fix translations, typo and add some help

This commit is contained in:
Jean-Christian Denis 2021-09-11 22:29:42 +02:00
parent 1a310e124d
commit 84aa0e52b2
Signed by: JcDenis
GPG key ID: 1B5B8C5B90B6C951
7 changed files with 167 additions and 40 deletions

View file

@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ Configure actions. Select actions and module to work with, then click fix.
* Fix End Of Line
* Fix End Of File on php files
* Fix header (phpdoc) on php files
* _Fix license old style bloc (removed)_
* Fix license file
* Fix dcstore.xml file
* Fix badges
* Create package
@ -49,7 +49,11 @@ Configure actions. Select actions and module to work with, then click fix.
* Scan for deprecated function
* ...
Hope some of you have idea to complete function of this plugin
and help devs to maintain their plugins and themes.
* License : GNU GPL v2
* Source & contribution : [GitHub Page](
* Source & contribution : [GitHub Page](
* Packages & details: [Dotaddict Page](

View file

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ class ImproveActionGitshields extends ImproveAction
'id' => 'gitshields',
'name' => __('Add shields badges'),
'name' => __('Fix shields badges'),
'desc' => __('Add and maintain badges to the file'),
'priority' => 380,
'config' => true,
@ -55,7 +55,8 @@ class ImproveActionGitshields extends ImproveAction
return '
<p><label for="bloc_action">' . __('Your Github user name :') . '</label>' .
form::field('username', 60, 100, $this->getPreference('username')) . '
</p><p class="form-note">' . __('Used in your Github URL:') . '</p>';
</p><p class="form-note">' . __('Used in your Github URL:') . '<br />' .
__('If you have badges not created by this tool in the file you should remove them manually.') . '</p>';
public function openModule(string $module_type, array $module_info): ?bool

View file

@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ class ImproveActionEndoffile extends ImproveAction
'id' => 'endoffile',
'name' => _('Fix end of file'),
'name' => __('Fix end of file'),
'desc' => __('Remove php tag and empty lines from end of files'),
'priority' => 860,
'config' => true,

View file

@ -105,7 +105,8 @@ class ImproveActionZip extends ImproveAction
<p><label for="pack_excludefiles">' . __('Extra files to exclude from package:') . ' ' .
form::field('pack_excludefiles', 65, 255, $this->getPreference('pack_excludefiles'), 'maximal') .
<p class="form-note">' . sprintf(__('Preconization: %s'), '*.zip,*.tar,*.tar.gz') . '</p>
<p class="form-note">' . sprintf(__('Preconization: %s'), '*.zip,*.tar,*.tar.gz') . '<br />' .
sprintf(__('By default all these files are always removed from packages : %s'), implode(', ', self::$exclude)) . '</p>
<p><label class="classic" for="pack_nocomment">' .
form::checkbox('pack_nocomment', 1, $this->getPreference('pack_nocomment')) . ' ' .

View file

@ -125,9 +125,9 @@ if (!empty($_REQUEST['config'])) {
echo '
<h3>' . sprintf(__('Configure module "%s"'), $action->name) . '</h3>
<p><a class="back" href="' . $back_url . '">' . __('Back') . '</a></p>
<p>' . html::escapeHTML($action->desc) . '</p>
<form action="' . $improve->getURL() . '" method="post" id="form-actions">
<p><a class="back" href="' . $back_url . '">' . __('Back') . '</a></p>' .
<form action="' . $improve->getURL() . '" method="post" id="form-actions">' .
(empty($res) ? '<p class="message">' . __('Nothing to configure'). '</p>' : $res) . '
<p class="clear"><input type="submit" name="save" value="' . __('Save') . '" />' .
form::hidden('type', $type) .

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
// Language: Français
// Module: improve - 0.0.1
// Date: 2021-09-11 15:39:25
// Date: 2021-09-11 20:19:34
// Translated with dcTranslater - 2021.09.02.1
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ $GLOBALS['__l10n']['no details URL'] = 'Lien de détail non défini';
$GLOBALS['__l10n']['no support URL'] = 'Lien de support non défini';
$GLOBALS['__l10n']['Add shields badges'] = 'Ajouter les badges Shields';
$GLOBALS['__l10n']['Fix shields badges'] = 'Fixer les badges';
$GLOBALS['__l10n']['Add and maintain badges to the file'] = 'Ajoute et maintient à jour les badges du fichier';
@ -76,21 +76,58 @@ $GLOBALS['__l10n']['Your Github user name :'] = 'Votre "username" Github :';
$GLOBALS['__l10n']['Used in your Github URL:'] = 'Utilisé dans l\'URL Github tel que :';
$GLOBALS['__l10n']['If you have badges not created by this tool in the file you should remove them manually.'] = 'Si vous avez déjà des badges non créés par cet outil, vous devrez les retirer manuellement.';
$GLOBALS['__l10n']['bloc is empty'] = 'le bloc est vide';
$GLOBALS['__l10n']['Fix license file'] = 'Fixer le fichier de licence';
$GLOBALS['__l10n']['Add or remove full license file to module root'] = 'Ajoute ou supprime le fichier de licence';
$GLOBALS['__l10n']['no version selected'] = 'aucune version selectionnée';
$GLOBALS['__l10n']['Do nothing'] = 'Ne rien faire';
$GLOBALS['__l10n']['Add bloc if it does not exist'] = 'Ajouter les blocs si ils n\'existent pas déjà';
$GLOBALS['__l10n']['Add file if it does not exist'] = 'Ajouter le fichier si il n\'existe pas';
$GLOBALS['__l10n']['Do not add license block to files from locales folder'] = 'Ne pas ajouter la licence aux fichiers du dossier locales';
$GLOBALS['__l10n']['Add file even if it exists'] = 'Ajouter le fichier même si il existe';
$GLOBALS['__l10n']['Add file and remove others'] = 'Ajouter la nouvelle licence et supprimer les autres';
$GLOBALS['__l10n']['Remove license files'] = 'Supprimer les fichiers de licence';
$GLOBALS['__l10n']['License version:'] = 'Version de la licence :';
$GLOBALS['__l10n']['Action on file:'] = 'Action sur le fichier :';
$GLOBALS['__l10n']['no full license type selected'] = 'Aucun type de licence sélectionné';
$GLOBALS['__l10n']['failed to load full license'] = 'Impossible de charger le fichier de licence';
$GLOBALS['__l10n']['failed to write full license'] = 'Impossible d\'écrire le fichier de license';
$GLOBALS['__l10n']['full license is not deletable (%s)'] = 'Le fichier de licence n\'est pas supprimable (%s)';
$GLOBALS['__l10n']['failed to delete full license (%s)'] = 'Impossible de supprimer le fichier de licence (%s)';
$GLOBALS['__l10n']['Fix tabulation'] = 'Fixer les tabulations';
@ -110,6 +147,9 @@ $GLOBALS['__l10n']['List of files extension to work on:'] = 'Liste des extension
$GLOBALS['__l10n']['Use comma separated list of extensions without dot, recommand "php,js,xml,txt,md".'] = 'Utiliser une liste d\'extensions séparé par des virgules et sans le point, recommandation: "php,js,xml,txt,md".';
$GLOBALS['__l10n']['Fix end of file'] = 'Fixer les fins de fichiers';
$GLOBALS['__l10n']['Remove php tag and empty lines from end of files'] = 'Supprimer le tag PHP et els lignes vides de fin de fichiers';
@ -125,6 +165,9 @@ $GLOBALS['__l10n']['Fix PHP header'] = 'Fixer les enêtes php';
$GLOBALS['__l10n']['Add or remove phpdoc header bloc from php file'] = 'Ajouter ou supprimer les bloc d\'entête phpdoc des fichiers php';
$GLOBALS['__l10n']['Add bloc if it does not exist'] = 'Ajouter les blocs si ils n\'existent pas déjà';
$GLOBALS['__l10n']['Add and overwrite bloc'] = 'Ajouter et écraser les blocs';
@ -146,6 +189,12 @@ $GLOBALS['__l10n']['Do not add bloc to files from "locales" and "libs" folder']
$GLOBALS['__l10n']['Bloc content:'] = 'Contenu du bloc :';
$GLOBALS['__l10n']['You can use wildcards %s'] = 'Vous pouvez utiliser les jokers suivants :';
$GLOBALS['__l10n']['Do not put structural elements to the begining of lines.'] = 'Ne pas mettre d\'élément de structure en début de ligne';
$GLOBALS['__l10n']['failed to parse bloc'] = 'impossible de traiter le bloc';
@ -185,13 +234,16 @@ $GLOBALS['__l10n']['Overwrite existing package'] = 'Écraser les paquetages exis
$GLOBALS['__l10n']['Extra files to exclude from package:'] = 'Fichiers supplémentaires à exclure du paquetage :';
$GLOBALS['__l10n']['By default all these files are always removed from packages : %s'] = 'Pas défaut tous ces fichiers sont toujours exclu des paquetages : %s';
$GLOBALS['__l10n']['Remove comments from files'] = 'Retirer les commentaires des fichiers';
$GLOBALS['__l10n']['Destination filename already exists'] = 'Le fichier de destination existe déjà';
$GLOBALS['__l10n']['Destination path is not writable'] = 'Le répertoire de destination n\'est pas accessible en écriture';
@ -238,5 +290,4 @@ $GLOBALS['__l10n']['Save fields selection as preference'] = 'Enregistrer la sél
$GLOBALS['__l10n']['Select a module:'] = 'Sélectionner un module :';
$GLOBALS['__l10n']['Fix it'] = 'Corriger';
$GLOBALS['__l10n']['Fix it'] = 'Corriger';

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Language: Français
# Module: improve - 0.0.1
# Date: 2021-09-11 15:39:25
# Date: 2021-09-11 20:19:34
# Translated with translater 2021.09.02.1
msgid ""
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Project-Id-Version: improve 0.0.1\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: \n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-09-11T15:39:25+00:00\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-09-11T20:19:34+00:00\n"
"Last-Translator: Jean-Christian Denis\n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@ -96,8 +96,8 @@ msgid "no support URL"
msgstr "Lien de support non défini"
#: inc/lib.improve.action.gitshields.php:33
msgid "Add shields badges"
msgstr "Ajouter les badges Shields"
msgid "Fix shields badges"
msgstr "Fixer les badges"
#: inc/lib.improve.action.gitshields.php:34
msgid "Add and maintain badges to the file"
@ -111,25 +111,75 @@ msgstr "Votre \"username\" Github :"
msgid "Used in your Github URL:"
msgstr "Utilisé dans l'URL Github tel que :"
#: inc/lib.improve.action.gitshields.php:88
#: inc/lib.improve.action.gitshields.php:59
msgid "If you have badges not created by this tool in the file you should remove them manually."
msgstr "Si vous avez déjà des badges non créés par cet outil, vous devrez les retirer manuellement."
#: inc/lib.improve.action.gitshields.php:89
#: inc/lib.improve.action.phpheader.php:153
msgid "bloc is empty"
msgstr "le bloc est vide"
#: inc/lib.improve.action.license.php:53
#: inc/lib.improve.action.license.php:59
#: inc/lib.improve.action.licensefile.php:29
msgid "Fix license file"
msgstr "Fixer le fichier de licence"
#: inc/lib.improve.action.licensefile.php:30
msgid "Add or remove full license file to module root"
msgstr "Ajoute ou supprime le fichier de licence"
#: inc/lib.improve.action.licensefile.php:36
msgid "no version selected"
msgstr "aucune version selectionnée"
#: inc/lib.improve.action.licensefile.php:43
#: inc/lib.improve.action.phpheader.php:44
msgid "Do nothing"
msgstr "Ne rien faire"
#: inc/lib.improve.action.license.php:60
#: inc/lib.improve.action.phpheader.php:45
msgid "Add bloc if it does not exist"
msgstr "Ajouter les blocs si ils n'existent pas déjà"
#: inc/lib.improve.action.licensefile.php:44
msgid "Add file if it does not exist"
msgstr "Ajouter le fichier si il n'existe pas"
#: inc/lib.improve.action.license.php:108
msgid "Do not add license block to files from locales folder"
msgstr "Ne pas ajouter la licence aux fichiers du dossier locales"
#: inc/lib.improve.action.licensefile.php:45
msgid "Add file even if it exists"
msgstr "Ajouter le fichier même si il existe"
#: inc/lib.improve.action.licensefile.php:46
msgid "Add file and remove others"
msgstr "Ajouter la nouvelle licence et supprimer les autres"
#: inc/lib.improve.action.licensefile.php:47
msgid "Remove license files"
msgstr "Supprimer les fichiers de licence"
#: inc/lib.improve.action.licensefile.php:68
msgid "License version:"
msgstr "Version de la licence :"
#: inc/lib.improve.action.licensefile.php:72
msgid "Action on file:"
msgstr "Action sur le fichier :"
#: inc/lib.improve.action.licensefile.php:87
msgid "no full license type selected"
msgstr "Aucun type de licence sélectionné"
#: inc/lib.improve.action.licensefile.php:100
msgid "failed to load full license"
msgstr "Impossible de charger le fichier de licence"
#: inc/lib.improve.action.licensefile.php:106
msgid "failed to write full license"
msgstr "Impossible d'écrire le fichier de license"
#: inc/lib.improve.action.licensefile.php:120
msgid "full license is not deletable (%s)"
msgstr "Le fichier de licence n'est pas supprimable (%s)"
#: inc/lib.improve.action.licensefile.php:123
msgid "failed to delete full license (%s)"
msgstr "Impossible de supprimer le fichier de licence (%s)"
#: inc/lib.improve.action.php:20
msgid "Fix tabulation"
@ -155,6 +205,10 @@ msgstr "Liste des extensions de fichier à corriger:"
msgid "Use comma separated list of extensions without dot, recommand \"php,js,xml,txt,md\"."
msgstr "Utiliser une liste d'extensions séparé par des virgules et sans le point, recommandation: \"php,js,xml,txt,md\"."
#: inc/lib.improve.action.php:128
msgid "Fix end of file"
msgstr "Fixer les fins de fichiers"
#: inc/lib.improve.action.php:129
msgid "Remove php tag and empty lines from end of files"
msgstr "Supprimer le tag PHP et els lignes vides de fin de fichiers"
@ -175,6 +229,10 @@ msgstr "Fixer les enêtes php"
msgid "Add or remove phpdoc header bloc from php file"
msgstr "Ajouter ou supprimer les bloc d'entête phpdoc des fichiers php"
#: inc/lib.improve.action.phpheader.php:45
msgid "Add bloc if it does not exist"
msgstr "Ajouter les blocs si ils n'existent pas déjà"
#: inc/lib.improve.action.phpheader.php:46
msgid "Add and overwrite bloc"
msgstr "Ajouter et écraser les blocs"
@ -203,6 +261,14 @@ msgstr "Ne pas ajouter les blocs d'entête aux fichiers des répertoires \"local
msgid "Bloc content:"
msgstr "Contenu du bloc :"
#: inc/lib.improve.action.phpheader.php:91
msgid "You can use wildcards %s"
msgstr "Vous pouvez utiliser les jokers suivants :"
#: inc/lib.improve.action.phpheader.php:93
msgid "Do not put structural elements to the begining of lines."
msgstr "Ne pas mettre d'élément de structure en début de ligne"
#: inc/lib.improve.action.phpheader.php:182
msgid "failed to parse bloc"
msgstr "impossible de traiter le bloc"
@ -254,15 +320,19 @@ msgstr "Écraser les paquetages existants"
msgid "Extra files to exclude from package:"
msgstr "Fichiers supplémentaires à exclure du paquetage :"
#: inc/
#: inc/
msgid "By default all these files are always removed from packages : %s"
msgstr "Pas défaut tous ces fichiers sont toujours exclu des paquetages : %s"
#: inc/
msgid "Remove comments from files"
msgstr "Retirer les commentaires des fichiers"
#: inc/
#: inc/
msgid "Destination filename already exists"
msgstr "Le fichier de destination existe déjà"
#: inc/
#: inc/
msgid "Destination path is not writable"
msgstr "Le répertoire de destination n'est pas accessible en écriture"