# README ![Stable image](https://github.com/JcDenis/docker-dotclear/actions/workflows/release_stable.yml/badge.svg) ![Unstable image](https://github.com/JcDenis/docker-dotclear/actions/workflows/release_unstable.yml/badge.svg) ## THE SHORT WAY In your futur server, with Docker compose installed, execute: curl -fsSL -o docker-compose.yaml https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JcDenis/docker-dotclear/refs/heads/master/docker-compose.yaml && docker-compose up -d ## WHAT IS DOTCLEAR Dotclear is an open-source web publishing software. Take control over your blog! Dotclear project's purpose is to provide a user-friendly tool allowing anyone to publish on the web, regardless of their technical skills. => https://dotclear.org/ ## WHAT IS DOCKER-DOTCLEAR This repository contains all features to build or run Dotclear on a Docker environment. It is hightly based on work from [darknao](https://github.com/darknao/docker-dotclear). * Dotclear docker images are avaialable at [Docker hub](https://hub.docker.com/r/jcpd/docker-dotclear) * Dotclear docker sources are avaialable at [Github repository](https://github.com/JcDenis/docker-dotclear) ### TAGS Docker image tag is based on __Alpine Linux OS, Nginx server and PHP-FPM language__. It is composed of Dotclear version or release type: * x.x : A given Dotclear version (ex: 2.31.1) * latest : The latest stable Dotclear release * dev : A Dotclear unstable (nightly) release To build image from stable canal, from the Dokerfile path, execute: docker build -t dotclear:latest --build-arg CANAL=stable . Or to build image from unstable canal, from the Dokerfile path, execute: docker build -t dotclear:dev --build-arg CANAL=unstable . Builds should support: * postgresql and mysql database * linux/386 and linux/amd64 and linux/arm/V6 plateforms ### DOCKER Exemple of a docker compose file with a mariadb database: services: # MYSQL database service dc_db: image: mariadb:latest container_name: dotcleardb restart: unless-stopped command: --transaction-isolation=READ-COMMITTED --log-bin=binlog --binlog-format=ROW volumes: - dc_db:/var/lib/mysql environment: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: dotclear_root MYSQL_DATABASE: dotclear_db MYSQL_USER: dotclear_user MYSQL_PASSWORD: dotclear_pwd # PHP-FPM Service dc_app: image: jcpd/docker-dotclear:latest container_name: dotclearphp restart: unless-stopped volumes: - dc_app:/var/www/dotclear ports: - 80:80 depends_on: - dc_db # MYSQL database service environment: # These variables are only used for first install, see inc/config.php DC_DBDRIVER: mysqlimb4 # MYSQL full UTF-8 DC_DBHOST: dc_db # MYSQL database service DC_DBNAME: dotclear_db # MYSQL_DATABASE DC_DBUSER: dotclear_user # MYSQL_USER DC_DBPASSWORD: dotclear_pwd # MYSQL_PASSWORD DC_DBPREFIX: dc_ # Database tables prefix DC_ADMINMAILFROM: contact@exemple.com # Dotclear mail from volumes: dc_app: # NGINX (dotclear) volume dc_db: # MYSQL (database) volume * You __MUST__ replace database USER and PASSWORD by something else. Then execute: docker-compose up -d Dotclear is now available on your server host at http://locahost/ On first run Dotclear does its installation process and ask you to create a first user. On first run you should wait that container download and install required version of Dotclear, this may takes a while... ### BLOG __Standard configuration__ These images use Dotclear URL rewriting in PATH INFO mode. By default URL and path should be corrected by a custom plugin automatically. Blogs URLs looks like: * http://localhost/default/ * http://localhost/blog2/ * ... Blogs administration is available at http://localhost/admin When you create a new blog in standard configuration, you must use the _blog_id_ with the trailing slash in blog URL setting like http://localhost/blog_id/ __Non standard configuration__ Setup nginx server configuration (see bellow): * adapt _/var/www/dotclear/servers/*.conf_ to your needs Then to configure blog: * go to the administration interface at http://my_custom_domain/admin, * left side menu _Blog settings_ * panel _Advanced parameters_ * set _Blog URL_ to http://my_custom_domain/ (with trailing slash) * set _URL scan method_ to 'PATH_INFO' Then fix public_path and public_url for the blog: * go to the administration interface at http://my_custom_domain/admin, * left side menu _about:config_ * panel _system_ * set _public_path_ to the real path on system to public directory of the blog * set _public_url_ to the URL of the public directory of the blog ### STRUCTURE Default root path of this image structure is in __/var/www/dotclear__ with sub folders: * _app_ : Dotclear software files * _blogs_ : Blogs public directories * _cache_ : Dotclear template cache * _plugins_ : Third party plugins directory * _servers_ : Nginx servers configurations * _var_ : Dotclear var directory ### UPGRADE To upgrade Dotclear to next version, just pull latest image and restart the docker container (recommanded) or use Dotclear buitin update system. Reminder: a dedicated dashboard is available at http://localhost/admin/upgrade.php ### TODO * Add better cache management. From another container or from Dotclear container. * Add mail support. * Enhance server and php configuration. From x.conf files. ### CONTRIBUTING This image is an open source project. If you'd like to contribute, please read the [CONTRIBUTING file](/CONTRIBUTING.md). You can submit a pull request, or feel free to use any other way you'd prefer. ### LICENSE Copyright Jean-Christian Paul Denis AGPL-v3 This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . Dotclear software is licensed under AGPL-3, Copyright Olivier Meunier & Association Dotclear