release 0.9
This commit is contained in:
9 changed files with 67 additions and 96 deletions
@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
- [ ] add update from external repositories
0.9 - 2023.07.30
- require Dotclear 2.27
- require PHP 8.1+
- update to Dotclear 2.27-dev
0.8 - 2023.04.29
- require Dotclear 2.26
- require PHP 8.1+
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ It helps devs to manage dcstore.xml file.
_tweakStores_ requires:
* superadmin permissions
* Dotclear 2.26
* Dotclear 2.27
* PHP 8.1+
@ -18,11 +18,11 @@ $this->registerModule(
'Tweak stores',
'Helper to manage external repositories',
'Jean-Christian Denis and Contributors',
'requires' => [
['php', '8.1'],
['core', '2.26'],
['core', '2.27'],
'permissions' => null,
'type' => 'plugin',
@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
<modules xmlns:da="">
<module id="tweakStores">
<name>Tweak stores</name>
<author>Jean-Christian Denis and Contributors</author>
<desc>Helper to manage external repositories</desc>
@ -15,22 +15,18 @@ declare(strict_types=1);
namespace Dotclear\Plugin\tweakStores;
use dcCore;
use dcNsProcess;
use Dotclear\Core\Process;
class Backend extends dcNsProcess
class Backend extends Process
public static function init(): bool
static::$init = defined('DC_CONTEXT_ADMIN')
&& !is_null(dcCore::app()->auth)
&& dcCore::app()->auth->isSuperAdmin();
return static::$init;
return self::status(My::checkContext(My::BACKEND));
public static function process(): bool
if (!static::$init) {
if (!self::status()) {
return false;
@ -17,7 +17,10 @@ namespace Dotclear\Plugin\tweakStores;
use dcCore;
use dcModuleDefine;
use dcModules;
use dcPage;
use Dotclear\Core\Backend\{
use Dotclear\Helper\File\Files;
use Dotclear\Helper\Html\Form\{
@ -48,9 +51,21 @@ class BackendBehaviors
/** @var array List of failed messages */
private static $failed = [];
/** @var Settings Module settings */
private static $settings;
private static function settings(): Settings
if (!(self::$settings instanceof Settings)) {
self::$settings = new Settings();
return self::$settings;
public static function packmanBeforeCreatePackage(array $module): void
if (is_null(dcCore::app()->blog) || !dcCore::app()->blog->settings->get(My::id())->get('packman')) {
if (self::settings()->packman) {
@ -58,64 +73,54 @@ class BackendBehaviors
$modules = $module['type'] == 'theme' ? dcCore::app()->themes : dcCore::app()->plugins;
$define = $modules->getDefine($module['id']);
self::writeXML($define, dcCore::app()->blog->settings->get(My::id())->get('file_pattern'));
self::writeXML($define, self::settings()->file_pattern);
public static function modulesToolsHeaders(bool $is_theme): string
if (is_null(dcCore::app()->auth) || is_null(dcCore::app()->auth->user_prefs)) {
return '';
//save settings (before page header sent)
if (!empty($_POST['tweakstore_save'])) {
try {
$s = new Settings();
foreach ($s->dump() as $key => $value) {
$s->set($key, $_POST['ts_' . $key] ?? $value);
foreach (self::settings()->dump() as $key => $value) {
self::settings()->set($key, $_POST['ts_' . $key] ?? $value);
__('Configuration successfully updated')
dcCore::app()->adminurl?->redirect($is_theme ? '' : 'admin.plugins', ['tab' => My::id()]);
dcCore::app()->admin->url->redirect($is_theme ? '' : 'admin.plugins', ['tab' => My::id()]);
} catch (Exception $e) {
dcPage::jsJson('tweakstore_copied', ['alert' => __('Copied to clipboard')]) .
dcPage::jsModuleLoad(My::id() . '/js/backend.js') .
Page::jsJson('tweakstore_copied', ['alert' => __('Copied to clipboard')]) .
My::jsLoad('backend') .
!dcCore::app()->auth->user_prefs->get('interface')->get('colorsyntax') ? '' :
dcPage::jsLoadCodeMirror(dcCore::app()->auth->user_prefs->get('interface')->get('colorsyntax_theme')) .
dcPage::jsModuleLoad(My::id() . '/js/cms.js')
Page::jsLoadCodeMirror(dcCore::app()->auth->user_prefs->get('interface')->get('colorsyntax_theme')) .
public static function pluginsToolsTabsV2(): void
self::modulesToolsTabs(dcCore::app()->plugins, (string) dcCore::app()->adminurl?->get('admin.plugins'));
self::modulesToolsTabs(dcCore::app()->plugins, (string) dcCore::app()->admin->url->get('admin.plugins'));
public static function themesToolsTabsV2(): void
self::modulesToolsTabs(dcCore::app()->themes, (string) dcCore::app()->adminurl?->get(''));
self::modulesToolsTabs(dcCore::app()->themes, (string) dcCore::app()->admin->url->get(''));
private static function modulesToolsTabs(dcModules $modules, string $page_url): void
if (is_null(dcCore::app()->adminurl) || is_null(dcCore::app()->auth) || is_null(dcCore::app()->auth->user_prefs)) {
// settings
$s = new Settings();
$page_url .= '#' . My::id();
$user_ui_colorsyntax = dcCore::app()->auth->user_prefs->get('interface')->get('colorsyntax');
$user_ui_colorsyntax_theme = dcCore::app()->auth->user_prefs->get('interface')->get('colorsyntax_theme');
$file_pattern = $s->file_pattern;
$file_pattern = self::settings()->file_pattern;
$local_content = $distant_content = '';
// load module
@ -153,14 +158,14 @@ class BackendBehaviors
// generate local module xml content
$local_content = self::generateXML($module, $s->file_pattern);
$local_content = self::generateXML($module, self::settings()->file_pattern);
// write dcstore.xml file
if (!empty($_POST['tweakstore_write'])) {
if (empty($_POST['your_pwd']) || !dcCore::app()->auth->checkPassword($_POST['your_pwd'])) {
dcCore::app()->error->add(__('Password verification failed'));
} else {
self::writeXML($module, $s->file_pattern);
self::writeXML($module, self::settings()->file_pattern);
if (!empty(self::$failed)) {
dcCore::app()->error->add(implode(' ', self::$failed));
@ -207,7 +212,7 @@ class BackendBehaviors
'</pre>' .
!$user_ui_colorsyntax ? '' :
dcPage::jsRunCodeMirror('editor', 'distant_content', 'dotclear', $user_ui_colorsyntax_theme)
Page::jsRunCodeMirror('editor', 'distant_content', 'dotclear', $user_ui_colorsyntax_theme)
) .
@ -243,7 +248,7 @@ class BackendBehaviors
'</pre>' .
!$user_ui_colorsyntax ? '' :
dcPage::jsRunCodeMirror('editor', 'local_content', 'dotclear', $user_ui_colorsyntax_theme)
Page::jsRunCodeMirror('editor', 'local_content', 'dotclear', $user_ui_colorsyntax_theme)
if ($module->get('root_writable')
@ -275,20 +280,20 @@ class BackendBehaviors
// settings
'<form method="post" action="' . $page_url . '" id="tweakstore_setting">' .
'<div class="fieldset"><h4>' . sprintf(__('%s configuration'), My::name()) . '</h4>' .
(empty($s->file_pattern) ? '<p class="warning">' . __('You must configure zip file pattern to complete xml code automatically.') . '</p>' : '') .
(empty(self::settings()->file_pattern) ? '<p class="warning">' . __('You must configure zip file pattern to complete xml code automatically.') . '</p>' : '') .
(new Div())->items([
// s_file_pattern
(new Para())->items([
(new Label(__('Predictable URL to zip file on the external repository')))->for('ts_file_pattern'),
(new Input('ts_file_pattern'))->size(65)->maxlenght(255)->class('maximal')->value($s->file_pattern),
(new Input('ts_file_pattern'))->size(65)->maxlenght(255)->class('maximal')->value(self::settings()->file_pattern),
(new Note())->text(__('You can use widcard like %author%, %type%, %id%, %version%.'))->class('form-note'),
(new Note())->text(__('For example on github'))->class('form-note'),
(new Note())->text(__('Note: on github, you must create a release and join to it the module zip file.'))->class('form-note'),
// s_packman
(new Para())->items([
(new Checkbox('ts_packman', $s->packman))->value(1),
(new Checkbox('ts_packman', self::settings()->packman))->value(1),
(new Label(__('Enable packman behaviors'), Label::OUTSIDE_LABEL_AFTER))->for('ts_packman')->class('classic'),
(new Note())->text(__('If enabled, plugin pacKman will (re)generate on the fly dcstore.xml file at root directory of the module.'))->class('form-note'),
@ -15,35 +15,15 @@ declare(strict_types=1);
namespace Dotclear\Plugin\tweakStores;
use dcCore;
use Dotclear\Module\MyPlugin;
* This module definitions.
class My
class My extends MyPlugin
* This module id.
public static function id(): string
public static function checkCustomContext(int $context): ?bool
return basename(dirname(__DIR__));
* This module name.
public static function name(): string
$name = dcCore::app()->plugins->moduleInfo(self::id(), 'name');
return __(is_string($name) ? $name : self::id());
* This module path.
public static function path(): string
return dirname(__DIR__);
return $context === My::BACKEND ? dcCore::app()->auth->isSuperAdmin() : null;
@ -14,9 +14,6 @@ declare(strict_types=1);
namespace Dotclear\Plugin\tweakStores;
use dcCore;
use Exception;
class Settings
// Enable plugin pacKman behavior
@ -30,14 +27,8 @@ class Settings
public function __construct()
if (is_null(dcCore::app()->blog)) {
throw new Exception('blog is not set');
$s = dcCore::app()->blog->settings->get(My::id());
$this->packman = (bool) ($s->get('packman') ?? false);
$this->file_pattern = (string) ($s->get('file_pattern') ?? '');
$this->packman = (bool) (My::settings()->get('packman') ?? false);
$this->file_pattern = (string) (My::settings()->get('file_pattern') ?? '');
@ -50,13 +41,9 @@ class Settings
public function set(string $key, mixed $value): bool
if (is_null(dcCore::app()->blog)) {
throw new Exception('blog is not set');
if (property_exists($this, $key) && settype($value, gettype($this->{$key})) === true) {
dcCore::app()->blog->settings->get(My::id())->put($key, $value, gettype($this->{$key}), '', true, true);
My::settings()->put($key, $value, gettype($this->{$key}), '', true, true);
return true;
@ -15,21 +15,19 @@ declare(strict_types=1);
namespace Dotclear\Plugin\tweakStores;
use dcCore;
use dcNsProcess;
use Dotclear\Core\Process;
use Dotclear\Plugin\Uninstaller\Uninstaller;
class Uninstall extends dcNsProcess
class Uninstall extends Process
public static function init(): bool
static::$init = defined('DC_CONTEXT_ADMIN');
return static::$init;
return self::status(My::checkContext(My::UNINSTALL));
public static function process(): bool
if (!static::$init || !dcCore::app()->plugins->moduleExists('Uninstaller')) {
if (!self::status() || !dcCore::app()->plugins->moduleExists('Uninstaller')) {
return false;
Reference in a new issue