cleanup admin file and add dashboard icon

This commit is contained in:
Jean-Christian Denis 2021-08-27 22:52:24 +02:00
parent ab0217fb89
commit be3d060e51
3 changed files with 309 additions and 295 deletions

View file

@ -1,13 +1,17 @@
- Added public page of the list of know urls and in/visible status
- Added passworded links
- clean PSR-2 codding style and short array
- fix compatibility with Dotclear 2.19
- fix widgets rendering
- move setting to config file
- fix dashboard rendering
- fix deprecated external service
- create readme file
- Added public page of the list of know urls and in/visible status
- Added passworded links
- clean PSR-2 codding style and short array
- fix php 7.3+ and php 8.0.x compatibility
- fix compatibility with Dotclear 2.19
- fix widgets rendering
- move setting to config file
- fix dashboard rendering
- fix deprecated external service
- create readme file
- add dashboard icon
* Changed version numbering

View file

@ -10,305 +10,315 @@
# -- END LICENSE BLOCK ------------------------------------
if (!defined('DC_CONTEXT_ADMIN')){return;}
if (!defined('DC_CONTEXT_ADMIN')) {
return null;
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/_widgets.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/_widgets.php';
# Plugin menu
__('Links shortener'),
__('Links shortener'),
preg_match('/' . preg_quote($core->adminurl->get('admin.plugin.kUtRL')) . '(&.*)?$/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']),
$core->auth->check('admin', $core->blog->id));
# Admin behaviors
if ($core->blog->settings->kUtRL->kutrl_active)
$core->addBehavior('adminAfterPostUpdate',array('adminKutrl','adminAfterPostUpdate')); // update existing short url
$core->addBehavior('adminAfterPostUpdate',array('adminKutrl','adminAfterPostCreate')); // create new short url
if ($core->blog->settings->kUtRL->kutrl_active) {
$core->addBehavior('adminDashboardFavorites', ['adminKutrl', 'antispamDashboardFavorites']);
$core->addBehavior('adminPostHeaders', ['adminKutrl', 'adminPostHeaders']);
$core->addBehavior('adminPostFormSidebar', ['adminKutrl', 'adminPostFormSidebar']);
$core->addBehavior('adminAfterPostUpdate', ['adminKutrl', 'adminAfterPostUpdate']); // update existing short url
$core->addBehavior('adminAfterPostUpdate', ['adminKutrl', 'adminAfterPostCreate']); // create new short url
$core->addBehavior('adminAfterPostCreate', ['adminKutrl', 'adminAfterPostCreate']);
$core->addBehavior('adminBeforePostDelete', ['adminKutrl', 'adminBeforePostDelete']);
$core->addBehavior('adminPostsActionsCombo', ['adminKutrl', 'adminPostsActionsCombo']);
$core->addBehavior('adminPostsActions', ['adminKutrl', 'adminPostsActions']);
$core->addBehavior('exportFull', ['backupKutrl', 'exportFull']);
$core->addBehavior('exportSingle', ['backupKutrl', 'exportSingle']);
$core->addBehavior('importInit', ['backupKutrl', 'importInit']);
$core->addBehavior('importSingle', ['backupKutrl', 'importSingle']);
$core->addBehavior('importFull', ['backupKutrl', 'importFull']);
# Admin behaviors class
class adminKutrl
public static function adminPostHeaders()
return dcPage::jsLoad('index.php?pf=kUtRL/js/admin.js');
public static function adminPostFormSidebar($post)
global $core;
$s = $core->blog->settings->kUtRL;
if (!$s->kutrl_active || !$s->kutrl_admin_service) return;
if (null === ($kut = kutrl::quickPlace('admin'))) return;
if ($post)
$post_url = $post->getURL();
$rs = $kut->isKnowUrl($post_url);
$post_url = '';
$rs = false;
'<h3 id="kutrl-form-title" class="clear">'.__('Short link').'</h3>'.
'<div id="kutrl-form-content">'.
if (!$rs)
if (empty($_POST['kutrl_old_post_url']) && $s->kutrl_admin_entry_default)
$chk = true;
$chk = !empty($_POST['kutrl_create']);
'<p><label class="classic">'.
form::checkbox('kutrl_create',1,$chk,'',3).' '.
__('Create short link').'</label></p>';
if ($kut->allow_custom_hash)
'<p class="classic">'.
'<label for="custom">'.__('Custom short link:').' '.
$count = $rs->counter;
if ($count == 0)
$title = __('never followed');
elseif ($count == 1)
$title = __('followed one time');
$title = sprintf(__('followed %s times'),$count);
$href = $kut->url_base.$rs->hash;
'<p><label class="classic">'.
form::checkbox('kutrl_delete',1,!empty($_POST['kutrl_delete']),'',3).' '.
__('delete short link').'</label></p>'.
'<p><a href="'.$href.'" '.'title="'.$title.'">'.$href.'</a></p>';
echo '</div>';
public static function adminAfterPostUpdate($cur,$post_id)
global $core;
$s = $core->blog->settings->kUtRL;
# Create: see adminAfterPostCreate
if (!empty($_POST['kutrl_create']) || !$s->kutrl_active) return;
if (null === ($kut = kutrl::quickPlace('admin'))) return;
if (empty($_POST['kutrl_old_post_url'])) return;
$old_post_url = $_POST['kutrl_old_post_url'];
if (!($rs = $kut->isKnowUrl($old_post_url))) return;
$rs = $core->blog->getPosts(array('post_id'=>$post_id));
$title = html::escapeHTML($rs->post_title);
if ($rs->isEmpty()) return;
$new_post_url = $rs->getURL();
# Delete
if (!empty($_POST['kutrl_delete']))
# Update
if ($old_post_url == $new_post_url) return;
$rs = $kut->hash($new_post_url,$custom); // better to update (not yet implemented)
$url = $kut->url_base.$rs->hash;
# ex: Send new url to messengers
if (!empty($rs))
public static function adminAfterPostCreate($cur,$post_id)
global $core;
$s = $core->blog->settings->kUtRL;
if (empty($_POST['kutrl_create']) || !$s->kutrl_active) return;
if (null === ($kut = kutrl::quickPlace('admin'))) return;
$rs = $core->blog->getPosts(array('post_id'=>$post_id));
$title = html::escapeHTML($rs->post_title);
if ($rs->isEmpty()) return;
$custom = !empty($_POST['kutrl_create_custom']) && $kut->allow_custom_hash ?
$_POST['kutrl_create_custom'] : null;
$rs = $kut->hash($rs->getURL(),$custom);
$url = $kut->url_base.$rs->hash;
# ex: Send new url to messengers
if (!empty($rs))
public static function adminBeforePostDelete($post_id)
global $core;
$s = $core->blog->settings->kUtRL;
if (!$s->kutrl_active) return;
if (null === ($kut = kutrl::quickPlace('admin'))) return;
$rs = $core->blog->getPosts(array('post_id'=>$post_id));
if ($rs->isEmpty()) return;
public static function adminPostsActionsCombo($args)
global $core;
$s = $core->blog->settings->kUtRL;
if (!$s->kutrl_active
|| !$core->auth->check('admin',$core->blog->id)) return;
$args[0][__('kUtRL')][__('create short link')] = 'kutrl_create';
$args[0][__('kUtRL')][__('delete short link')] = 'kutrl_delete';
public static function antispamDashboardFavorites(dcCore $core, $favs)
'title' => __('Links shortener'),
'url' => $core->adminurl->get('admin.plugin.kUtRL'),
'small-icon' => dcPage::getPF('kUtRL/icon.png'),
'large-icon' => dcPage::getPF('kUtRL/icon-b.png'),
'permissions' => 'admin'
public static function adminPostsActions($core,$posts,$action,$redir)
if ($action != 'kutrl_create'
&& $action != 'kutrl_delete') return;
$s = $core->blog->settings->kUtRL;
if (!$s->kutrl_active) return;
if (null === ($kut = kutrl::quickPlace('admin'))) return;
while ($posts->fetch())
$url = $posts->getURL();
if ($action == 'kutrl_create')
if ($action == 'kutrl_delete')
public static function adminPostHeaders()
return dcPage::jsLoad('index.php?pf=kUtRL/js/admin.js');
public static function adminPostFormSidebar($post)
global $core;
$s = $core->blog->settings->kUtRL;
if (!$s->kutrl_active || !$s->kutrl_admin_service) {
return null;
if (null === ($kut = kutrl::quickPlace('admin'))) {
return null;
if ($post) {
$post_url = $post->getURL();
$rs = $kut->isKnowUrl($post_url);
} else {
$post_url = '';
$rs = false;
'<h3 id="kutrl-form-title" class="clear">' . __('Short link') . '</h3>' .
'<div id="kutrl-form-content">' .
form::hidden(['kutrl_old_post_url'], $post_url);
if (!$rs) {
if (empty($_POST['kutrl_old_post_url']) && $s->kutrl_admin_entry_default) {
$chk = true;
} else {
$chk = !empty($_POST['kutrl_create']);
'<p><label class="classic">' .
form::checkbox('kutrl_create', 1, $chk, '', 3) . ' ' .
__('Create short link') . '</label></p>';
if ($kut->allow_custom_hash) {
'<p class="classic">' .
'<label for="custom">' . __('Custom short link:') . ' ' .
form::field('kutrl_create_custom', 32, 32, '', 3) .
} else {
$count = $rs->counter;
if ($count == 0) {
$title = __('never followed');
} elseif ($count == 1) {
$title = __('followed one time');
} else {
$title = sprintf(__('followed %s times'),$count);
$href = $kut->url_base . $rs->hash;
'<p><label class="classic">' .
form::checkbox('kutrl_delete', 1, !empty($_POST['kutrl_delete']), '', 3) . ' ' .
__('delete short link') . '</label></p>' .
'<p><a href="' . $href . '" ' . 'title="' . $title . '">' . $href . '</a></p>';
echo '</div>';
public static function adminAfterPostUpdate($cur, $post_id)
global $core;
$s = $core->blog->settings->kUtRL;
# Create: see adminAfterPostCreate
if (!empty($_POST['kutrl_create']) || !$s->kutrl_active) {
return null;
if (null === ($kut = kutrl::quickPlace('admin'))) {
return null;
if (empty($_POST['kutrl_old_post_url'])) {
return null;
$old_post_url = $_POST['kutrl_old_post_url'];
if (!($rs = $kut->isKnowUrl($old_post_url))) {
return null;
$rs = $core->blog->getPosts(['post_id' => $post_id]);
if ($rs->isEmpty()) {
return null;
$title = html::escapeHTML($rs->post_title);
$new_post_url = $rs->getURL();
# Delete
if (!empty($_POST['kutrl_delete'])) {
# Update
} else {
if ($old_post_url == $new_post_url) {
return null;
$rs = $kut->hash($new_post_url, $custom); // better to update (not yet implemented)
$url = $kut->url_base . $rs->hash;
# ex: Send new url to messengers
if (!empty($rs)) {
$core->callBehavior('adminAfterKutrlCreate' ,$core, $rs, $title);
public static function adminAfterPostCreate($cur, $post_id)
global $core;
$s = $core->blog->settings->kUtRL;
if (empty($_POST['kutrl_create']) || !$s->kutrl_active) {
return null;
if (null === ($kut = kutrl::quickPlace('admin'))) {
return null;
$rs = $core->blog->getPosts(['post_id' => $post_id]);
if ($rs->isEmpty()) {
return null;
$title = html::escapeHTML($rs->post_title);
$custom = !empty($_POST['kutrl_create_custom']) && $kut->allow_custom_hash ?
$_POST['kutrl_create_custom'] : null;
$rs = $kut->hash($rs->getURL(), $custom);
$url = $kut->url_base . $rs->hash;
# ex: Send new url to messengers
if (!empty($rs)) {
$core->callBehavior('adminAfterKutrlCreate', $core, $rs, $title);
public static function adminBeforePostDelete($post_id)
global $core;
$s = $core->blog->settings->kUtRL;
if (!$s->kutrl_active) {
return null;
if (null === ($kut = kutrl::quickPlace('admin'))) {
return null;
$rs = $core->blog->getPosts(['post_id' => $post_id]);
if ($rs->isEmpty()) {
return null;
public static function adminPostsActionsCombo($args)
global $core;
$s = $core->blog->settings->kUtRL;
if (!$s->kutrl_active
|| !$core->auth->check('admin',$core->blog->id)) {
return null;
$args[0][__('kUtRL')][__('create short link')] = 'kutrl_create';
$args[0][__('kUtRL')][__('delete short link')] = 'kutrl_delete';
public static function adminPostsActions(dcCore $core, $posts, $action, $redir)
if ($action != 'kutrl_create'
&& $action != 'kutrl_delete') {
return null;
$s = $core->blog->settings->kUtRL;
if (!$s->kutrl_active) {
return null;
if (null === ($kut = kutrl::quickPlace('admin'))) {
return null;
while ($posts->fetch()) {
$url = $posts->getURL();
if ($action == 'kutrl_create') {
if ($action == 'kutrl_delete') {
http::redirect($redir . '&done=1');
# Import/export behaviors for Import/export plugin
class backupKutrl
public static function exportSingle($core,$exp,$blog_id)
'SELECT kut_id, blog_id, kut_service, kut_type, '.
'kut_hash, kut_url, kut_dt, kut_password, kut_counter '.
'FROM '.$core->prefix.'kutrl '.
"WHERE blog_id = '".$blog_id."' "
public static function exportFull($core,$exp)
public static function importInit($bk,$core)
$bk->cur_kutrl = $core->con->openCursor($core->prefix.'kutrl');
$bk->kutrl = new kutrlLog($core);
public static function importSingle($line,$bk,$core)
if ($line->__name == 'kutrl')
# Do nothing if str/type exists !
if (false === $bk->kutrl->select($line->kut_url,$line->kut_hash,$line->kut_type,$line->kut_service))
public static function importFull($line,$bk,$core)
if ($line->__name == 'kutrl')
$bk->cur_kutrl->kut_id = (integer) $line->kut_id;
$bk->cur_kutrl->blog_id = (string) $line->blog_id;
$bk->cur_kutrl->kut_service = (string) $line->kut_service;
$bk->cur_kutrl->kut_type = (string) $line->kut_type;
$bk->cur_kutrl->kut_hash = (string) $line->kut_hash;
$bk->cur_kutrl->kut_url = (string) $line->kut_url;
$bk->cur_kutrl->kut_dt = (string) $line->miniurl_dt;
$bk->cur_kutrl->kut_counter = (integer) $line->kut_counter;
$bk->cur_kutrl->kut_password = (string) $line->kut_password;
public static function exportSingle($core, $exp, $blog_id)
'SELECT kut_id, blog_id, kut_service, kut_type, ' .
'kut_hash, kut_url, kut_dt, kut_password, kut_counter ' .
'FROM ' . $core->prefix . 'kutrl ' .
"WHERE blog_id = '" . $blog_id . "' "
public static function exportFull($core, $exp)
public static function importInit($bk, $core)
$bk->cur_kutrl = $core->con->openCursor($core->prefix . 'kutrl');
$bk->kutrl = new kutrlLog($core);
public static function importSingle($line,$bk,$core)
if ($line->__name == 'kutrl') {
# Do nothing if str/type exists !
if (false === $bk->kutrl->select($line->kut_url, $line->kut_hash, $line->kut_type, $line->kut_service)) {
$bk->kutrl->insert($line->kut_url, $line->kut_hash, $line->kut_type, $line->kut_service);
public static function importFull($line, $bk, $core)
if ($line->__name == 'kutrl') {
$bk->cur_kutrl->kut_id = (integer) $line->kut_id;
$bk->cur_kutrl->blog_id = (string) $line->blog_id;
$bk->cur_kutrl->kut_service = (string) $line->kut_service;
$bk->cur_kutrl->kut_type = (string) $line->kut_type;
$bk->cur_kutrl->kut_hash = (string) $line->kut_hash;
$bk->cur_kutrl->kut_url = (string) $line->kut_url;
$bk->cur_kutrl->kut_dt = (string) $line->miniurl_dt;
$bk->cur_kutrl->kut_counter = (integer) $line->kut_counter;
$bk->cur_kutrl->kut_password = (string) $line->kut_password;

View file

@ -18,13 +18,13 @@ $this->registerModule(
'Use, create and serve short url on your blog',
'Jean-Christian Denis and contributors',
'permissions' => 'admin',
'type' => 'plugin',
'dc_min' => '2.19',
'support' => '',
'details' => '',
'repository' => ''
'repository' => ''