Allowed bloc replacement */ private $bloc_wildcards = [ '%year%', '%module_id%', '%module_name%', '%module_author%', '%module_type%', '%user_cn%', '%user_name%', '%user_email%', '%user_url%' ]; /** @var array Allowed action for header */ private $action_bloc = []; /** @var string Parsed bloc */ private $bloc = ''; /** @var boolean Stop parsing files */ private $stop_scan = false; /** @var string Settings bloc content */ private $bloc_content = ''; protected function init(): bool { $this->setProperties([ 'id' => 'phpheader', 'name' => __('PHP header'), 'description' => __('Add or remove phpdoc header bloc from php file'), 'priority' => 340, 'configurator' => true, 'types' => ['plugin', 'theme'] ]); $this->action_bloc = [ __('Do nothing') => 0, __('Add bloc if it does not exist') => 'create', __('Add and overwrite bloc') => 'overwrite', __('Overwrite bloc only if it exists') => 'replace', __('Remove existing bloc header') => 'remove' ]; $bloc_content = $this->getSetting('bloc_content'); $this->bloc_content = is_string($bloc_content) ? $bloc_content : ''; return true; } public function isConfigured(): bool { return !empty($this->getSetting('bloc_action')) || !empty($this->getSetting('remove_old')); } public function configure($url): ?string { if (!empty($_POST['save'])) { $this->setSettings([ 'bloc_action' => !empty($_POST['bloc_action']) ? $_POST['bloc_action'] : '', 'bloc_content' => !empty($_POST['bloc_content']) ? $_POST['bloc_content'] : '', 'remove_old' => !empty($_POST['remove_old']), 'exclude_locales' => !empty($_POST['exclude_locales']) ]); $this->redirect($url); } return '

' . form::combo('bloc_action', $this->action_bloc, $this->getSetting('bloc_action')) . '

' . __('Bloc content:') . '

' . form::textarea('bloc_content', 50, 10, html::escapeHTML($this->bloc_content)) . '

' . sprintf( __('You can use wildcards %s'), '%year%, %module_id%, %module_name%, %module_author%, %module_type%, %user_cn%, %user_name%, %user_email%, %user_url%' ) . '
' . __('Do not put structural elements to the begining of lines.') . '

' . '

' . __('Exemple') . '

' . self::$exemple . '
'; } public function openModule(): ?bool { $bloc = trim($this->bloc_content); if (empty($bloc)) { $this->setWarning(__('bloc is empty')); return null; } $bloc = trim(str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $bloc)); try { $this->bloc = (string) preg_replace_callback( // use \u in bloc content for first_upper_case '/(\\\u([a-z]{1}))/', function ($str) { return ucfirst($str[2]); }, str_replace( $this->bloc_wildcards, [ date('Y'), $this->module['id'], $this->module['name'], $this->module['author'], $this->module['type'], $this->core->auth->getInfo('user_cn'), $this->core->auth->getinfo('user_name'), $this->core->auth->getInfo('user_email'), $this->core->auth->getInfo('user_url') ], (string) $bloc ) ); $this->setSuccess(__('Prepare header info')); return null; } catch (Exception $e) { $this->setError(__('Failed to parse bloc')); return null; } } public function openDirectory(): ?bool { $skipped = $this->stop_scan; $this->stop_scan = false; if (!empty($this->getSetting('exclude_locales')) && preg_match('/\/(locales|libs)(\/.*?|)$/', $this->path_full)) { if (!$skipped) { $this->setSuccess(__('Skip directory')); } $this->stop_scan = true; } return null; } public function readFile(&$content): ?bool { if ($this->stop_scan || $this->path_extension != 'php' || $this->hasError()) { return null; } if (!empty($this->getSetting('remove_old'))) { $content = $this->deleteOldBloc($content); } if (empty($this->getSetting('bloc_action'))) { return null; } $clean = $this->deleteDocBloc($content); if ($this->getSetting('bloc_action') == 'remove') { $content = $clean; return null; } if ($content != $clean && $this->getSetting('bloc_action') == 'create') { return null; } if ($content == $clean && $this->getSetting('bloc_action') == 'replace') { return null; } $content = $this->writeDocBloc($clean); return true; } /** * Write bloc content in file content * * @param string $content Old content * @return string New content */ private function writeDocBloc(string $content): string { $res = preg_replace( '/^(\<\?php[\n|\r\n]+)/', 'bloc)) . "\n */\n", $content, 1, $count ); if ($count && $res) { $res = str_replace("\n * \n", "\n *\n", $res); $this->setSuccess(__('Write new doc bloc content')); } return (string) $res; } /** * Delete bloc content in file content * * @param string $content Old content * @return string New content */ private function deleteDocBloc(string $content): string { $res = preg_replace( '/^(\<\?php\s*[\n|\r\n]{0,1}\s*\/\*\*.*?\s*\*\/\s*[\n|\r\n]+)/msi', "setSuccess(__('Delete old doc bloc content')); } return (string) $res; } /** * Delete old style bloc content in file content * * @param string $content Old content * @return string New content */ private function deleteOldBloc(string $content): string { $res = preg_replace( '/((# -- BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ([-]+))(.*?)(# -- END LICENSE BLOCK ([-]+))([\n|\r\n]{1,}))/msi', '', $content, -1, $count ); if ($count) { $this->setSuccess(__('Delete old style bloc content')); } return (string) $res; } }