2.2 KiB
2.2 KiB
topWriter 1.3 - 2023.08.13
- Require Dotclear 2.27
- Require PHP 7.4
- Upgrade to Dotclear 2.27
- Move third party repository
- Use Dotclear style for CHANGELOG
topWriter 1.2 - 2023.04.23
- require dotclear 2.26
- use latest dotclear namespace
- use sql statement
- fix plural translations
- fix nullsafe warnings
topWriter 1.1 - 2023.03.21
- require Dotclear 2.25
- use namespace
topWriter 1.0 - 2022.12.23
- use dotclear methods for widgets
- fix permissions
topWriter 0.10 - 2022.11.20
- fix compatibility with Dotclear 2.24 (required)
topWriter 0.9 - 2021.11.06
- add dashboard module
- update translations
- update to PSR12
topWriter 0.8.1 - 2021.09.17
- fix plurals and better translation
- update readme file
topWriter 0.8 - 2021.08.27
- clean up (PSR2, short array, ...)
- update widget class
- fix translations
- update license
topWriter 0.7 - 25-04-2015 - Pierre Van Glabeke
- Modification url support
topWriter 0.6 - 23-01-2015 - Pierre Van Glabeke
- Modifications locales pour widget
topWriter 0.5 - 19-01-2015 - Pierre Van Glabeke
- Compatibilité dc2.7
topWriter 0.4 - 2013-11-12
- Switch to Dotclear 2.6
- Add widget options
- Use plural forms
topWriter 0.3 - 2010-10-06
- Switched to DC 2.2
- Fixed list order (thanks to Atv')
topWriter 0.2 - 2009-08-10
- Fixed php 5.3 compatibility
- Fixed PostGreSQL compatibility
- Added option to exclude post authors from comment list