Disabled actions modules */ private $disabled = []; /** @var array Logs by actions modules */ private $logs = []; /** @var array Has log of given type */ private $has_log = ['success' => false, 'warning' => false, 'error' => false]; /** * Constructor * * @param dcCore $core dcCore instance */ public function __construct(dcCore $core) { $core->blog->settings->addNamespace('improve'); $this->core = &$core; $disabled = explode(';', (string) $core->blog->settings->improve->disabled); $list = new arrayObject(); try { $this->core->callBehavior('improveAddAction', $list, $this->core); foreach ($list as $action) { if (is_a($action, 'ImproveAction') && !isset($this->actions[$action->id()])) { if (in_array($action->id(), $disabled)) { $this->disabled[$action->id()] = $action->name(); } else { $this->actions[$action->id()] = $action; } } } } catch (Exception $e) { $core->error->add($e->getMessage()); } uasort($this->actions, [$this, 'sortModules']); } public function getLogs(): array { return $this->logs; } public function hasLog(string $type): bool { return array_key_exists($type, $this->has_log) && $this->has_log[$type]; } public function writeLogs(): string { if (empty($this->logs)) { return ''; } $cur = $this->core->con->openCursor($this->core->prefix . 'log'); $cur->log_msg = serialize($this->logs); $cur->log_table = 'improve'; $id = $this->core->log->addLog($cur); return $id; } public function readLogs(int $id): array { $rs = $this->core->log->getLogs(['log_table' => 'improve', 'log_id' => $id, 'limit' => 1]); if ($rs->isEmpty()) { return []; } $this->core->log->delLogs($rs->log_id); $res = unserialize($rs->log_msg); return is_array($res) ? $res : []; } public function parselogs(int $id): array { $logs = $this->readLogs($id); if (empty($logs)) { return []; } $lines = []; foreach ($logs['improve'] as $path => $tools) { $l_types = []; foreach (['success', 'warning', 'error'] as $type) { $l_tools = []; foreach ($tools as $tool) { $l_msg = []; if (!empty($logs[$tool][$type][$path])) { foreach ($logs[$tool][$type][$path] as $msg) { $l_msg[] = $msg; } } if (!empty($l_msg)) { $l_tools[$tool] = $l_msg; } } if (!empty($l_tools)) { $l_types[$type] = $l_tools; } } if (!empty($l_types)) { $lines[$path] = $l_types; } } return $lines; } /** * Get a loaded action module * * @param string $id Module id * * @return ImproveAction ImproveAction instance */ public function module(string $id): ?ImproveAction { if (empty($id)) { return null; } return $this->actions[$id] ?? null; } /** * Get all loaded action modules * * @return ImproveAction[] ImproveAction instance */ public function modules(): array { return $this->actions; } /** * Get disabled action modules * * @return array Array of id/name modules */ public function disabled(): array { return $this->disabled; } public function fixModule(string $type, string $id, array $properties, array $actions): float { $time_start = microtime(true); $module = ImproveDefinition::clean($type, $id, $properties); $workers = []; foreach ($actions as $action) { if (isset($this->actions[$action]) && $this->actions[$action]->isConfigured()) { $workers[] = $this->actions[$action]; } } foreach ($workers as $action) { // trace all path and action in logs $this->logs['improve'][__('Begin')][] = $action->id(); // info: set current module $action->setModule($module); $action->setPath(__('Begin'), '', true); // action: open module $action->openModule(); } if (!isset($module['sroot']) || !$module['root_writable'] || !is_writable($module['sroot'])) { throw new Exception(__('Module path is not writable')); } $tree = self::getModuleFiles($module['sroot']); foreach ($tree as $file) { if (!file_exists($file[0])) { continue; } foreach ($workers as $action) { // trace all path and action in logs $this->logs['improve'][$file[0]][] = $action->id(); // info: set current path $action->setPath($file[0], $file[1], $file[2]); } if (!$file[2]) { foreach ($workers as $action) { // action: open a directory. full path $action->openDirectory(); } } else { foreach ($workers as $action) { // action: before openning a file. full path, extension $action->openFile(); } if (in_array($file[1], self::$readfile_extensions)) { if (false !== ($content = file_get_contents($file[0]))) { $no_content = empty($content); foreach ($workers as $action) { // action: read a file content. full path, extension, content $action->readFile($content); if (empty($content) && !$no_content) { throw new Exception(sprintf( __('File content has been removed: %s by %s'), $file[0], $action->name() )); } } files::putContent($file[0], $content); } foreach ($workers as $action) { // action: after closing a file. full path, extension $action->closeFile(); } } } } foreach ($workers as $action) { // trace all path and action in logs $this->logs['improve'][__('End')][] = $action->id(); // info: set current module $action->setPath(__('End'), '', true); // action: close module $action->closeModule(); } // info: get acions reports foreach ($workers as $action) { $this->logs[$action->id()] = $action->getLogs(); foreach ($this->has_log as $type => $v) { if ($action->hasLog($type)) { $this->has_log[$type] = true; } } } return round(microtime(true) - $time_start, 5); } private static function getModuleFiles(string $path, string $dir = '', array $res = []): array { $path = path::real($path); if (!$path) { return []; } if (!is_dir($path) || !is_readable($path)) { return []; } if (!$dir) { $dir = $path; } $res[] = [$dir, '', false]; $files = files::scandir($path); foreach ($files as $file) { if (substr($file, 0, 1) == '.') { continue; } if (is_dir($path . '/' . $file)) { $res = self::getModuleFiles( $path . '/' . $file, $dir . '/' . $file, $res ); } else { $res[] = [$dir . '/' . $file, files::getExtension($file), true]; } } return $res; } public function getURL(array $params = []): string { return $this->core->adminurl->get('admin.plugin.improve', $params, '&'); } /** * Check and clean file extension * * @param string|array $in Extension(s) to clean * @return array Cleaned extension(s) */ public static function cleanExtensions($in): array { $out = []; if (!is_array($in)) { $in = explode(',', $in); } if (!empty($in)) { foreach ($in as $v) { $v = trim(files::getExtension('a.' . $v)); if (!empty($v)) { $out[] = $v; } } } return $out; } /** * Sort modules by priority then name * * @param ImproveAction $a ImproveAction instance * @param ImproveAction $b ImproveAction instance * * @return integer Is higher */ private function sortModules(ImproveAction $a, ImproveAction $b): int { if ($a->priority() == $b->priority()) { return strcasecmp($a->name(), $b->name()); } return $a->priority() < $b->priority() ? -1 : 1; } } class ImproveDefinition { /** @var array Current module properties */ private $properties = []; /** * Constructor * * @param string $type Module type, plugin or theme * @param string $id Module id * @param array $properties Module properties */ public function __construct(string $type, string $id, array $properties = []) { $this->loadDefine($id, $properties['root']); $this->properties = array_merge($this->properties, self::sanitizeModule($type, $id, $properties)); } /** * Get module properties * * @return array The properties */ public function get(): array { return $this->properties; } /** * Get clean properties of registered module * * @param string $type Module type, plugin or theme * @param string $id Module id * @param array $properties Module properties * * @return array Module properties */ public static function clean(string $type, string $id, array $properties): array { $p = new self($type, $id, $properties); return $p->get(); } /** * Replicate dcModule::loadDefine * * @param string $id Module id * @param string $root Module path * * @return boolean Success */ private function loadDefine(string $id, string $root): bool { if (file_exists($root . '/_define.php')) { ob_start(); require $root . '/_define.php'; ob_end_clean(); } return true; } /** * Replicate dcModule::registerModule * * @param string $name The module name * @param string $desc The module description * @param string $author The module author * @param string $version The module version * @param string|array $properties The properties * * @return boolean Success */ private function registerModule(string $name, string $desc, string $author, string $version, $properties = []): bool { if (!is_array($properties)) { $args = func_get_args(); $properties = []; if (isset($args[4])) { $properties['permissions'] = $args[4]; } if (isset($args[5])) { $properties['priority'] = (int) $args[5]; } } $this->properties = array_merge( [ 'permissions' => null, 'priority' => 1000, 'standalone_config' => false, 'type' => null, 'enabled' => true, 'requires' => [], 'settings' => [], 'repository' => '' ], $properties ); return true; } /** * Replicate adminModulesList::sanitizeModule * * @param string $type Module type * @param string $id Module id * @param array $properties Module properties * * @return array Sanitized module properties */ public static function sanitizeModule(string $type, string $id, array $properties): array { $label = empty($properties['label']) ? $id : $properties['label']; $name = __(empty($properties['name']) ? $label : $properties['name']); $oname = empty($properties['name']) ? $label : $properties['name']; return array_merge( # Default values [ 'desc' => '', 'author' => '', 'version' => 0, 'current_version' => 0, 'root' => '', 'root_writable' => false, 'permissions' => null, 'parent' => null, 'priority' => 1000, 'standalone_config' => false, 'support' => '', 'section' => '', 'tags' => '', 'details' => '', 'sshot' => '', 'score' => 0, 'type' => null, 'requires' => [], 'settings' => [], 'repository' => '', 'dc_min' => 0 ], # Module's values $properties, # Clean up values [ 'id' => $id, 'sid' => self::sanitizeString($id), 'type' => $type, 'label' => $label, 'name' => $name, 'oname' => $oname, 'sname' => self::sanitizeString($name), 'sroot' => path::real($properties['root']) ] ); } /** * Replicate adminModulesList::sanitizeString * * @param string $str String to sanitize * * @return string Sanitized string */ public static function sanitizeString(string $str): string { return (string) preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9\@\#+_-]/', '', strtolower($str)); } }