con = dcCore::app()->con; $this->blog = dcCore::app()->con->escape(dcCore::app()->blog->id); $this->settings = dcCore::app()->blog->settings->get(basename(dirname(__DIR__))); $unmoderated = $this->settings->get('unmoderated'); $this->unmoderated = self::decode($unmoderated); $reserved = $this->settings->get('reserved'); $this->reserved = self::decode($reserved); } public function commit() { $this->settings->put( 'unmoderated', self::encode($this->unmoderated), 'string', 'Whitelist of unmoderated users on comments', true, false ); $this->settings->put( 'reserved', self::encode($this->reserved), 'string', 'Whitelist of reserved names on comments', true, false ); } # Return # true if it is a reserved name with wrong email # false if it is not a reserved name # null if it is a reserved name with right email public function isReserved($author, $email) { if (!isset($this->reserved[$author])) { return false; } elseif ($this->reserved[$author] != $email) { return true; } return null; } # You must do a commit to save this change public function addReserved($author, $email) { $this->reserved[$author] = $email; return true; } # You must do a commit to save this change public function emptyReserved() { $this->reserved = []; } # Return # true if it is known as an unmoderated email else false public function isUnmoderated($email) { return in_array($email, $this->unmoderated); } # You must do a commit to save this change public function addUnmoderated($email) { if (!in_array($email, $this->unmoderated)) { $this->unmoderated[] = $email; return true; } return null; } # You must do a commit to save this change public function emptyUnmoderated() { $this->unmoderated = []; } public function getPostsUsers() { $users = []; $rs = dcCore::app()->blog->getPostsUsers(); while ($rs->fetch()) { $name = dcUtils::getUserCN( $rs->__get('user_id'), $rs->__get('user_name'), $rs->__get('user_firstname'), $rs->__get('user_displayname') ); $users[] = [ 'name' => $name, 'email' => $rs->__get('user_email'), ]; } return $users; } public function getCommentsUsers() { $users = []; $rs = $this->con->select( 'SELECT comment_author, comment_email ' . 'FROM ' . dcCore::app()->prefix . dcBlog::COMMENT_TABLE_NAME . ' C ' . 'LEFT JOIN ' . dcCore::app()->prefix . 'post P ON C.post_id=P.post_id ' . "WHERE blog_id='" . $this->blog . "' AND comment_trackback=0 " . 'GROUP BY comment_email, comment_author ' // Added author to fix postgreSql ); while ($rs->fetch()) { $users[] = [ 'name' => $rs->__get('comment_author'), 'email' => $rs->__get('comment_email'), ]; } return $users; } public static function encode($x) { $y = is_array($x) ? $x : []; return json_encode($y); } public static function decode($x) { $y = json_decode($x, true); return is_array($y) ? $y : []; } }