239 lines
7.5 KiB
239 lines
7.5 KiB
* @brief kUtRL, a plugin for Dotclear 2
* @package Dotclear
* @subpackage Plugin
* @author Jean-Christian Denis and contributors
* @copyright Jean-Christian Denis
* @copyright GPL-2.0 https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
if (!defined('DC_RC_PATH')) {
return null;
dcCore::app()->addBehavior('initWidgets', ['widgetKutrl', 'adminShorten']);
dcCore::app()->addBehavior('initWidgets', ['widgetKutrl', 'adminRank']);
class widgetKutrl
public static function adminShorten($w)
__('Links shortener'),
['widgetKutrl', 'publicShorten']
->addTitle(__('Shorten link'))
public static function adminRank($w)
__('Top of short links'),
['widgetKutrl', 'publicRank']
->addTitle(__('Top of short links'))
__('Text: (Use wildcard %rank%, %hash%, %url%, %count%, %counttext%)'),
'%rank% - %url% - %counttext%',
__('URL length (if truncate)'),
__('All') => '-',
__('Mini URL') => 'localnormal',
__('Custom URL') => 'localcustom',
__('Semi-custom') => 'localmix',
__('Semi-custom prefix: (only if you want limit to a particular prefix)'),
__('Sort by:'),
__('Date') => 'kut_dt',
__('Rank') => 'kut_counter',
__('Hash') => 'kut_hash',
__('Ascending') => 'asc',
__('Descending') => 'desc',
__('Hide no followed links'),
public static function publicShorten($w)
$s = dcCore::app()->blog->settings->get(basename(__DIR__));
if (!$s->get('active')
|| !$s->get('srv_local_public')
|| !$w->checkHomeOnly(dcCore::app()->url->type)
|| dcCore::app()->url->type == 'kutrl') {
return null;
$hmf = hmfKutrl::create();
$hmfp = hmfKutrl::protect($hmf);
return $w->renderDiv(
'shortenkutrlwidget ' . $w->class,
($w->title ? $w->renderTitle(html::escapeHTML($w->title)) : '') .
'<form name="shortenkutrlwidget" method="post" action="' .
dcCore::app()->blog->url . dcCore::app()->url->getBase('kutrl') . '">' .
'<p><label>' .
__('Long link:') . '<br />' .
form::field('longurl', 20, 255, '') .
'</label></p>' .
'<p><label>' .
sprintf(__('Rewrite "%s" in next field to show that you are not a robot:'), $hmf) . '<br />' .
form::field('hmf', 20, 255, '') .
'</label></p>' .
'<p><input class="submit" type="submit" name="submiturl" value="' . __('Shorten') . '" />' .
form::hidden('hmfp', $hmfp) .
dcCore::app()->formNonce() .
'</p>' .
public static function publicRank($w)
$s = dcCore::app()->blog->settings->get(basename(__DIR__));
if (!$s->get('active') || !$w->checkHomeOnly(dcCore::app()->url->type)) {
return null;
$type = in_array($w->type, ['localnormal', 'localmix', 'localcustom']) ?
"AND kut_type ='" . $w->type . "' " :
'AND kut_type ' . dcCore::app()->con->in(['localnormal', 'localmix', 'localcustom']) . ' ';
$hide = (bool) $w->hideempty ? 'AND kut_counter > 0 ' : '';
$more = '';
if ($w->type == 'localmix' && '' != $w->mixprefix) {
$more = "AND kut_hash LIKE '" . dcCore::app()->con->escape($w->mixprefix) . "%' ";
$order = ($w->sortby && in_array($w->sortby, ['kut_dt', 'kut_counter', 'kut_hash'])) ?
$w->sortby : 'kut_dt';
$order .= $w->sort == 'desc' ? ' DESC' : ' ASC';
$limit = dcCore::app()->con->limit(abs((int) $w->limit));
$rs = dcCore::app()->con->select(
'SELECT kut_counter, kut_hash ' .
'FROM ' . dcCore::app()->prefix . initkUtRL::KURL_TABLE_NAME . ' ' .
"WHERE blog_id='" . dcCore::app()->con->escape(dcCore::app()->blog->id) . "' " .
"AND kut_service = 'local' " .
$type . $hide . $more . 'ORDER BY ' . $order . $limit
if ($rs->isEmpty()) {
return null;
$content = '';
$i = 0;
while ($rs->fetch()) {
$rank = '<span class="rankkutrl-rank">' . $i . '</span>';
$hash = $rs->kut_hash;
$url = dcCore::app()->blog->url . dcCore::app()->url->getBase('kutrl') . '/' . $hash;
$cut_len = - abs((int) $w->urllen);
if (strlen($url) > $cut_len) {
$url = '...' . substr($url, $cut_len);
if (strlen($hash) > $cut_len) {
$url = '...'.substr($hash, $cut_len);
if ($rs->kut_counter == 0) {
$counttext = __('never followed');
} elseif ($rs->kut_counter == 1) {
$counttext = __('followed one time');
} else {
$counttext = sprintf(__('followed %s times'), $rs->kut_counter);
$content .= '<li><a href="' .
dcCore::app()->blog->url . dcCore::app()->url->getBase('kutrl') . '/' . $rs->kut_hash .
'">' .
['%rank%', '%hash%', '%url%', '%count%', '%counttext%'],
[$rank, $hash, $url, $rs->kut_counter, $counttext],
) .
if (empty($content)) {
return null;
return $w->renderDiv(
'lastblogupdate ' . $w->class,
($w->title ? $w->renderTitle(html::escapeHTML($w->title)) : '') .
sprintf('<ul>%s</ul>', $content)