638 lines
15 KiB
638 lines
15 KiB
# -- BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ----------------------------------
# This file is part of saba, a plugin for Dotclear 2.
# Copyright (c) 2009-2013 Jean-Christian Denis and contributors
# contact@jcdenis.fr
# Licensed under the GPL version 2.0 license.
# A copy of this license is available in LICENSE file or at
# http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html
# -- END LICENSE BLOCK ------------------------------------
if (!defined('DC_RC_PATH')) {
return null;
# Admin behaviors
if ($core->blog->settings->saba->active) {
# Register saba handler
array('urlSaba', 'saba')
# Add saba templates path
# templates
array('tplSaba', 'SabaIf')
array('tplSaba', 'SabaEntries')
array('tplSaba', 'SabaFormIf')
array('tplSaba', 'SabaFormSearch')
array('tplSaba', 'SabaFormOptions')
array('tplSaba', 'SabaFormCategories')
array('tplSaba', 'SabaFormTypes')
array('tplSaba', 'SabaFormAges')
array('tplSaba', 'SabaFormOrders')
array('tplSaba', 'SabaFormAuthors')
array('tplSaba', 'SabaPaginationURL')
# behavior
array('pubSaba', 'templateCustomSortByAlias')
array('pubSaba', 'urlHandlerBeforeGetData')
array('pubSaba', 'corePostSearch')
class pubSaba
public static function templateCustomSortByAlias($alias)
$alias['post'] = array(
'title' => 'post_title',
'selected' => 'post_selected',
'author' => 'user_id',
'date' => 'post_dt',
'update' => 'post_upddt',
'id' => 'post_id',
'comment' => 'nb_comment',
'trackback' => 'nb_trackback'
public static function urlHandlerBeforeGetData($_ctx)
global $core;
$options = array(
'q' => '',
'q_opt' => array(),
'q_cat' => array(),
'q_age' => '0,0',
'q_user' => array(),
'q_order' => 'date',
'q_rev' => '0',
'q_type' => array()
if (!empty($_GET['q']) && 1 < strlen($_GET['q'])) {
# move to saba
$_ctx->current_tpl = null;
$_ctx->current_tpl = 'saba_search.html';
# retreive _GET
$qs = preg_replace('#(^|/)page/([0-9]+)#', '', $qs);
parse_str($qs, $get);
$params = array(
'post_type' => ''
# search string
$params['search'] = rawurldecode($_GET['q']);
$options['q'] = rawurldecode($_GET['q']);
# options
if (!empty($get['q_opt'])) {
if (in_array('selected', $get['q_opt'])) {
$options['q_opt'][] = 'selected';
$params['post_selected'] = 1;
if (in_array('comment', $get['q_opt'])) {
$options['q_opt'][] = 'comment';
$params['sql'] = "AND nb_comment > 0 ";
if (in_array('trackback', $get['q_opt'])) {
$options['q_opt'][] = 'trackback';
$params['sql'] = "AND nb_trackback > 0";
# categories
if (!empty($get['q_cat'])) {
$cats = array();
foreach($get['q_cat'] as $v) {
$v = abs((integer) $v);
if (!$v) {
$cats[] = "C.cat_id = '".$v."'";
$options['q_cat'][] = $v;
if (!empty($cats)) {
$params['sql'] .= 'AND ('.implode(' OR ', $cats).') ';
# post types
if (!empty($get['q_type'])) {
$types = $core->getPostTypes();
foreach($get['q_type'] as $v) {
if (!$types[$v]) {
$options['q_type'][] = $v;
$params['post_type'][] = $v;
# age
$ages = tplSaba::getSabaFormAges();
if (!empty($get['q_age']) && in_array($get['q_age'], $ages)) {
$age = explode(',', $get['q_age']);
$ts = time();
$options['q_age'] = $get['q_age'];
if ($age[0]) {
$params['sql'] .= "AND P.post_dt < '".dt::str('%Y-%m-%d %H:%m:%S', $ts-$age[0])."' ";
if ($age[1]) {
$params['sql'] .= "AND P.post_dt > '".dt::str('%Y-%m-%d %H:%m:%S', $ts-$age[1])."' ";
# user
if (!empty($get['q_user'])) {
$users = array();
foreach($get['q_user'] as $v) {
$users[] = "U.user_id = '".$core->con->escape($v)."'";
$options['q_user'][] = $v;
if (!empty($users)) {
$params['sql'] .= 'AND ('.implode(' OR ', $users).') ';
$sort = 'desc';
if (!empty($get['q_rev'])) {
$options['q_rev'] = '1';
$sort = 'asc';
$orders = tplSaba::getSabaFormOrders();
if (!empty($get['q_order']) && in_array($get['q_order'], $orders)) {
$options['q_order'] = $get['q_order'];
$params['order'] = $core->tpl->getSortByStr(
array('sortby'=>$get['q_order'], 'order'=>$sort),'post'); //?! post_type
# count
$GLOBALS['_search'] = rawurldecode($_GET['q']);
if ($GLOBALS['_search']) {
$GLOBALS['_search_count'] = $core->blog->getPosts($params, true)->f(0);
# pagintaion
$_page_number = !isset($GLOBALS['_page_number']) ? 1 : $GLOBALS['_page_number'];
$params['limit'] = $_ctx->nb_entry_per_page;
$params['limit'] = array((($_page_number-1)*$params['limit']), $params['limit']);
# get posts
$_ctx->post_params = $params;
$_ctx->posts = $core->blog->getPosts($params);
$_ctx->saba_options = $options;
# Ajouter la condition "ou" <20> la recherche
public static function corePostSearch($core, $p)
$sentences = explode(',', $p[2]['search']);
$OR = array();
foreach($sentences as $sentence)
$AND = array();
$words = text::splitWords($sentence);
foreach($words as $word) {
$AND[] = "post_words LIKE '%".$core->con->escape($word)."%'";
if (!empty($AND)) {
$OR[] = " (".implode (' AND ',$AND).") ";
if (!empty($OR)) {
$req = "AND (".implode (' OR ',$OR).") ";
# Return
if (!empty($req)) {
$p[0] = '';
$p[2]['sql'] = (isset($p[2]['sql']) ? $p[2]['sql'] : '').$req;
class urlSaba extends dcUrlHandlers
public static function error($args, $type, $e)
global $core, $_ctx;
if ($e->getCode() == 404) {
$q = explode('/', $args);
if (empty($q)) {
return false;
# Clean URI
$_GET['q'] = implode('%20', $q);
# Claim comes from 404
$GLOBALS['_from_error'] = true;
# Serve saba
return true;
public static function saba($args)
$_ctx =& $GLOBALS['_ctx'];
$core =& $GLOBALS['core'];
class tplSaba
public static function SabaEntries($a, $c)
'<?php if ($_ctx->exists("posts")) : while ($_ctx->posts->fetch()) : ?>'.$c.'<?php endwhile; endif; ?>';
public static function SabaFormSearch($a)
return '<?php echo html::escapeHTML($_ctx->saba_options["q"]); ?>';
public static function SabaIf($a, $c)
$if = array();
$operator = isset($a['operator']) ? $GLOBALS['core']->tpl->getOperator($a['operator']) : '&&';
if (isset($a['has_search'])) {
$sign = (boolean) $a['has_search'] ? '' : '!';
$if[] = $sign.'isset($_search_count)';
if (isset($a['from_error'])) {
$sign = (boolean) $a['from_error'] ? '' : '!';
$if[] = $sign.'isset($_from_error)';
return !empty($if) ?
'<?php if('.implode(' '.$operator.' ', $if).') : ?>'.$c.'<?php endif; ?>'
: $c;
public static function SabaURL($a)
$f = $GLOBALS['core']->tpl->getFilters($a);
return '<?php echo '.sprintf($f,'$core->blog->url.$core->url->getBase("search")').'; ?>';
public static function SabaFormIf($a,$c)
$if = array();
$operator = isset($a['operator']) ? $GLOBALS['core']->tpl->getOperator($a['operator']) : '&&';
$fl = self::getSabaFormFilters();
foreach($fl as $filter) {
if (isset($a['filter_'.$filter])) {
$sign = (boolean) $a['filter_'.$filter] ? '' : '!';
$if[] = $sign.'tplSaba::isSabaFormFilter(\''.$filter.'\')';
return !empty($if) ?
'<?php if('.implode(' '.$operator.' ',$if).') : ?>'.$c.'<?php endif; ?>'
: $c;
public static function SabaFormOptions($a)
$dis = !empty($a['remove']) ? explode(',', $a['remove']) : array();
$res = '';
$li = '<li><label><input name="q_opt[]" type="checkbox" value="%s" %s/> %s</label></li>';
$rs = self::getSabaFormOptions();
foreach($rs as $k => $v) {
if (in_array($v,$dis)) {
$chk = '<?php echo in_array("'.$v.'",$_ctx->saba_options["q_opt"]) ? \'checked="checked" \' : ""; ?>';
$res .= sprintf($li, $v, $chk, html::escapeHTML($k));
if (!empty($res)) {
return '<div class="saba_opt_otp"><h2>'.__('Filter options').'</h2><ul>'.$res.'</ul></div>';
public static function SabaFormOrders($a)
$dis = !empty($a['remove']) ? explode(',',$a['remove']) : array();
$res = '';
$li = '<li><label><input name="q_order" type="radio" value="%s" %s/> %s</label></li>';
$rs = self::getSabaFormOrders($dis);
foreach($rs as $k => $v) {
if (in_array($v,$dis)) {
$chk = '<?php echo "'.$v.'" == $_ctx->saba_options["q_order"] ? \'checked="checked" \' : ""; ?>';
$res .= sprintf($li, $v, $chk, html::escapeHTML($k));
if (!empty($res)) {
$chk = '<?php echo !empty($_ctx->saba_options["q_rev"]) ? \'checked="checked" \' : ""; ?>';
$res .= '<li><label><input name="q_rev" type="checkbox" value="1" '.$chk.'/> '.__('Reverse order').'</label></li>';
return '<div class="saba_opt_order"><h2>'.__('Filter order').'</h2><ul>'.$res.'</ul></div>';
public static function SabaFormCategories($a)
global $core;
$dis = !empty($a['remove']) ? explode(',', $a['remove']) : array();
$res = '';
$li = '<li><label><input name="q_cat[]" type="checkbox" value="%s" %s/> %s</label></li>';
$rs = $core->blog->getCategories();
while ($rs->fetch()) {
if (in_array($rs->cat_id,$dis) || in_array($rs->cat_url,$dis)) {
$chk = '<?php echo in_array("'.$rs->cat_id.'",$_ctx->saba_options["q_cat"]) ? \'checked="checked" \' : ""; ?>';
$res .= sprintf($li,$rs->cat_id,$chk,html::escapeHTML($rs->cat_title));
if (!empty($res)) {
return '<div class="saba_opt_cat"><h2>'.__('Filter by category').'</h2><ul>'.$res.'</ul></div>';
public static function SabaFormTypes($a)
global $core;
$dis = !empty($a['remove']) ? explode(',',$a['remove']) : array();
$res = '';
$li = '<li><label><input name="q_type[]" type="checkbox" value="%s" %s/> %s</label></li>';
$rs = self::getSabaFormTypes();
foreach($rs as $k => $v) {
if (in_array($v,$dis)) {
$chk = '<?php echo in_array("'.$v.'",$_ctx->saba_options["q_type"]) ? \'checked="checked" \' : ""; ?>';
$res .= sprintf($li,$v,$chk,html::escapeHTML($k));
if (!empty($res)) {
return '<div class="saba_opt_type"><h2>'.__('Filter by type').'</h2><ul>'.$res.'</ul></div>';
public static function SabaFormAges($a)
$res = '';
$li = '<li><label><input name="q_age" type="radio" value="%s" %s/> %s</label></li>';
$rs = self::getSabaFormAges();
foreach($rs as $k => $v) {
$chk = '<?php echo "'.$v.'" == $_ctx->saba_options["q_age"] ? \'checked="checked" \' : ""; ?>';
$res .= sprintf($li, $v, $chk, html::escapeHTML($k));
if (!empty($res)) {
return '<div class="saba_opt_age"><h2>'.__('Filter by age').'</h2><ul>'.$res.'</ul></div>';
public static function SabaFormAuthors($a)
global $core;
$dis = !empty($a['remove']) ? explode(',',$a['remove']) : array();
$res = '';
$li = '<li><label><input name="q_user[]" type="checkbox" value="%s" %s/> %s</label></li>';
$rs = $core->blog->getPostsUsers();
while ($rs->fetch()) {
if (in_array($rs->user_id,$dis)) {
$chk = '<?php echo in_array("'.$rs->user_id.'",$_ctx->saba_options["q_user"]) ? \'checked="checked" \' : ""; ?>';
$res .= sprintf($li,$rs->user_id,$chk,html::escapeHTML(dcUtils::getUserCN($rs->user_id,$rs->user_name,$rs->user_firstname, $rs->user_displayname)));
if (!empty($res)) {
return '<div class="saba_opt_user"><h2>'.__('Filter by author').'</h2><ul>'.$res.'</ul></div>';
public static function SabaPaginationURL($attr)
$offset = 0;
if (isset($attr['offset'])) {
$offset = (integer) $attr['offset'];
$f = $GLOBALS['core']->tpl->getFilters($attr);
return '<?php echo '.sprintf($f, "ctxSaba::PaginationURL(".$offset.")").'; ?>';
public static function getSabaFormFilters()
return array(
public static function getSabaFormOptions()
return array(
__('Selected entry') => 'selected',
__('With comments') => 'comment',
__('With trackbacks') => 'trackback'
public static function getSabaFormOrders()
return array(
__('Title') => 'title',
__('Selected entry') => 'selected',
__('Author') => 'author',
__('Date') => 'date',
__('Update') => 'update',
__('Comments count') => 'comment',
__('Trackbacks count') => 'trackback'
public static function getSabaFormAges()
return array(
__('All') => '0,0',
__('Less than a month') => '0,2592000',
__('From 1 to 6 month') => '2592000,15552000',
__('From 6 to 12 month') => '15552000,31536000',
__('More than a year') => '31536000,0'
public static function getSabaFormTypes()
$know = array(
'post' => __('Entry'),
'page' => __('Page'),
'pollsfactory' => __('Poll'),
'eventhandler' => __('Event')
$rs = array();
$types = $GLOBALS['core']->getPostTypes();
foreach($types as $k => $v) {
if (!$v['public_url']) {
$rs[isset($know[$k]) ? $know[$k] : __($k)] = $k;
return $rs;
public static function isSabaFormFilter($f)
$filters = (string) $GLOBALS['core']->blog->settings->saba->filters;
$filters = @unserialize($filters);
if (!is_array($filters)) {
$filters = array();
return !in_array($f,$filters);
class ctxSaba extends context
public static function PaginationURL($offset=0)
$n = self::PaginationPosition($offset);
$args = preg_replace('#(^|/)page/([0-9]+)$#', '', $args);
$url = $GLOBALS['core']->blog->url.$args;
if ($n > 1) {
$url = preg_replace('#/$#', '', $url);
$url .= '/page/'.$n;
$qs = preg_replace('#(^|/)page/([0-9]+)(&?)#', '', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);
# If search param
if (!empty($_GET['q'])) {
$s = strpos($url, '?') !== false ? '&' : '?';
$url .= $s.$qs;
return $url;