($filter->class as $k => $class) {
$styles = $filter->style;
$style = html::escapeHTML(trim($styles[$k]));
if ('' != $style) {
$res .= $class . ' {' . $style . '} ';
if (!empty($res)) {
$css[] = '/* CSS for enhancePostContent ' . $id . " */ \n" . $res . "\n";
public static function process(): bool
if (!static::$init) {
return false;
header('Content-Type: text/css; charset=UTF-8');
$ns = __NAMESPACE__ . '\\Filter\\';
echo implode("\n", $css);
dcCore::app()->autoload->addNamespace($ns, $dir);
foreach (My::DEFAULT_FILTERS as $f) {
dcCore::app()->addBehavior('enhancePostContentFilters', [$ns . 'EpcFilter' . $f, 'create']);
function (string $args): void {
$css = [];
$filters = Epc::getFilters();
foreach ($filters as $id => $filter) {
if ('' == $filter->class || '' == $filter->style) {
$res = '';
foreach ($filter->class as $k => $class) {
$styles = $filter->style;
$style = Html::escapeHTML(trim($styles[$k]));
if ('' != $style) {
$res .= $class . ' {' . $style . '} ';
if (!empty($res)) {
$css[] = '/* CSS for enhancePostContent ' . $id . " */ \n" . $res . "\n";
header('Content-Type: text/css; charset=UTF-8');
echo implode("\n", $css);
return true;

View file

@ -10,94 +10,115 @@
* @copyright Jean-Christian Denis
* @copyright GPL-2.0
if (!defined('DC_CONTEXT_ADMIN')) {
namespace Dotclear\Plugin\enhancePostContent;
class Uninstall
protected static bool $init = false;
public static function init(): bool
self::$init = defined('DC_RC_PATH');
return self::$init;
public static function process($uninstaller): ?bool
if (!self::$init) {
return false;
/* type */
/* action */
/* ns */
/* description */
__('delete all settings')
/* type */
/* action */
/* ns */
/* desc */
__('delete table')
/* type */
/* action */
/* ns */
/* description */
__('delete plugin files')
/* type */
/* action */
/* ns */
/* description */
__('delete the version number')
/* type */
/* action */
/* ns */
/* description */
sprintf(__('delete all %s settings'), My::id())
/* type */
/* action */
/* ns */
/* desc */
sprintf(__('delete %s table'), My::id())
/* type */
/* action */
/* ns */
/* description */
sprintf(__('delete %s plugin files'), My::id())
/* type */
/* action */
/* ns */
/* description */
sprintf(__('delete %s version number'),My::id())
return true;
/* type */
/* action */
/* ns */
/* description */
__('delete all settings')
/* type */
/* action */
/* ns */
/* desc */
__('delete table')
/* type */
/* action */
/* ns */
/* description */
__('delete plugin files')
/* type */
/* action */
/* ns */
/* description */
__('delete the version number')
/* type */
/* action */
/* ns */
/* description */
sprintf(__('delete all %s settings'), basename(__DIR__))
/* type */
/* action */
/* ns */
/* desc */
sprintf(__('delete %s table'), basename(__DIR__))
/* type */
/* action */
/* ns */
/* description */
sprintf(__('delete %s plugin files'), basename(__DIR__))
/* type */
/* action */
/* ns */
/* description */
sprintf(__('delete %s version number'), basename(__DIR__))

View file

@ -10,33 +10,33 @@
* @copyright Jean-Christian Denis
* @copyright GPL-2.0
if (!defined('DC_RC_PATH')) {
return null;
['enhancePostContentWidget', 'adminContentList']
namespace Dotclear\Plugin\enhancePostContent;
use dcCore;
use Dotclear\Helper\Html\Html;
use Dotclear\Plugin\widgets\WidgetsStack;
use Dotclear\Plugin\widgets\WidgetsElement;
* @brief Filter posts content - widgets methods.
* @since 2.6
class enhancePostContentWidget
class Widgets
* Admin part for widget that show extracted content
* @param dcWidgets $w dcWidgets instance
public static function adminContentList($w)
public static function initWidgets(WidgetsStack $w): void
__('Enhance post content'),
['enhancePostContentWidget', 'publicContentList'],
[self::class, 'parseWidget'],
__('List filtered contents.')
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ class enhancePostContentWidget
# Type
$filters = enhancePostContent::getFilters();
$filters = Epc::getFilters();
$types = [];
foreach ($filters as $id => $filter) {
$types[$filter->name] = $id;
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ class enhancePostContentWidget
# Content
$contents = enhancePostContent::defaultAllowedWidgetValues();
$contents = Epc::defaultAllowedWidgetValues();
foreach ($contents as $k => $v) {
'content' . $v['id'],
@ -105,24 +105,22 @@ class enhancePostContentWidget
* @param dcWidget $w dcWidget instance
public static function publicContentList($w)
public static function parseWidget(WidgetsElement $w): string
if ($w->offline) {
return null;
return '';
# Page
if (!dcCore::app()->blog->settings->get(basename(__DIR__))->get('active')
if (!dcCore::app()->blog->settings->get(My::id())->get('active')
|| !in_array(dcCore::app()->ctx->current_tpl, ['post.html', 'page.html'])
) {
return null;
return '';
# Content
$content = '';
foreach (enhancePostContent::defaultAllowedWidgetValues() as $k => $v) {
foreach (Epc::defaultAllowedWidgetValues() as $k => $v) {
$ns = 'content' . $v['id'];
if ($w->$ns && is_callable($v['cb'])) {
$content .= call_user_func_array(
@ -133,12 +131,12 @@ class enhancePostContentWidget
if (empty($content)) {
return null;
return '';
# Filter
$list = [];
$filters = enhancePostContent::getFilters();
$filters = Epc::getFilters();
if (isset($filters[$w->type])) {
$filters[$w->type]->nocase = $w->nocase;
@ -147,7 +145,7 @@ class enhancePostContentWidget
if (empty($list)) {
return null;
return '';
# Parse result
@ -162,16 +160,12 @@ class enhancePostContentWidget
if (empty($res)) {
return null;
return $w->renderDiv(
return empty($res) ? '' : $w->renderDiv(
(bool) $w->content_only,
'id="epc_' . $w->type . '"',
($w->title ? $w->renderTitle(html::escapeHTML($w->title)) : '') .
($w->text ? '<p>' . html::escapeHTML($w->text) . '</p>' : '') .
($w->title ? $w->renderTitle(Html::escapeHTML($w->title)) : '') .
($w->text ? '<p>' . Html::escapeHTML($w->text) . '</p>' : '') .
'<ul>' . $res . '</ul>'