671 lines
27 KiB
671 lines
27 KiB
* @brief translater, a plugin for Dotclear 2
* @package Dotclear
* @subpackage Plugin
* @author Jean-Christian Denis & contributors
* @copyright Jean-Christian Denis
* @copyright GPL-2.0 https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
if (!defined('DC_CONTEXT_ADMIN')) {
$translater = new dcTranslater($core);
$type = $_REQUEST['type'] ?? $translater->start_page ?: '';
$module = $_REQUEST['module'] ?? '';
$lang = $_REQUEST['lang'] ?? '';
$action = $_POST['action'] ?? '';
if (!in_array($type, ['plugin', 'theme'])) {
$type = '';
if (!empty($type) && !empty($module)) {
try {
$module = $translater->getModule($type, $module);
} catch(Exception $e) {
$module = '';
if (!empty($module) && !empty($lang)) {
try {
$lang = $translater->getLang($module, $lang);
} catch(Exception $e) {
$lang = '';
$breadcrumb = [__('Translater') => $core->adminurl->get('translater')];
if (empty($type)) {
$breadcrumb = [__('Translater') => ''];
} elseif (empty($module)) {
$breadcrumb[$type == 'plugin' ? __('Plugins') : __('Themes')] = '';
} elseif (empty($lang)) {
$breadcrumb[$type == 'plugin' ? __('Plugins') : __('Themes')] = $core->adminurl->get('translater', ['type' => $type]);
$breadcrumb[html::escapeHTML($module->name)] = '';
} elseif (!empty($lang)) {
$breadcrumb[$type == 'plugin' ? __('Plugins') : __('Themes')] = $core->adminurl->get('translater', ['type' => $type]);
$breadcrumb[html::escapeHTML($module->name)] = $core->adminurl->get('translater', ['type' => $type, 'module' => $module->id]);
$breadcrumb[html::escapeHTML(sprintf(__('%s language edition'), $lang->name))] = '';
try {
if ($action == 'module_create_backup') {
if (empty($module) || empty($_POST['codes'])) {
throw new Exception(__('No lang to backup'));
$module_codes = $module->getUsedlangs();
foreach($module_codes as $code_id) {
if (in_array($code_id, $_POST['codes'])) {
dcPage::addSuccessNotice(__('Backup successfully created'));
$core->adminurl->redirect('translater', ['type' => $type, 'module' => $module->id], '#module-backup');
if ($action == 'module_restore_backup') {
if (empty($module) || empty($_POST['files'])) {
throw New Exception(__('No backup to restore'));
$module_backups = $module->getBackups(true);
foreach($module_backups as $backup_file) {
if (in_array($backup_file, $_POST['files'])) {
dcPage::addSuccessNotice(__('Backup successfully restored'));
$core->adminurl->redirect('translater', ['type' => $type, 'module' => $module->id], '#module-backup');
if ($action == 'module_delete_backup') {
if (empty($module) || empty($_POST['files'])) {
throw New Exception(__('No backup to delete'));
$module_backups = $module->getBackups(true);
foreach($module_backups as $backup_file) {
if (in_array($backup_file, $_POST['files'])) {
dcPage::addSuccessNotice(__('Backup successfully deleted'));
$core->adminurl->redirect('translater', ['type' => $type, 'module' => $module->id], '#module-backup');
if ($action == 'module_export_pack') {
if (empty($module) || empty($_POST['codes'])) {
throw new Exception(__('Nothing to export'));
dcPage::addSuccessNotice(__('Package successfully exported'));
$core->adminurl->redirect('translater', ['type' => $type, 'module' => $module->id], '#module-pack');
if ($action == 'module_import_pack') {
if (empty($_FILES['packfile']['name'])) {
throw new Exception(__('Nothing to import'));
dcPage::addSuccessNotice(__('Package successfully imported'));
$core->adminurl->redirect('translater', ['type' => $type, 'module' => $module->id], '#module-pack');
if ($action == 'module_add_code') {
if (empty($module) || empty($_POST['code'])) {
throw new Exception(__('No lang to create'));
$module->addLang($_POST['code'], $_POST['from'] ?? '');
dcPage::addSuccessNotice(__('Lang successfully added'));
$core->adminurl->redirect('translater', ['type' => $type, 'module' => $module->id, 'lang' => $_POST['code']]);
if ($action == 'module_delete_code') {
if (empty($module) || empty($_POST['code'])) {
throw new Exception(__('No lang to delete'));
dcPage::addSuccessNotice(__('Lang successfully deleted'));
$core->adminurl->redirect('translater', ['type' => $type, 'module' => $module->id, 'lang' => $_POST['code']]);
if ($action == 'module_update_code') {
if (empty($module) || empty($_POST['code']) || empty($_POST['entries'])) {
throw new Exception(__('No lang to update'));
if (!empty($_POST['update_group'])) {
foreach($_POST['entries'] as $i => $entry) {
if (isset($entry['check']) && isset($_POST['multigroup'])) {
$_POST['entries'][$i]['group'] = $_POST['multigroup'];
$module->updLang($_POST['code'], $_POST['entries']);
dcPage::addSuccessNotice(__('Lang successfully updated'));
$core->adminurl->redirect('translater', ['type' => $type, 'module' => $module->id, 'lang' => $_POST['code']]);
} catch (Exception $e) {
'<html><head><title>' . __('translater') . '</title>' .
dcPage::jsPageTabs() .
dcPage::cssLoad(dcPage::getPF('translater/css/translater.css')) .
dcpage::jsJson('translater', [
'title_add' => __('Use this text'),
'image_field' => dcPage::getPF('translater/img/field.png'),
'image_toggle' => dcPage::getPF('translater/img/toggle.png')
]) .
dcPage::jsLoad(dcPage::getPF('translater/js/translater.js')) .
# --BEHAVIOR-- translaterAdminHeaders
$core->callBehavior('translaterAdminHeaders') .
'</head><body>' .
dcPage::breadcrumb($breadcrumb) .
if (empty($module) && $type != '') {
// modules list
echo '<form id="theme-form" method="post" action="' . $core->adminurl->get('translater', ['type' => 'plugin']) . '">';
$res = '';
foreach ($translater->getModules($type) as $module) {
if ($translater->hide_default && in_array($module->id, $translater::$default_distrib_modules[$type])) {
if ($module->root_writable) {
$res .= sprintf(
'<tr class="line"><td class="nowrap minimal"><a href="%s" title="%s">%s</a></td>',
$core->adminurl->get('translater', ['type' => $module->type, 'module' => $module->id]),
html::escapeHTML(sprintf(__('Translate module %s'), __($module->name))),
} else {
$res .= sprintf(
'<tr class="line offline"><td class="nowrap">%s</td>',
$codes = $module->getLangs();
foreach ($codes as $code_id => $code_name) {
if ($module->root_writable) {
$codes[$code_id] = sprintf(
'<a class="wait maximal nowrap" title="%s" href="%s">%s (%s)</a>',
html::escapeHTML(sprintf(__('Edit translation %s of the module %s'), html::escapeHTML($code_name), __($module->name))),
$core->adminurl->get('translater', ['type' => $module->type, 'module' => $module->id, 'lang' => $code_id]),
} else {
$codes[$code_id] = html::escapeHTML($code_name) . '(' .$code_id . ')';
$res .= sprintf(
'<td class="nowrap maximal">%s</td><td class="nowrap minimal">%s</td><td class="nowrap minimal count">%s</td></tr>',
implode(', ', $codes),
if ($res) {
echo '
<div class="table-outer">
<table class="clear">
<caption class="hidden">' . $type .' list</caption>
<th>' . __('Name') . '</th>
<th>' . __('Languages') . '</th>
<th>' . __('Id') . '</th>
<th>' . __('Version') . '</th>
</tr>' .
$res .
} else {
echo '<tr><td colspan="6">' . __('There is no editable modules') . '</td></tr>';
echo '</form>';
} elseif (!empty($module) && empty($lang)) {
$codes = $module->getUsedLangs();
$backups = $module->getBackups();
$unused_codes = $module->getUnusedLangs();
// module summary
echo '
<div class="multi-part" id="module-summary" title="' . __('Summary') . '">
<h3>' . __('Module') . '</h3>
<table class="clear maximal">
<caption>' .__('Module summary') . '</caption>
<tr class="line">
<td class="nowrap">' . __('Name') . '</td><td class="nowrap"> ' . $module->name . '</td>
</tr><tr class="line">
<td class="nowrap">' . __('Version') . '</td><td class="nowrap"> ' . $module->version . '</td>
</tr><tr class="line">
<td class="nowrap">' . __('Author') . '</td><td class="nowrap"> ' . $module->author . '</td>
</tr><tr class="line">
<td class="nowrap">' . __('Type') . '</td><td class="nowrap"> ' . $module->type . '</td>
</tr><tr class="line">
<td class="nowrap">' . __('Root') . '</td><td class="nowrap"> ' . $module->root . '</td>
</tr><tr class="line">
<td class="nowrap">' . __('Locales') . '</td><td class="nowrap"> ' . $module->locales . '</td>
</tr><tr class="line">
<td class="nowrap">' . __('Backups') . '</td><td class="nowrap"> ' . $module->getBackupRoot() . '</td>
<p> </p>';
if (count($codes)) {
'<h3>' . __('Translations') . '</h3>' .
'<table class="clear maximal">' .
'<caption>' . __('Existing module languages') .'</caption>' .
'<tr>' .
'<th>' . __('Languages') . '</th>' .
'<th>' . __('Code') . '</th>' .
'<th>' . __('Backups') . '</th>' .
'<th>' . __('Last backup') . '</th>' .
foreach($codes AS $code_name => $code_id) {
'<tr class="line">' .
'<td class="nowrap">' .
'<a href="' .
$core->adminurl->get('translater', ['type' => $module->type, 'module' => $module->id, 'lang' => $code_id])
. '">' . $code_name . '</a>' .
'</td>' .
'<td class="nowrap"> ' . $code_id . '</td>';
if (isset($backups[$code_id])) {
foreach($backups[$code_id] AS $file => $info) {
$time[$code_id] = isset($time[$code_id]) && $time[$code_id] > $info['time'] ?
$time[$code_id] : $info['time'];
'<td class="nowrap">' . count($backups[$code_id]) . '</td>' .
'<td class="maximal nowrap"> ' .
dt::str('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M', $time[$code_id], $core->blog->settings->system->blog_timezone) .
} else {
echo '<td class="nowrap">' . __('no backup') . '</td><td class="maximal nowrap">-</td>';
echo '</tr>';
echo '</table>';
echo '</div>';
// Add/Remove/Edit lang
echo '<div class="multi-part" id="module-code" title="' . __('Translations') . '">';
// edit lang
if (!empty($codes)) {
echo '<h3>' . __('Edit language') . '</h3>
<form id="module-code-edit-form" method="get" action="' . $core->adminurl->get('translater', ) . '">
<p class="field"><label for="code">' . __('Select language:') . '</label>' .
form::combo(['lang'], $codes, $core->auth->getInfo('user_lang')) . '</p>
<p><input type="submit" name="save" value="' . __('Edit translation') . '" />' .
$core->formNonce() .
['type' => $module->type, 'module' => $module->id]
) . '
</p></form><p> </p>';
// add lang
if (!empty($unused_codes)) {
echo '<h3>' . __('Add language') . '</h3>
<form id="muodule-code-create-form" method="post" action="' . $core->adminurl->get('translater') . '#module-code">
<p class="field"><label for="code">' . __('Select language:') . '</label>' .
form::combo(['code'], array_merge(['-' => '-'], $unused_codes), $core->auth->getInfo('user_lang')) . '</p>';
if (empty($codes)) {
echo '<p>' . form::hidden(['from'], '') . '</p>';
} else {
'<p class="field"><label for="from">' . __('Copy from language:') . '</label>' .
form::combo(['from'], array_merge(['-' => ''], $codes)) . ' (' . __('Optionnal') . ')</p>';
echo '
<p><input type="submit" name="save" value="' . __('Add translation') . '" />' .
$core->formNonce() .
['type' => $module->type, 'module' => $module->id, 'action' => 'module_add_code']
) . '
</p></form><p> </p>';
// delete langs
if (!empty($codes)) {
echo '<h3>' . __('Delete language') . '</h3>
<form id="module-code-delete-form" method="post" action="' . $core->adminurl->get('translater') . '#module-code">
<p class="field"><label for="code">' . __('Select language:') . '</label>' .
form::combo(['code'], array_merge(['-' => ''], $codes)) . '</p>
<p><input type="submit" name="save" value="' . __('Delete translation') . '" />' .
$core->formNonce() .
['type' => $module->type, 'module' => $module->id, 'action' => 'module_delete_code']
) . '
</p></form><p> </p>';
echo '</div>';
// backups
if (!empty($codes) || !empty($backups)) {
echo '<div class="multi-part" id="module-backup" title="' . __('Backups') . '">';
// create backups
if (!empty($codes)) {
echo '<h3>' . __('Create backups') . '</h3>
<form id="module-backup-create-form" method="post" action="' . $core->adminurl->get('translater') . '#module-backup">
<table class="clear">
<caption>' . __('Existing module languages') . '</caption>
<tr><th colspan="2">' . __('Language') . '</th><th>' . __('Code') . '</th></tr>';
foreach($codes AS $code_name => $code_id) {
echo '
<tr class="line">
<td class="minimal">' . form::checkbox(['codes[]', 'backup_code_' . $code_id], $code_id, '', '', '', false) . '</td>
<td class="nowrap"><label for="backup_code_' . $code_id . '">' . $code_name . '</label></td>
<td class="maximal nowrap">' . $code_id . '</td>
echo '
<div class="two-cols">
<p class="col checkboxes-helpers"></p>
<p class="col right">
<input id="do-action" type="submit" value="' . __('Backup') . '" /></p>' .
$core->formNonce() .
['type' => $module->type, 'module' => $module->id, 'action' => 'module_create_backup']
) . '
</p></div></form><p> </p>';
// delete / retore backups
if (!empty($backups)) {
echo '<h3>' . __('List of backups') . '</h3>' .
'<form id="module-backup-edit-form" method="post" action="' . $core->adminurl->get('translater') . '#module-backup">' .
'<table class="clear">' .
'<caption>' . __('Existing backuped languages') . '</caption>' .
'<tr>' .
'<th colspan="2">' . __('Name') . '</th>' .
'<th>' . __('Code') . '</th>' .
'<th>' . __('Date') . '</th>' .
'<th>' . __('File') . '</th>' .
'<th>' . __('Size') . '</th>' .
foreach($backups as $backup_codes) {
foreach($backup_codes as $backup_file => $backup_code) {
$form_id = 'form_file_' . $backup_code['code'] . $backup_code['time'];
'<tr class="line">' .
'<td class="minimal">' . form::checkbox(['files[]', $form_id], $backup_file, '', '', '', false) . '</td>' .
'<td class="nowrap"><label for="' . $form_id . '">' . $backup_code['name'] . '</label></td>' .
'<td class="nowrap">' . $backup_code['code'] . '</td>' .
'<td class="nowrap count">' . dt::str(
$core->blog->settings->system->date_format . ' ' . $core->blog->settings->system->time_format,
) . '</td>' .
'<td class="maximal">' . $backup_code['path']['basename'] . '</td>' .
'<td class="nowrap count">' . files::size($backup_code['size']) . '</td>' .
echo '
<div class="two-cols">
<p class="col checkboxes-helpers"></p>
<p class="col right">' . __('Selected backups action:') . ' ' .
form::combo('action', [
__('Restore backups') => 'module_restore_backup',
__('Delete backups') => 'module_delete_backup'
]) . '
<input id="do-action" type="submit" value="' . __('ok') . '" /></p>' .
$core->formNonce() .
['type' => $module->type, 'module' => $module->id]
) . '
</p></div></form><p> </p>';
echo '</div>';
// Import/Export pack
echo '<div class="multi-part" id="module-pack" title="' . __('Import/Export') . '">';
// Import
echo '<h3>' . __('Import') . '</h3>
<form id="module-pack-import-form" method="post" action="' . $core->adminurl->get('translater') . '#module-pack" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<p><label for="packfile">' . __('Select language pack to import') . '<label> ' .
'<input id="packfile" type="file" name="packfile" /></p>
<input type="submit" name="save" value="' . __('Import') . '" />' .
$core->formNonce() .
['type' => $module->type, 'module' => $module->id, 'action' => 'module_import_pack']
) . '
</p></form><p> </p>';
// Export
if (!empty($codes)) {
echo '<h3>' . __('Export') . '</h3>' .
'<form id="module-pack-export-form" method="post" action="' . $core->adminurl->get('translater') . '#module-pack">' .
'<table class="clear">' .
'<caption>' . __('Existing module languages') . '</caption>' .
'<tr><th colspan="2">' . __('Language') . '</th><th>' . __('Code') . '</th></tr>';
foreach($codes AS $code_name => $code_id) {
'<tr class="line">' .
'<td class="minimal">' .
form::checkbox(['codes[]', 'export_code_' . $code_id], $code_id, '', '', '', false) .
'</td>' .
'<td class="nowrap"><label for="export_code_' . $code_id . '">' . $code_name . '</label></td>' .
'<td class="maximal nowrap">' . $code_id . '</td>' .
'</table>' .
'<div class="two-cols">' .
'<p class="col checkboxes-helpers"></p>' .
'<p class="col right">' .
'<input id="do-action" type="submit" value="' . __('Export') . '" /></p>' .
$core->formNonce() .
['type' => $module->type, 'module' => $module->id, 'action' => 'module_export_pack']
) .
'</p></div></form><p> </p>';
echo '</div>';
} elseif (!empty($lang)) {
$lines = $lang->getMessages();
'<div id="lang-form">' .
'<form id="lang-edit-form" method="post" action="' . $core->adminurl->get('translater') . '">' .
'<table class="table-outer">' .
'<caption>' . sprintf(__('List of %s localized strings'), count($lines)) . '</caption>' .
'<tr>' .
'<th colspan="2">' . __('Group') . '</th>' .
'<th>' . __('String') . '</th>' .
'<th>' . __('Translation') . '</th>' .
'<th>' . __('Existing') . '</th>' .
'<th>' . __('File') . '</th>' .
$table_line =
'<tr class="line%s">' .
'<td class="nowrap minimal">%s</td>' .
'<td class="nowrap minimal">%s</td>' .
'<td>%s</td>' .
'<td class="nowrap translatertarget">%s</td>' .
'<td class="translatermsgstr">%s</td>' .
'<td class="nowrap translatermsgfile">%s</td>' .
$table_ul = '<div class="subtranslater"><strong>%s</strong><div class="strlist">%s</div></div><br />';
$table_li = '<i>%s</i><br />';
$i = 1;
foreach ($lines AS $msgid => $rs) {
$in_dc = ($rs['in_dc'] && $translater->parse_nodc);
$allowed_l10n_groups = array_combine($translater::$allowed_l10n_groups, $translater::$allowed_l10n_groups);
$t_msgstr = $t_files = $strin = [];
foreach($rs['o_msgstrs'] as $o_msgstr) {
if (!isset($strin[$o_msgstr['msgstr'][0]])) {
$strin[$o_msgstr['msgstr'][0]] = [];
$strin[$o_msgstr['msgstr'][0]][] = ['module' => $o_msgstr['module'], 'file' => $o_msgstr['file']];
foreach($strin as $k => $v) {
$res = [];
foreach($v as $str) {
$res[] = sprintf($table_li, html::escapeHTML($str['module'] . ':' . $str['file']));
$t_msgstr[] = sprintf($table_ul, html::escapeHTML($k), implode('', $res));
if (!empty($rs['files'][0])) {
if (count($rs['files']) == 1) {
$t_files[] = $rs['files'][0][0] . ':' . $rs['files'][0][1];
} else {
$res = [];
foreach($rs['files'] as $location) {
$res[] = sprintf($table_li, implode(' : ', $location));
$t_files[] = sprintf($table_ul, sprintf(__('%s occurrences'), count($rs['files'])), implode('', $res));;
echo sprintf($table_line, $in_dc ? ' offline' : ' translaterline',
form::checkbox(['entries[' . $i . '][check]'], 1),
form::combo(['entries[' . $i . '][group]'], $allowed_l10n_groups, $rs['group'], '', '', $in_dc),
form::hidden(['entries[' . $i . '][msgid]'], html::escapeHTML($msgid)) .
form::field(['entries[' . $i . '][msgstr][0]'], 48, 255, html::escapeHTML($rs['msgstr'][0]), '', '', $in_dc),
implode('', $t_msgstr),
implode('', $t_files)
if (!empty($rs['plural'])) {
$t_msgstr = $strin = [];
foreach($lang->plural as $j => $plural) {
foreach($rs['o_msgstrs'] as $o_msgstr) {
if (isset($o_msgstr['msgstr'][$j+1])) {
if (!isset($strin[$o_msgstr['msgstr'][$j+1]])) {
$strin[$o_msgstr['msgstr'][$j+1]] = [];
$strin[$o_msgstr['msgstr'][$j+1]][] = ['module' => $o_msgstr['module'], 'file' => $o_msgstr['file']];
foreach($strin as $k => $v) {
$res = [];
foreach($v as $str) {
$res[] = sprintf($table_li, html::escapeHTML($str['module'] . ':' . $str['file']));
$t_msgstr[] = sprintf($table_ul, html::escapeHTML($k), implode('', $res));
echo sprintf($table_line, $in_dc ? ' offline' : ' translaterline',
sprintf(__('Plural "%s"'), $plural),
sprintf(__('Plural form of "%s"'), $rs['plural']),
form::hidden(['entries[' . $i . '][msgid_plural]'], html::escapeHTML($rs['plural'])) .
form::field(['entries[' . $i . '][msgstr][' . $j+1 . ']'], 48, 255, html::escapeHTML($rs['msgstr'][$j+1] ?? ''), '', '', $in_dc),
implode('', $t_msgstr),
echo sprintf($table_line, ' offline',
form::checkbox(['entries[' . $i . '][check]'], 1),
form::combo(['entries[' . $i . '][group]'], $allowed_l10n_groups, 'main'),
form::field(['entries[' . $i . '][msgid]'], 48, 255, ''),
form::field(['entries[' . $i . '][msgstr][0]'], 48, 255, ''),
'</table>' .
'<div class="two-cols">' .
'<div class="col left">' .
'<p class="checkboxes-helpers"></p>' .
'<p><label for="update_group">' .
form::checkbox('update_group', 1) .
__('Change the group of the selected entries to:') . ' ' .
form::combo('multigroup', $allowed_l10n_groups) . '</label></p>' .
'</div>' .
'<p class="col right">' .
'<input id="do-action" type="submit" value="' . __('Save (s)') . '" accesskey="s" /></p>' .
$core->formNonce() .
form::hidden(['code'], $lang->code) .
['type' => $module->type, 'module' => $module->id, 'lang' => $lang->code, 'action' => 'module_update_code']
) .
'</p></div>' .
'</form>' .
'<p> </p>' .
} else {
$line = '<li><a href="%s"%s>%s</a></li>';
echo sprintf(
'<h3><ul class="nice">%s</ul></h3>',
$core->adminurl->get('translater', ['type' => 'plugin']),
$type == 'plugin' ? ' class="active"' : '',
__('Translate plugins')) .
$core->adminurl->get('translater', ['type' => 'theme']),
$type == 'theme' ? ' class="active"' : '',
__('Translate themes'))
echo '</body></html>'; |