
51 lines
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bug jsToolBar !
1.0 - 2022.12.xx
* update to dotclear 2.24
v0.9 - 19-07-2015 - Pierre Van Glabek
* héritabe thème mustek
* dc2.8 requis
v0.8.1 - 22-04-2015 - Pierre Van Glabeke
* modif url support
* modif tpl (validation html5)
v0.8 - 20-02-2015 - Pierre Van Glabeke
* ajout barre d'édition dcLegacyEditor
* correction tpl mustek disclaimer.html
v0.7 - 16-01-2015 - Pierre Van Glabeke
* compatibilité dc2.7
* modification tpl pour html5 (currywurst et mustek)
* modification localisation
* modification fichier css
v0.6.2 - 2013-11-14
* Switch to Dotclear 2.6
v0.6.1 - 2010-11-12
* Fixed install on nightly build
* Fixed some post fields
v0.6 - 2010-06-05
* Switched to DC 2.2
v0.5 - 2009-12-13
* Added versioning
* Prepared DC 2.2 break
v0.4.1 - 2009-11-12
* Fixed ''header'' errors on public side
v0.4 - 2009-09-23
* Fixed DC 2.1.6 URL handlers ending
v0.3 - 2009-09-15
* Fixed search engine indexing
* Added support of plugin dcAdvancedCleaner
v0.2 - 2009-08-16
* Fixed php 5.3 compatibility