566 lines
20 KiB
566 lines
20 KiB
# -- BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ----------------------------------
# This file is part of kUtRL, a plugin for Dotclear 2.
# Copyright (c) 2009-2021 Jean-Christian Denis and contributors
# Licensed under the GPL version 2.0 license.
# A copy of this license is available in LICENSE file or at
# http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html
# -- END LICENSE BLOCK ------------------------------------
if (!defined('DC_CONTEXT_ADMIN')) {
# Check user perms
# Settings
$s = $core->blog->settings->kUtRL;
# Default values
$show_filters = false;
$p_url = $core->adminurl->get('admin.plugin.kUtRL');
$part = isset($_REQUEST['part']) ? $_REQUEST['part'] : 'links';
$action = isset($_POST['action']) ? $_POST['action'] : '';
# used in setting & links
if (in_array($part, ['setting', 'links'])) {
$services_combo = [];
foreach(kutrl::getServices($core) as $service_id => $service) {
$o = new $service($core);
$services_combo[__($o->name)] = $o->id;
$ext_services_combo = array_merge([__('Disabled')=>''], $services_combo);
$lst_services_combo = array_merge(['-'=>''], $services_combo);
# used in setting & service
if (in_array($part, ['setting', 'service'])) {
$img_green = '<img src="images/check-on.png" alt="ok" />';
$img_red = '<img src="images/check-off.png" alt="fail" />';
# setting
if ($part == 'setting') {
$s_active = (boolean) $s->kutrl_active;
$s_plugin_service = (string) $s->kutrl_plugin_service;
$s_admin_service = (string) $s->kutrl_admin_service;
$s_tpl_service = (string) $s->kutrl_tpl_service;
$s_wiki_service = (string) $s->kutrl_wiki_service;
$s_allow_external_url = (boolean) $s->kutrl_allow_external_url;
$s_tpl_passive = (boolean) $s->kutrl_tpl_passive;
$s_tpl_active = (boolean) $s->kutrl_tpl_active;
$s_admin_entry_default = (string) $s->kutrl_admin_entry_default;
if (!empty($_POST['save'])) {
try {
$s_active = !empty($_POST['s_active']);
$s_admin_service = (string) $_POST['s_admin_service'];
$s_plugin_service = (string) $_POST['s_plugin_service'];
$s_tpl_service = (string) $_POST['s_tpl_service'];
$s_wiki_service = (string) $_POST['s_wiki_service'];
$s_allow_external_url = !empty($_POST['s_allow_external_url']);
$s_tpl_passive = !empty($_POST['s_tpl_passive']);
$s_tpl_active = !empty($_POST['s_tpl_active']);
$s_admin_entry_default = !empty($_POST['s_admin_entry_default']);
$s->put('kutrl_active', $s_active);
$s->put('kutrl_plugin_service', $s_plugin_service);
$s->put('kutrl_admin_service', $s_admin_service);
$s->put('kutrl_tpl_service', $s_tpl_service);
$s->put('kutrl_wiki_service', $s_wiki_service);
$s->put('kutrl_allow_external_url', $s_allow_external_url);
$s->put('kutrl_tpl_passive', $s_tpl_passive);
$s->put('kutrl_tpl_active', $s_tpl_active);
$s->put('kutrl_admin_entry_default', $s_admin_entry_default);
__('Configuration successfully saved')
http::redirect($p_url . '&part=setting');
} catch (Exception $e) {
# services
if ($part == 'service' && !empty($_POST['save'])) {
try {
foreach(kutrl::getServices($core) as $service_id => $service) {
$o = new $service($core);
__('Configuration successfully saved')
http::redirect($p_url . '&part=service');
} catch (Exception $e) {
# link creation
if ($part == 'link') {
$kut = kutrl::quickPlace('admin');
if (!empty($_POST['save'])) {
try {
if (null === $kut) {
throw new Exception('Unknow service');
$url = trim($core->con->escape($_POST['str']));
$hash = empty($_POST['custom']) ? null : $_POST['custom'];
if (empty($url)) {
throw new Exception(__('There is nothing to shorten.'));
if (!$kut->testService()) {
throw new Exception(__('Service is not well configured.'));
if (null !== $hash && !$kut->allow_custom_hash) {
throw new Exception(__('This service does not allowed custom hash.'));
if (!$kut->isValidUrl($url)) {
throw new Exception(__('This link is not a valid URL.'));
if (!$kut->isLongerUrl($url)) {
throw new Exception(__('This link is too short.'));
if (!$kut->isProtocolUrl($url)) {
throw new Exception(__('This type of link is not allowed.'));
if (!$kut->allow_external_url && !$kut->isBlogUrl($url)) {
throw new Exception(__('Short links are limited to this blog URL.'));
if ($kut->isServiceUrl($url)) {
throw new Exception(__('This link is already a short link.'));
if (null !== $hash && false !== ($rs = $kut->isKnowHash($hash))) {
throw new Exception(__('This custom short url is already taken.'));
if (false !== ($rs = $kut->isKnowUrl($url))) {
$url = $rs->url;
$new_url = $kut->url_base .$rs->hash;
__('Short link for %s is %s'),
'<strong>' . html::escapeHTML($url) . '</strong>',
'<a href="' . $new_url . '">' . $new_url . '</a>'
} else {
if (false === ($rs = $kut->hash($url, $hash))) {
if ($kut->error->flag()) {
throw new Exception($kut->error->toHTML());
throw new Exception(__('Failed to create short link. This could be caused by a service failure.'));
} else {
$url = $rs->url;
$new_url = $kut->url_base . $rs->hash;
__('Short link for %s is %s'),
'<strong>' . html::escapeHTML($url) . '</strong>',
'<a href="' . $new_url . '">' . $new_url . '</a>'
# ex: Send new url to messengers
if (!empty($rs)) {
$core->callBehavior('adminAfterKutrlCreate', $core, $rs,__('New short URL'));
} catch (Exception $e) {
# links
if ($part == 'links') {
$log = new kutrlLog($core);
$sortby_combo = [
__('Date') => 'kut_dt',
__('Long link') => 'kut_url',
__('Short link') => 'kut_hash'
$order_combo = [
__('Descending') => 'desc',
__('Ascending') => 'asc'
$default_sortby = 'kut_dt';
$default_order = $core->auth->user_prefs->interface->posts_order ?: 'desc';
$nb_per_page = $core->auth->user_prefs->interface->nb_posts_per_page ?: 30;
$sortby = !empty($_GET['sortby']) ? $_GET['sortby'] : $default_sortby;
$order = !empty($_GET['order']) ? $_GET['order'] : $default_order;
$urlsrv = !empty($_GET['urlsrv']) ? $_GET['urlsrv'] : '';
$page = !empty($_GET['page']) ? max(1, (integer) $_GET['page']) : 1;
$show_filters = false;
if (!empty($_GET['nb']) && (integer) $_GET['nb'] > 0) {
if ($nb_per_page != (integer) $_GET['nb']) {
$show_filters = true;
$nb_per_page = (integer) $_GET['nb'];
$params = [];
$params['limit'] = [(($page-1)*$nb_per_page), $nb_per_page];
if (!in_array($sortby, $sortby_combo)) {
$sortby = $default_sortby;
if (!in_array($order, $order_combo)) {
$order = $default_order;
$params['order'] = $sortby . ' ' . $order;
if ($urlsrv != '' && in_array($urlsrv, $lst_services_combo)) {
$params['kut_type'] = $urlsrv;
if ($sortby != $default_sortby || $order != $default_order || $urlsrv != '') {
$show_filters = true;
try {
$list_all = $log->getLogs($params);
$list_counter = $log->getLogs($params, true)->f(0);
$list_current = new kutrlLinksList($core, $list_all, $list_counter);
} catch (Exception $e) {
if (!empty($_POST['deletelinks'])) {
try {
foreach($_POST['entries'] as $id) {
$rs = $log->getLogs(['kut_id' => $id]);
if ($rs->isEmpty()) {
if (null === ($o = kutrl::quickService($rs->kut_type))) {
__('Links successfully deleted')
http::redirect($p_url . '&part=links&urlsrv=' . $urlsrv . '&sortby=' . $sortby . '&order=' . $order . '&nb=' . $nb_per_page . '&page=' . $page);
} catch (Exception $e) {
# display header
'<html><head><title>kUtRL, ' . __('Links shortener') . '</title>';
if ($part == 'links') {
'<script type="text/javascript">' . "\n" .
"//<![CDATA[\n" .
html::escapeJS($p_url . '&part=links')
) . "\n" .
"\$(function(){\$('.checkboxes-helpers').each(function(){dotclear.checkboxesHelpers(this);});});\n" .
"//]]>\n" .
"</script>\n" .
# display setting
if ($part == 'setting') {
__('Links shortener') => '',
'<span class="page-title">' . __('Plugin configuration') . '</span>' => '',
__('Services configuration') => $p_url .'&part=service'
['hl' => false]
) .
dcPage::notices() .
'<h3>' . __('Plugin configuration') . '</h3>
<p><a class="back" href="' . $p_url . '">' . __('Back to links list') . '</a></p>
<form id="setting-form" method="post" action="' . $p_url . '">
<div class="fieldset" id="setting-plugin">
<h4>' . __('Plugin activation') . '</h4>
<p><label class="classic">' .
form::checkbox(['s_active'], '1', $s_active) .
__('Enable plugin') . '</label></p>
<div class="fieldset" id="setting-option">
<h4>' . __('Behaviors') . '</h4>
<p><label class="classic">' .
form::checkbox(['s_allow_external_url'], '1', $s_allow_external_url) .
__('Allow short link for external URL') . '</label></p>
<p class="form-note">' . __('Not only link started with this blog URL could be shortened.') . '</p>
<p><label class="classic">' .
form::checkbox(['s_tpl_passive'], '1', $s_tpl_passive) .
__('Passive mode') . '</label></p>
<p class="form-note">' . __('If this extension is disabled and the passive mode is enabled, "kutrl" tags (like EntryKurl) will display long urls instead of nothing on templates.') . '</p>
<p><label class="classic">' .
form::checkbox(['s_tpl_active'], '1', $s_tpl_active) .
__('Active mode') . '</label></p>
<p class="form-note">' . __('If the active mode is enabled, all know default template tags (like EntryURL) will display short urls instead of long ones on templates.') . '<br />' .
__('You can disable URL shortening for a specific template tag by adding attribute disable_kutrl="1" to it . ') . '</p>
<p><label class="classic">' .
form::checkbox(['s_admin_entry_default'], '1', $s_admin_entry_default) .
__('Create short link for new entries') . '</label></p>
<p class="form-note">' . __('This can be changed on page of creation/edition of an entry.') . '</p>
<div class="fieldset" id="setting-service">
<h4>' . __('Default services') . '</h4>
if (!empty($msg)) {
if (null !== ($o = kutrl::quickPlace($s_admin_service))) {
echo $o->testService() ? $img_green : $img_red;
echo ' ' . __('Administration:') . '<br />' .
form::combo(['s_admin_service'], $services_combo, $s_admin_service) . '
<p class="form-note">' . __('Service to use in this admin page and on edit page of an entry.') . '</p>
if (!empty($msg)) {
if (null !== ($o = kutrl::quickPlace($s_plugin_service))) {
echo $o->testService() ? $img_green : $img_red;
echo ' ' . __('Extensions:') . '<br />' .
form::combo(['s_plugin_service'], $services_combo, $s_plugin_service) . '
<p class="form-note">' . __('Service to use on third part plugins.') . '</p>
if (!empty($msg)) {
if (null !== ($o = kutrl::quickPlace($s_tpl_service))) {
echo $o->testService() ? $img_green : $img_red;
echo ' ' . __('Templates:') . '<br />' .
form::combo(['s_tpl_service'], $ext_services_combo, $s_tpl_service) . '
<p class="form-note">' . __('Shorten links automatically when using template value like "EntryKutrl".') . '</p>
if (!empty($msg)) {
if (null !== ($o = kutrl::quickPlace($s_wiki_service))) {
echo $o->testService() ? $img_green : $img_red;
echo ' ' . __('Contents:') . '<br />' .
form::combo(['s_wiki_service'], $ext_services_combo, $s_wiki_service) . '
<p class="form-note">' . __('Shorten links automatically found in contents using wiki synthax.') . '</p>
<p><input type="submit" name="save" value="' . __('Save') . '" />' .
$core->formNonce() .
form::hidden(['part'], 'setting') . '
# display service
if ($part == 'service') {
__('Links shortener') => '',
__('Plugin configuration') => $p_url . '&part=setting',
'<span class="page-title">' . __('Services configuration') . '</span>' => ''
['hl' => false]
) .
dcPage::notices() .
'<h3>' . __('Services configuration') . '</h3>' .
'<p><a class="back" href="' . $p_url . '">' . __('Back to links list') . '</a></p>' .
'<form id="service-form" method="post" action="' . $p_url . '">';
foreach(kutrl::getServices($core) as $service_id => $service) {
$o = new $service($core);
echo '<div class="fieldset" id="setting-' . $service_id . '"><h4>' . $o->name . '</h4>';
if (!empty($_POST['save'])) {
echo '<p><em>' . (
$o->testService() ?
$img_green . ' ' . sprintf(__('%s API is well configured and runing.'), $o->name) :
$img_red . ' ' . sprintf(__('Failed to test %s API.'), $o->name)
) . '</em></p>';
//if ($o->error->flag()) {
echo $o->error->toHTML();
if ($o->home != '') {
echo '<p><a title="' . __('homepage') . '" href="' . $o->home . '">' . sprintf(__('Learn more about %s.'), $o->name) . '</a></p>';
echo '</div>';
echo '
<div class="clear">
<p><input type="submit" name="save" value="' . __('Save') . '" />' .
$core->formNonce() .
form::hidden(['part'], 'service') . '
# display link creation
if ($part == 'link') {
__('Links shortener') => '',
__('Links') => $core->adminurl->get('admin.plugin.kUtRL'),
'<span class="page-title">' . __('New link') . '</span>' => ''
['hl' => false]
) .
if (null === $kut) {
echo '<p>' . __('You must set an admin service.') . '</p>';
} else {
echo '
<div class="fieldset">
<h4>' . sprintf(__('Shorten link using service "%s"'), $kut->name) . '</h4>
<form id="create-link" method="post" action="' . $p_url . '">
<p><label for="str">' . __('Long link:') . '</label>' .
form::field('str', 100, 255, '') . '</p>';
if ($kut->allow_custom_hash) {
'<p><label for="custom">' . __('Custom short link:') . '</label>' .
form::field('custom', 50, 32, '') . '</p>' .
'<p class="form-note">' . __('Only if you want a custom short link.') . '</p>';
if ($kut->admin_service == 'local') {
echo '<p class="form-note">' .
__('You can use "bob!!" if you want a semi-custom link, it starts with "bob" and "!!" will be replaced by an increment value.') .
echo '
<p><input type="submit" name="save" value="' . __('Save') . '" />' .
$core->formNonce() .
form::hidden(['part'], 'link') . '
if ($part == 'links') {
__('Links shortener') => '',
'<span class="page-title">' . __('Links') . '</span>' => '',
__('New link') => $core->adminurl->get('admin.plugin.kUtRL').'&part=link'
['hl' => false]
) .
echo '
<form action="' . $p_url . '&part=links" method="get" id="filters-form">
<h3 class="out-of-screen-if-js">' . __('Show filters and display options') . '</h3>
<div class="table">
<div class="cell">
<h4>' . __('Filters') . '</h4>
<p><label for="urlsrv" class="ib">' . __('Service:') . '</label>' .
form::combo('urlsrv', $lst_services_combo, $urlsrv) . '
<div class="cell filters-options">
<h4>' . __('Display options') . '</h4>
<p><label for="sortby" class="ib">' . __('Order by:') . '</label>' .
form::combo('sortby', $sortby_combo, $sortby) . '</p>
<p><label for="order" class="ib">' . __('Sort:') . '</label>' .
form::combo('order', $order_combo, $order) . '</p>
<p><span class="label ib">' . __('Show') . '</span> <label for="nb" class="classic">' .
form::number('nb', 0, 999, $nb_per_page) .
__('entries per page') . '</label></p>' .
form::hidden('part', 'links') .
form::hidden('p', 'kUtRL') . '
<p><input type="submit" value="' . __('Apply filters and display options') . '" />
<br class="clear" /></p>
'<form action="' . $p_url . '&part=links" method="post" id="form-actions">
<div class="two-cols">
<p class="col checkboxes-helpers"></p>
<p class="col right">
<input type="submit" value="' . __('Delete selected short links') . '" />' .
form::hidden(['deletelinks'], 1) .
form::hidden(['urlsrv'], $urlsrv) .
form::hidden(['sortby'], $sortby) .
form::hidden(['order'], $order) .
form::hidden(['page'], $page) .
form::hidden(['nb'], $nb_per_page) .
form::hidden(['part'], 'links') .
$core->formNonce() . '
# display footer
'<p class="clear right">
<a href="' . $p_url . '&part=setting">' . __('Plugin configuration') . '</a> -
<a href="' . $p_url . '&part=service">' . __('Services configuration') . '</a> -
kUtRL - ' . $core->plugins->moduleInfo('kUtRL', 'version') . '
<a href="' . $core->plugins->getModules('kUtRL')['support'] . '">
<img alt="' . __('kUtRL') . '" src="index.php?pf=kUtRL/icon.png" /></a>
</body></html>'; |