163 lines
5.2 KiB

kUtRL 2023.10.19
* Require Dotclear 2.28
* Require PHP 8.1
* Upgrade to Dotclear 2.28
* Upgrade plugin activityReport
kUtRL 2023.08.21
* Require Dotclear 2.27
* Require PHP 8.1
* Upgrade to Dotclear 2.27 stable
* Move to namespace
* Move third party repository
* Use Database SQL Statements
* Use Helper Forms
* Use Dotclear style for CHANGELOG
kUtRL 2022.12.22
* use SVG icon
* use dc methods for widgets
* use constant for table name
* use abstract plugin id and settings namespace
* change settings id to shortest ones
* fix install
* fix permissions
kUtRL 2022.11.20
* fix compatibility with Dotclear 2.24 (required)
kUtRL 2021.11.06
* never fix breaking comments or complexe public url (add warning)
* fix permissions (dc 2.20)
* fix js load
* fix various bugs, typo and ui enhancment
* add user pref on table cols
* add user pref on filters (dc 2.20)
* add constant to disable service on entire plateform
* re-add bit.ly (partially)
* move settings to plugin config page
* update translations (and remove .lang.php file)
* update to PSR12
kUtRL 2021.09.16
* remove deprecated external service
* update php header to phpdoc style
* fix post page options display
* hack plugin permission to load plugin and shorten url on the fly
kUtRL 2021.08.28 - pre release
* add dashboard icon
* clean PSR-2 codding style and short array
* fix php 7.3+ and php 8.0.x compatibility
* fix compatibility with Dotclear 2.19
* create readme file
* merge index file sub parts
* update admin pager for links list
* remove custom js
* fix widgets rendering
* fix public template now based on dotty
* fix translation
kUtRL 2011.04.01
* Changed version numbering
* Added service su.pr (stumbleUpon)
* Fixed wiki settings (thanks @ploum )
kUtRL 1.0 - 2011.02.13
* Added generic class to easlily access services
* Changed generic service class (and class extend it)
* Fixed config of default service
* Fixed display of admin fake section
* Added checkbox helpers on admin
kUtRL 0.6.1 - 2011.01.30
* Cleaned up script
kUtRL 0.6 - 2011.01.18
* Added default defined service (for all blogs of a multiblog)
* Added configurable external service
* Added goog.gl client service (first step)
* Added default settings for third part plugins
* Added behaviors after short link creation
* Added attribute to disable URL shortining on template tag with 'active mode' (fixed bug on URL of POST form)
* Remove all messenger functions: this is to another plugin to do that
* Remove priority in plugin definition
kUtRL 0.5 - 2010.09.09
* Removed old Twitter functions
* Added StatusNet small functions (Identica)
* Required plugin Tac for Twitter ability
* Added YOURLS client service
kUtRL 0.4.2 - 2010.08.09
* Fixed bug on dcTwitter shorten service
* Fixed bug on custom local link
* Added category URL to active mode
* Added priority to plugin definition
kUtRL 0.4.1 - 2010.07.01
* Fixed multiple bugs
kUtRL 0.4 - 2010.06.28
* Switched to DC 2.2
* Fixed no short urls on preview mode
* Fixed lock hash of deleted urls
* Fixed hide new short url widget on kutrl pages
* Fixed typo
* Added active mode that shorten urls on default template values
* Added special tweeter message for post (can include post title)
* Added kutrl special 404 page
kUtRL 0.3.3 - 2010.05.28
* Fixed settings in tweeter class
* Renamed tweeter class
kUtRL 0.3.2 - 2010.05.25
* FIxed minor bugs
* Fixed DC 2.1.7
kUtRL 0.3 - 2010.04.14
* Added DC 2.2 compatibility (new settings)
* Added semi-custom hash on kUtRL service
* Added status update for Twitter/Identi.ca on new short link
* Added services error management (first step)
* Added options to widgets
* Upgraded bitly service to v3
* Changed admin design
kUtRL 0.2 - 2009.12.23
* Fixed public redirection with suffix
* Added short.to service
kUtRL 0.1.2 - 2009.12.12
* Added option to short url of new entry by default
* Fixed typo
kUtRL 0.1.1 - 2009.12.12
* Added option to display long url when unactive
* Fixed support of kutrl in feeds
kUtRL 0.1 - 2009.12.09
* First lab release