
120 lines
3.7 KiB

# -- BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ----------------------------------
# This file is part of kUtRL, a plugin for Dotclear 2.
# Copyright (c) 2009-2011 JC Denis and contributors
# jcdenis@gdwd.com
# Licensed under the GPL version 2.0 license.
# A copy of this license is available in LICENSE file or at
# http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html
# -- END LICENSE BLOCK ------------------------------------
if (!defined('DC_RC_PATH')){return;}
class customKutrlService extends kutrlService
protected $config = array(
'id' => 'custom',
'name' => 'Custom'
protected function init()
$config = unserialize(base64_decode($this->settings->kutrl_srv_custom));
if (!is_array($config))
$config = array();
$this->config['url_api'] = !empty($config['url_api']) ? $config['url_api'] : '';
$this->config['url_base'] = !empty($config['url_base']) ? $config['url_base'] : '';
$this->config['url_param'] = !empty($config['url_param']) ? $config['url_param'] : '';
$this->config['url_encode'] = !empty($config['url_api']);
$this->config['url_min_length'] = strlen($this->url_base) + 2;
public function saveSettings()
$config = array(
'url_api' => $_POST['kutrl_srv_custom_url_api'],
'url_base' => $_POST['kutrl_srv_custom_url_base'],
'url_param' => $_POST['kutrl_srv_custom_url_param'],
'url_encode' => !empty($_POST['kutrl_srv_custom_url_encode'])
public function settingsForm()
$default = array(
'url_api' => '',
'url_base' => '',
'url_param' => '',
'url_encode' => true
$config = unserialize(base64_decode($this->settings->kutrl_srv_custom));
if (!is_array($config))
$config = array();
$config = array_merge($default,$config);
'<p>'.__('You can set a configurable service.').'<br />'.
__('It consists on a simple query to an URL with only one param.').'<br />'.
__('It must respond with a http code 200 on success.').'<br />'.
__('It must returned the short URL (or only hash) in clear text.').'</p>' .
'<p><label class="classic">'.__('API URL:').'<br />'.
'<p class="form-note">'.__('Full path to API of the URL shortener. ex: "http://is.gd/api.php"').'</p>'.
'<p><label class="classic">'.__('Short URL domain:').'<br />'.
'<p class="form-note">'.__('Common part of the short URL. ex: "http://is.gd/"').'</p>'.
'<p><label class="classic">'.__('API URL param:').'<br />'.
'<p class="form-note">'.__('Param of the query. ex: "longurl"').'</p>'.
'<p><label class="classic">'.
form::checkbox(array('kutrl_srv_custom_url_encode'),'1',$config['url_encode']).' '.
__('Encode URL').
public function testService()
if (empty($this->url_api)) return false;
$url = $this->url_encode ? urlencode($this->url_test) : $this->url_test;
$arg = array($this->url_param => $url);
if (!self::post($this->url_api,$arg,true,true))
$this->error->add(__('Service is unavailable.'));
return false;
return true;
public function createHash($url,$hash=null)
$enc = $this->url_encode ? urlencode($url) : $url;
$arg = array($this->url_param => $enc);
if (!($response = self::post($this->url_api,$arg,true,true)))
$this->error->add(__('Service is unavailable.'));
return false;
$rs = new ArrayObject();
$rs->hash = str_replace($this->url_base,'',$response);
$rs->url = $url;
$rs->type = $this->id;
return $rs;